6 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Effects of pathogen dependency in a multi-pathogen infectious disease system including population level heterogeneity – a simulation study
Time taken to reach the peak prevalence varies according to the household size distribution in the cohort. Populations with larger households on an average experienced the epidemics at an accelerated rate compared to populations with smaller households on an average. (PNG 24 kb
Additional file 1: of Feasibility of a birth cohort study dedicated to assessing acute infections using symptom diaries and parental collection of biomaterials
Variables of the symptom diary and required form of entry. (DOCX 31 kb
Additional file 1: of Care for MRSA carriers in the outpatient sector: a survey among MRSA carriers and physicians in two regions in Germany
Questionnaire for physicians working in the outpatient sector. (PDF 217 kb
Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Care for MRSA carriers in the outpatient sector: a survey among MRSA carriers and physicians in two regions in Germany
Recruitment of MRSA carriers. (PDF 178 kb
Additional file 1: of Influence of demographic changes on the impact of vaccination against varicella and herpes zoster in Germany – a mathematical modelling study
Influence of demographic changes on the impact of vaccination against varicella and herpes zoster in Germany – a mathematical modelling study (technical appendix). (DOCX 1750 kb