21 research outputs found

    Aerial Surveys Give New Estimates for Orangutans in Sabah, Malaysia

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    Great apes are threatened with extinction, but precise information about the distribution and size of most populations is currently lacking. We conducted orangutan nest counts in the Malaysian state of Sabah (North Borneo), using a combination of ground and helicopter surveys, and provided a way to estimate the current distribution and size of the populations living throughout the entire state. We show that the number of nests detected during aerial surveys is directly related to the estimated true animal density and that a helicopter is an efficient tool to provide robust estimates of orangutan numbers. Our results reveal that with a total estimated population size of about 11,000 individuals, Sabah is one of the main strongholds for orangutans in North Borneo. More than 60% of orangutans living in the state occur outside protected areas, in production forests that have been through several rounds of logging extraction and are still exploited for timber. The role of exploited forests clearly merits further investigation for orangutan conservation in Sabah

    Genetic signature of anthropogenic population collapse in orang-utans.

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    Great ape populations are undergoing a dramatic decline, which is predicted to result in their extinction in the wild from entire regions in the near future. Recent findings have particularly focused on African apes, and have implicated multiple factors contributing to this decline, such as deforestation, hunting, and disease. Less well-publicised, but equally dramatic, has been the decline in orang-utans, whose distribution is limited to parts of Sumatra and Borneo. Using the largest-ever genetic sample from wild orang-utan populations, we show strong evidence for a recent demographic collapse in North Eastern Borneo and demonstrate that this signature is independent of the mutation and demographic models used. This is the first demonstration that genetic data can detect and quantify the effect of recent, human-induced deforestation and habitat fragmentation on an endangered species. Because current demographic collapses are usually confounded by ancient events, this suggests a much more dramatic decline than demographic data alone and emphasises the need for major conservation efforts

    Patterns of genetic diversity and migration in increasingly fragmented and declining orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus) populations from Sabah, Malaysia

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    We investigated the genetic structure within and among Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) in forest fragments of the Lower Kinabatangan flood plain in Sabah, Malaysia. DNA was extracted from hair and faecal samples for 200 wild individuals collected during boat surveys on the Kinabatangan River. Fourteen microsatellite loci were used to characterize patterns of genetic diversity. We found that genetic diversity was high in the set of samples (mean HE = 0.74) and that genetic differentiation was significant between the samples (average FST = 0.04, P < 0.001) with FST values ranging from low (0.01) to moderately large (0.12) values. Pairwise FST values were significantly higher across the Kinabatangan River than between samples from the same river side, thereby confirming the role of the river as a natural barrier to gene flow. The correlation between genetic and geographical distance was tested by means of a series of Mantel tests based on different measures of geographical distance. We used a Bayesian method to estimate immigration rates. The results indicate that migration is unlikely across the river but cannot be completely ruled out because of the limited FST values. Assignment tests confirm the overall picture that gene flow is limited across the river. We found that migration between samples from the same side of the river had a high probability indicating that orang-utans used to move relatively freely between neighbouring areas. This strongly suggests that there is a need to maintain migration between isolated forest fragments. This could be done by restoring forest corridors alongside the river banks and between patches

    Population Size Change

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    <p>Solid curves correspond to the posterior distributions under a model of exponential population size change. Dashed curves were obtained under a model of linear change. Thin and thick lines correspond to results obtained for populations S1 and S2, respectively (see main text for details). <i>r</i> = <i>N<sub>0</sub></i>/<i>N<sub>1</sub></i> represents the ratio of present <i>(N<sub>0</sub>)</i> to past <i>(N<sub>1</sub>)</i> population size. Whichever demographic model or population is used, there is no support for positive values (increase in population size) or values close to zero (no significant change in population size). The prior distribution is shown for comparison (flat dotted line).</p

    Time since the Population Collapse

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    <p>The posterior distribution for the time since the population collapse is represented on a logarithmic scale. These distributions have a median around 210 y. Most of their mass is concentrated in recent years with a sharp decrease as time goes back. Indeed, 10%, 20%, 50%, 80%, and 90% of the distribution mass are below 10, 35, 210, 950, and 1,900 y, respectively. The thin and thick lines correspond to S1 and S2, respectively. The prior is shown as a dashed line, its median being 100,000 y ago (see text). The vertical dashed line corresponds to the 95% quantile of the posterior distribution. Arrows correspond to the dates of arrival of the first hunter-gatherers (HG) or farmers (F), or to the start of the forest exploitation (FE).</p

    Time since the Population Collapse (in Years)

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    <p>The two curves represent the posterior distributions for S1 (solid line) and S2 (dashed line) in a natural rather than a logarithmic scale. The two posterior distributions are nearly indistinguishable and clearly show that the orang-utan population collapse most likely started in the last decades. The vertical dashed and dotted lines correspond to the 95% quantile of the posterior distributions for S1 and S2, respectively. The arrows correspond to the dates of arrival of the first farmers (F) or to the start of the forest exploitation (FE). The arrival of the first hunter-gatherers would be far outside this figure on the right, some 40,000 y ago.</p

    Ancestral and Present Population Sizes

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    <p>The posterior distributions are represented in a logarithmic scale and show very little overlap, confirming that <i>N<sub>0</sub></i> is much smaller than <i>N<sub>1</sub></i>. This result holds for the two populations analysed. The thin and thick lines correspond to S1 and S2, respectively. The priors are also shown for <i>N<sub>0</sub></i> (dotted line) and <i>N<sub>1</sub></i> (dashed line).</p