29 research outputs found

    Emergence of nanoscale inhomogeneity in the superconducting state of a homogeneously disordered conventional superconductor, NbN

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    The notion of spontaneous formation of an inhomogeneous superconducting state is at the heart of most theories attempting to understand the superconducting state in the presence of strong disorder. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy and high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, we experimentally demonstrate that under the competing effects of strong homogeneous disorder and superconducting correlations, the superconducting state of a conventional superconductor, NbN, spontaneously segregates into domains. Tracking these domains as a function of temperature we observe that the superconducting domains persist across the bulk superconducting transition, Tc, and disappear close to the pseudogap temperature, T*, where signatures of superconducting correlations disappear from the tunneling spectrum and the superfluid response of the system

    A blockchain and deep neural networks-based secure framework for enhanced crop protection

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    The problem faced by one farmer can also be the problem of some other farmer in other regions. Providing information to farmers and connecting them has always been a challenge. Crowdsourcing and community building are considered as useful solutions to these challenges. However, privacy concerns and inactivity of users can make these models inefficient. To tackle these challenges, we present a cost-efficient and blockchain-based secure framework for building a community of farmers and crowdsourcing the data generated by them to help the farmers’ community. Apart from ensuring privacy and security of data, a revenue model is also incorporated to provide incentives to farmers. These incentives would act as a motivating factor for the farmers to willingly participate in the process. Through integration of a deep neural network-based model to our proposed framework, prediction of any abnormalities present within the crops and their predicted possible solutions would be much more coherent. The simulation results demonstrate that the prediction of plant pathology model is highly accurate

    Resolving mechanisms of immune-mediated disease in primary CD4 T cells

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    ABSTRACT Deriving mechanisms of immune-mediated disease from GWAS data remains a formidable challenge, with attempts to identify causal variants being frequently hampered by linkage disequilibrium. To determine whether causal variants could be identified via their functional effects, we adapted a massively-parallel reporter assay for use in primary CD4 T-cells, key effectors of many immune-mediated diseases. Using the results to guide further study, we provide a generalisable framework for resolving disease mechanisms from non-coding associations – illustrated by a locus linked to 6 immune-mediated diseases, where the lead functional variant causally disrupts a super-enhancer within an NF-κB-driven regulatory circuit, triggering unrestrained T-cell activation

    Oral administration of bovine milk-derived extracellular vesicles induces senescence in the primary tumor but accelerates cancer metastasis

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    The concept that extracellular vesicles (EVs) from the diet can be absorbed by the intestinal tract of the consuming organism, be bioavailable in various organs, and in-turn exert phenotypic changes is highly debatable. Here, we isolate EVs from both raw and commercial bovine milk and characterize them by electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, western blotting, quantitative proteomics and small RNA sequencing analysis. Orally administered bovine milk-derived EVs survive the harsh degrading conditions of the gut, in mice, and is subsequently detected in multiple organs. Milk-derived EVs orally administered to mice implanted with colorectal and breast cancer cells reduce the primary tumor burden. Intriguingly, despite the reduction in primary tumor growth, milk-derived EVs accelerate metastasis in breast and pancreatic cancer mouse models. Proteomic and biochemical analysis reveal the induction of senescence and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cancer cells upon treatment with milk-derived EVs. Timing of EV administration is critical as oral administration after resection of the primary tumor reverses the pro-metastatic effects of milk-derived EVs in breast cancer models. Taken together, our study provides context-based and opposing roles of milk-derived EVs as metastasis inducers and suppressors

    OBJECT 3DIT: Language-guided 3D-aware Image Editing

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    Existing image editing tools, while powerful, typically disregard the underlying 3D geometry from which the image is projected. As a result, edits made using these tools may become detached from the geometry and lighting conditions that are at the foundation of the image formation process. In this work, we formulate the newt ask of language-guided 3D-aware editing, where objects in an image should be edited according to a language instruction in context of the underlying 3D scene. To promote progress towards this goal, we release OBJECT: a dataset consisting of 400K editing examples created from procedurally generated 3D scenes. Each example consists of an input image, editing instruction in language, and the edited image. We also introduce 3DIT : single and multi-task models for four editing tasks. Our models show impressive abilities to understand the 3D composition of entire scenes, factoring in surrounding objects, surfaces, lighting conditions, shadows, and physically-plausible object configurations. Surprisingly, training on only synthetic scenes from OBJECT, editing capabilities of 3DIT generalize to real-world images

    Challenges in Emerging Vaccines and Future Promising Candidates against SARS-CoV-2 Variants

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    Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) virus has evolved into variants with varied infectivity. Vaccines developed against COVID-19 infection have boosted immunity, but there is still uncertainty on how long the immunity from natural infection or vaccination will last. The present study attempts to outline the present level of information about the contagiousness and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest and variants of concern (VOCs). The keywords like COVID-19 vaccine types, VOCs, universal vaccines, bivalent, and other relevant terms were searched in NCBI, Science Direct, and WHO databases to review the published literature. The review provides an integrative discussion on the current state of knowledge on the type of vaccines developed against SARS-CoV-2, the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines concerning the VOCs, and prospects of novel universal, chimeric, and bivalent mRNA vaccines efficacy to fend off existing variants and other emerging coronaviruses. Genomic variation can be quite significant, as seen by the notable differences in impact, transmission rate, morbidity, and death during several human coronavirus outbreaks. Therefore, understanding the amount and characteristics of coronavirus genetic diversity in historical and contemporary strains can help researchers get an edge over upcoming variants