1,968 research outputs found

    On the efficient numerical solution of lattice systems with low-order couplings

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    We apply the Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) and recursive numerical integration methods to evaluate the Euclidean, discretized time path-integral for the quantum mechanical anharmonic oscillator and a topological quantum mechanical rotor model. For the anharmonic oscillator both methods outperform standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods and show a significantly improved error scaling. For the quantum mechanical rotor we could, however, not find a successful way employing QMC. On the other hand, the recursive numerical integration method works extremely well for this model and shows an at least exponentially fast error scaling

    The 25 October 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake (M_w 7.8) and the tsunami hazard presented by shallow megathrust ruptures

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    The 25 October 2010 Mentawai, Indonesia earthquake (M_w 7.8) ruptured the shallow portion of the subduction zone seaward of the Mentawai islands, off-shore of Sumatra, generating 3 to 9 m tsunami run-up along southwestern coasts of the Pagai Islands that took at least 431 lives. Analyses of teleseismic P, SH and Rayleigh waves for finite-fault source rupture characteristics indicate ∼90 s rupture duration with a low rupture velocity of ∼1.5 km/s on the 10° dipping megathrust, with total slip of 2–4 m over an ∼100 km long source region. The seismic moment-scaled energy release is 1.4 × 10^(−6), lower than 2.4 × 10^(−6) found for the 17 July 2006 Java tsunami earthquake (M_w 7.8). The Mentawai event ruptured up-dip of the slip region of the 12 September 2007 Kepulauan earthquake (M_w 7.9), and together with the 4 January 1907 (M 7.6) tsunami earthquake located seaward of Simeulue Island to the northwest along the arc, demonstrates the significant tsunami generation potential for shallow megathrust ruptures in regions up-dip of great underthrusting events in Indonesia and elsewhere

    Mesons from global Anti-de Sitter space

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    In the context of gauge/gravity duality, we study both probe D7-- and probe D5--branes in global Anti-de Sitter space. The dual field theory is N=4 theory on R x S^3 with added flavour. The branes undergo a geometrical phase transition in this geometry as function of the bare quark mass m_q in units of 1/R with R the S^3 radius. The meson spectra are obtained from fluctuations of the brane probes. First, we study them numerically for finite quark mass through the phase transition. Moreover, at zero quark mass we calculate the meson spectra analytically both in supergravity and in free field theory on R x S^3 and find that the results match: For the chiral primaries, the lowest level is given by the zero point energy or by the scaling dimension of the operator corresponding to the fluctuations, respectively. The higher levels are equidistant. Similar results apply to the descendents. Our results confirm the physical interpretation that the mesons cannot pair-produce any further when their zero-point energy exceeds their binding energy.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figures, references edited, few typos corrected, updated to match the published versio

    Holographic Flavor Transport in Arbitrary Constant Background Fields

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    We use gauge-gravity duality to compute a new transport coefficient associated with a number Nf of massive N=2 supersymmetric hypermultiplet fields propagating through an N=4 SU(Nc) super-Yang-Mills theory plasma in the limits of large Nc and large 't Hooft coupling, with Nf << Nc. We introduce a baryon number density as well as arbitrary constant electric and magnetic fields, generalizing previous calculations by including a magnetic field with a component parallel to the electric field. We can thus compute all components of the conductivity tensor associated with transport of baryon number charge, including a component never before calculated in gauge-gravity duality. We also compute the contribution that the flavor degrees of freedom make to the stress-energy tensor, which exhibits divergences associated with the rates of energy and momentum loss of the flavor degrees of freedom. We discuss two currents that are free from these divergences, one of which becomes anomalous when the magnetic field has a component parallel to the electric field and hence may be related to recent study of charge transport in the presence of anomalies.Comment: 27 page

    Проект функционального размещения нестационарных торговых объектов на территории муниципального образования "Город Томск"

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 125 с., 13 рис., 9 табл., 31 источников, 6 приложений. Ключевые слова: потребительский рынок, нестационарный торговый объект, земельный участок, земли муниципальной собственности, размещение, киоск, павильон, ярмарка, критерии, аукцион, схема размещения НТО, территориальные зоны, типовой проект. Объектом исследования является земельный участок, находящий на землях муниципальной собственности или неразграниченной государственной собственности, находящийся по адресу: Томская обл., г. Томск, р-н Октябрьский, ул. Пушкина, 56/1 ст1. Цель работы - разработка проекта функционального размещения НТО на территории муниципального образования «Город Томск». В процессе выполнения выпускной квалификационной работы проводилось изучение теоретических аспектов ноFinale qualifiziert Arbeit enthält 125 p., 13 Abb., 9 Tabellen., 31 Quellen, 6-Anwendungen. Stichwort: Verbrauchermarkt, unsicherer gewerbliche Immobilien, Grundstücke, stadteigenen Grundstück, Unterkunft, Kioske, Pavillons, faire Kriterien, Auktion, Layout NTO, territorialen Bereich, ein Modellprojekt. Das Ziel der Forschung ist ein Grundstück, auf dem Land befindet oder auf nicht-kommunalen Eigentums, Staatseigentum, an der Adresse:. Tomsk, Tomsk, Oktyabrskiy Bezirk Str. Puschkin, 56/1 CT1. Der Zweck der Arbeit - Entwicklung funktioneller Unterkunft NTO im Gebiet der Gemeinde "Stadt Tomsk". Während der Ausführung der letzten Qualifikationsarbeiten durchgeführt, die theoretischen Aspekte des Rechts zu studieren - Rechtsrahmen für die Regulierung und Platzierung NTO in Tomsk. Die Studie i

    Household food insecurity positively associated with increased hospital charges for infants

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    Objective: To test whether household food insecurity (HFI) was associated with total annual hospitalization charges, annual days hospitalized, and charges per day, among low-income infants (months) with any non-neonatal hospital stays. Methods: Administrative inpatient hospital charge data were matched to survey data from infants\u27 caregivers interviewed 1998-2005 in emergency departments in Boston and Little Rock. All study infants had been hospitalized at least once since birth; infants whose diagnoses were not plausibly related to nutrition were excluded from both groups. Log-transformed hospitalization charges were analyzed, controlling for site fixed effects. Results: 24% of infants from food-insecure households and 16% from food-secure households were hospitalized \u3e2 times (P=0.02). Mean annual inpatient hospital charges (6,707vs6,707 vs 5,735; P Conclusion: HFI was positively associated with annual inpatient charges among hospitalized low income infants. Average annual inpatient charges were almost $2,000 higher (inflation adjusted) for infants living in food-insecure households. Reducing or eliminating food insecurity could reduce health services utilization and expenditures for infants in low-income families, most of whom are covered by public health insurance

    Non-Equilibrium Field Dynamics of an Honest Holographic Superconductor

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    Most holographic models of superconducting systems neglect the effects of dynamical boundary gauge fields during the process of spontaneous symmetry-breaking. Usually a global symmetry gets broken. This yields a superfluid, which then is gauged "weakly" afterwards. In this work we build (and probe the dynamics of) a holographic model in which a local boundary symmetry is spontaneously broken instead. We compute two-point functions of dynamical non-Abelian gauge fields in the normal and in the broken phase, and find non-trivial gapless modes. Our AdS3 gravity dual realizes a p-wave superconductor in (1+1) dimensions. The ground state of this model also breaks (1+1)-dimensional parity spontaneously, while the Hamiltonian is parity-invariant. We discuss possible implications of our results for a wider class of holographic liquids.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures; v3: string theory derivation of setup added (section 3.1), improved presentation, version accepted by JHEP; v2: paragraph added to discussion, figure added, references added, typos correcte