3 research outputs found

    The search for identity in The Black Album

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    Identity is something that is formed through the experiences and influences that happen to us as individuals throughout life. How a person’s identity is formed is something that is both interesting and fascinating. Hanif Kureishi’s The Black Album takes place in today’s Britain. His main character Shahid is, in his search for his true self and identity, torn between his fanatical friends, a multicultural interracial love affair and the historical baggage of postcolonial Britain. The author does not serve the reader with an easy solution to how identity is found, but more a true reflection of life itself, and that is what the book is all about. It is simply and convincingly a realistic account of a person’s search for identity in today’s multicultural Britain and all the complexity that comes with it.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    English and other languages : an attitude study among upper secondary school students

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    The purpose of this work is to find out what upper secondary school students views are on the English language and other foreign languages. The importance of the English language, the lingua franca of our time, is evident and more and more people around the world speak English. Knowledge of languages is essential today, the European Commission has put on the member states to improve their citizens’ language skills to the year 2010 and this includes English as well as other languages spoken in the EU. Students in this survey think that it is important to know English to be able to communicate with others. Other foreign language skills are considered good but for the majority of the students not so necessary. The survey also shows that female students study more languages and at higher levels than the male students and there is also a difference in language studies between the programmes in upper secondary school.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    The search for identity in Anita and Me and The Buddha of Suburbia

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    Some identities come with birth, others are given to us, and some we require ourselves through life. One of the most important factors affecting our identity, is connected to the encounters that are made throughout life. Identity is threfore not something static but rather something that undergoes a continuous evolution. This essay consists of the following chpters: chapter one serves as a background to how a person's identity is formed and circumstances that may effect this evolution, such as immigrant background: chapter two deals with how community, the parents' identity and the family influences identity, and the final chapter deals with the effects of prejudice and the possibilities for the future.Validerat; 20101217 (root