5,157 research outputs found

    Mexicans in the U.S and HIV: Reviewing Social and Cultural Factors

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    Mexican immigrants in the United States continue to struggle with disproportionate incidences of HIV infection. Behaviors that contributed to the development of AIDS among Mexican immigrants were the lack of condom use, engaging in risky sexual behavior, and not having HIV testing (Martínez Donate, et al., 2015). While these risk factors are preventable, religious and social stigmatization present within the Mexican community generate shame and embarrassment. This discourages Mexican immigrants from seeking health services, such as HIV testing. An estimated 20% of HIV positive Mexican immigrants are unaware of their condition, and contribute to the spread of the virus (Hall HI, et al., 2013). This paper will examine methods that address higher incidences of risky behaviors that contribute to the transmission of HIV within the Mexican immigrant population. Examining Marianismo, Machismo, Familismo, and Curanderismo’s influence on gender roles, provides insight towards the complexity of how attitudes towards sexuality, fidelity, and lay definitions of health within the context of the American health care system is crucial to successfully treat this particular population. Mexican immigrants in the United States continue to face obstacles that disproportionately affect their reception to HIV prevention education. Developing strategies that overcome these challenges should incorporate consideration of cultural beliefs and social constructs that could inhibit reception to sex education and treatment. Creating new HIV education programs that engage positive social values present within Mexican immigrant communities has the potential for successfully reducing HIV infection

    Effects of the inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus of the genus Glomus on growth and leaf mineral concentrations of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon)

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    The effects of root inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi (genus Glomus) on growth and leaf mineral concentrations of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) were studied under the growth conditions of Central Chile. Inoculation enhanced the uptake of N and K and vegetative growth but decreased the foliar concentration, but not necessarily the uptake of P

    Delayed treatment with nimesulide reduces measures of oxidative stress following global ischemic brain injury in gerbils

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    Metabolism of arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase is one of the primary sources of reactive oxygen species in the ischemic brain. Neuronal overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 has recently been shown to contribute to neurodegeneration following ischemic injury. In the present study, we examined the possibility that the neuroprotective effects of the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor nimesulide would depend upon reduction of oxidative stress following cerebral ischemia. Gerbils were subjected to 5 min of transient global cerebral ischemia followed by 48 h of reperfusion and markers of oxidative stress were measured in hippocampus of gerbils receiving vehicle or nimesulide treatment at three different clinically relevant doses (3, 6 or 12 mg/kg). Compared with vehicle, nimesulide significantly (P<0.05) reduced hippocampal glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation, as assessed by the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), 4-hydroxy-alkenals (4-HDA) and lipid hydroperoxides levels, even when the treatment was delayed until 6 h after ischemia. Biochemical evidences of nimesulide neuroprotection were supported by histofluorescence findings using the novel marker of neuronal degeneration Fluoro-Jade B. Few Fluoro-Jade B positive cells were seen in CA1 region of hippocampus in ischemic animals treated with nimesulide compared with vehicle. These results suggest that nimesulide may protect neurons by attenuating oxidative stress and reperfusion injury following the ischemic insult with a wide therapeutic window of protection

    The NFC tag structure in AmI Environment

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    The N ear Field Communications (NFC) enabled mobile phones are excellent devices to obtain services whit minimal effort: touching interaction. We propose the implementation of an Ambient Intelligence Environment with the single use of NFC technology (AmIE - NFC), which was developed in an environment with already existing computer infrastructure. In this environment, services from devices are controlled or requested simply by touching. We put a tag - NFC on each element or device. This work explains the tag - NFC structure to implement an AmIE - NFC and information flow when a user requests a service

    Rel principal cultivo de la Argentina : la soja: riesgos y ventajas

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    Fil: Alvarez, Carina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina.Fil: Mulin, Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina.Frente al proceso de expansión del cultivo de la soja es preciso reflexionar acerca de sus\nconsecuencias a propósito de la sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos. La gran expansión de la\nsoja se ha apoyado en su capacidad para producir satisfactoriamente en distintos ambientes\nagroecológicos, la posibilidad de implantar un cultivo estival como segunda siembra, luego de uno de\ninvierno (por ej.: trigo, avena, cebada, etc.) y por presentar un bajo requerimiento de inversión en\ncapital, y ser el cultivo que se realiza en mayor proporción bajo el sistema de siembra directa. Pero la\nsoja presenta también factores que ponen en riesgo la sustentabilidad, como la fuerte tendencia al\nmonocultivo, el balance negativo de nutrientes "consume más de lo que aporta" y el bajo aporte de\nresiduos de cosecha al suelo

    Modas administrativas : muchas promesas fallidas

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    Los empresarios colombianos aplican tecnologías y/o herramientas de gestión que no han cumplido con su propósito y expectativas. Esta investigación que se desarrolló en doscientas una grandes y pequeñas empresas hace seguimiento a las tecnologías que están empleando los empresarios, tales como la planeación estratégica, la atención al cliente y otras. Sin embargo, éstas fracasan al no tener resultados en el corto plazo, además, los gerentes escogen tales tecnologías descuidando el proceso de aplicación teniendo como consecuencia el bajo compromiso de los empleados. De esta forma se ha convertido en modas administrativas pasajeras que no han logrado hacer parte de la gestión de las empresas