10 research outputs found

    'I Get Money for What I Like Doing Best': The Class Origin of Young Blue-Collar Workers and their Commitment to Work

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    Applying Bourdieu’s theory of social reproduction, this article deals with workers’ family-of-origin class position and the associated socialisation processes as systematic influencers of individual work orientations and commitment to work. It draws on a study of young blue-collar workers in Austria to argue how growing up in a working-class setting shapes dispositions that contribute to the commitment to manual work. The results show how these dispositions influence the assessment of work and, in particular, support a positive relationship with manual work and physical activity

    Drawn to work: what makes apprenticeship training an attractive choice for the working-class

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    The article investigates mechanisms of class reproduction by looking at school-to-work transitions of young blue-collar workers from Austria. The study adopts a Bourdieusian explanatory framework to show how working-class kids are guided towards picking up apprenticeship training instead of pursuing further education. Two classed dispositions are presented as a crucial influence: first, a preference for practical and manual labour. Second, the embodiment of wage labour not only as an economic necessity but as a foundation for recognition and appreciation. The results point to the importance of analysing educational decision-making not only in the context of the educational system but also with regard to the labour market and the different values and meanings attached to both spheres

    Subjekt ohne Klasse? Zur sozialen Genese von Arbeitskraft in aktuellen Debatten um eine Subjektivierung von Arbeit

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    Die Diagnose einer "Subjektivierung von Arbeit" gilt heute als anerkannter Topos in der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie. Einer der vielbeachtesten Thesen dazu ist der von G. Günter Voß und Hans J. Pongratz skizzierte "Arbeitskraftunternehmer". In beiden spiegeln sich zum einen Umbrüche in der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsordnung, sie stehen zum anderen aber auch für Veränderungen innerhalb der Disziplin, im Zuge dessen Fragen nach der sozialen Klassenherkunft von Subjekten schrittweise verabschiedet wurden. Der Beitrag diskutiert am Beispiel der Arbeitskraftunternehmer-These theoretische wie empirische Auswirkungen dieser Verschiebung. Verloren geht dabei nicht nur der Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und individuellen Orientierungen, sondern insbesondere eine relationale Perspektive, welche die Wahrnehmung von Unterschieden, die auf einer kollektiven Ebene gelagert sind, erlaubt.The term "subjectivation of work" is well established in present debates in the sociology of work. One concept that has gained a great deal of attention is the "Arbeitskraftunternehmer" (labour power entrepreneur), put forward by G. Günter Voß and Hans Pongratz. Both reflect changes in the capitalist economic system, as well as changes within the discipline, leading to the dismissal of questions on the class background of individuals. Taking up the thesis of the labour-power entrepreneur, the paper discusses some of the theoretical and empirical implications for the understanding of social phenomena, when the social formation of employees is not considered adequately. Apart from the relationship between social position and individual orientations a relational perspective goes astray, which is necessary in order to grasp differences between individuals pointing towards collective patterns of distinction

    Symbolic struggles over solidarity in times of crisis: trade unions, civil society actors and the political far right in Austria

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    As a consequence of the recent financial and economic crisis, social cohesion and integration are in jeopardy all over Europe. In this context, scholars also speak of decreasing solidarity, which is defined as a normative obligation to help each other and to make sacrifices to reach common goals. By taking the empirical example of Austria, we argue that the meaning of solidarity is increasingly being contested. Various collective actors such as trade unions, civil society actors, but also right-wing populist parties are engaged in symbolic struggles over solidarity. To show this, we examine the different concepts and foundations of solidarity and analyse where and why they conflict with each other, referring to recent debates on political issues, such as the needs-based minimum benefit system and the access to the labour market for refugees

    The new means-tested minimum income in Austria : Discretion and regulation in practice

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    In 2010, the new means-tested minimum income was implemented by all Austrian provinces. The policy sought to replace the provincial standard benefit rates with a national minimum income threshold and for the job centres to serve as an accessible entry point for claimants. Using qualitative and quantitative data from a study conducted between 2010 and 2012, this paper analyses the implementation of the policy in two provinces, Styria and Upper Austria with a focus on discretion. It is shown that discretion has not been curtailed by the introduction of a national framework, by the provincial legislation nor by managerial reforms

    Start-up support for young people in the EU: From implementation to evaluation

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    Against a background of high youth unemployment, policymakers are paying more attention to encouraging young people to start their own businesses as a means of easing their entry into the labour market. As part of the Youth Guarantee, launched in 2013, several Member States have introduced start-up support measures for young job-seekers. However, these measures vary considerably in terms of their content, delivery and aims. This report provides an overview of the current start-up support measures targeted at young people, as well as other more general measures that have relevance for them. It also reviews evaluations of the impact of selected start-up support measures. In doing so, it highlights some of the key methodological issues and limitations of the evaluation exercise. An executive summary is available - see Related content