2 research outputs found

    Achieving Gold in Cambridge Lower Secondary Science Test

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    This study investigates students’ performance in the Cambridge Lower Secondary Test, especially in science subjects, after implementing the AIR (Auditory, Intellectually, and Repetition) learning model. The research subjects are ICP (International Class Program), totaling 16 students at SMP IT Albiruni Mandiri Makassar. The implementation of the AIR model is carried out since students are in stage 8 and continue to stage 9. The type of test for stages 7 and 8 is the Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test. The stage 9 test type is the Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint. The test results are described in the form of grades, namely Bronze, Silver, and Gold. At stage 7, the percentage of students who received Bronze was 68.75%, Silver 31.25%, and Gold 0.00%. There was a significant increase in stage 8, with 37.50% who got Bronze, 18.75% got Silver, and 43.75% got Gold. Then at stage 9, there was an increase of 68.75% of students who got Gold, 12.50% got Silver, and 18.75% got Bronz

    Implementasi Flipped Classroom Menggunakan Media Mind Mapping pada Asesmen Pembelajaran Kimia

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    One of the learning models that is in line with the transition of the curriculum from teacher-centered to student-centered, namely the flipped classroom model. This study aims to determine the effect of the flipped classroom model with mind mapping media on student learning outcomes in the chemistry learning assessment subject. The type of research used is quasi-experimental with a control-group post test only design. The research sample is chemistry education students in the fifth semester. A total of 33 students in the experimental class and 33 students in the control class. The experimental class uses the flipped classroom model with Mind mapping media. The control class uses a direct learning model with the discussion method. The instrument used is in the form of essay questions on the Mid Semester Examination and the Final Semester Examination. The data obtained were analyzed by Independent sample t-test using Microsoft Excel. The results obtained are t-stat > t-critical (t-stat = 4.29, t-critical = 1.67). The results of the analysis show that students who go through the learning process using the flipped classroom model with Mind mapping media have higher learning outcomes compared to students who use the direct learning model with the discussion method.     &nbsp