348 research outputs found

    The Global Context: International Child Health

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    Approximately 5000 children under 5 years died on 11 September 2001 from diarrhoea, about double the number of persons who were killed when two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Towers in New York. For many years prior to that day, and every day since then, approximately 5000 children under 5 years have died from diarrhoea, by and large preventable by eliminating poverty. In 2003 global expenditure on anti-terrorism measures was quoted to be approximately US551billion.TheUNMillenniumProjecthasestimatedthattocoverbasicneedsinhealth,education,water,sanitation,foodproduction,roadsandotherkeyareas,andachievetheMillenniumDevelopmentGoalsofthepoorestcountrieswouldcostUS551 billion. The UN Millennium Project has estimated that to cover basic needs in health, education, water, sanitation, food production, roads and other key areas, and achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the poorest countries would cost US160 billion per year. This can be achieved by the wealthy countries of the world donating 0.7 % of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Only 5 of the 13 wealthiest OECD countries currently meet that target. The contribution from the USA (which currently contributes 0.15%) would be approximately US60billion–thesameasthecostoftheIraqwarperyearforthefirsttwoyears,similartotheBushadministration’staxcutstothoseearningmorethanUS60 billion – the same as the cost of the Iraq war per year for the first two years, similar to the Bush administration’s tax cuts to those earning more than US500,000 per annum and approximately what Western Europe spends on alcohol every 6 months. Between 1990 and 2002 child health outcomes, particularly under 5 mortality rates world-wide have been improving except in the Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Republics) and some Sub-Saharan African countries, where under 5 mortality has deteriorated, and rates in Sub-Saharan Africa remain high. However, as overall rates have been falling, inequalities and inequities in child health outcomes within and between nations have been increasing. From 1970-2000 under 5 mortality decreased by 71% in high income countries, but by only 40% in low income countries. The aim of this chapter is to describe broadly the determinants of child health, to question the current approach to improving child health outcomes, particularly in low and middle income countries, and discuss possibilities for improving child health in poor countries and reduce inequalities and inequities, considering strategies at a global, national and local level. ISBN: 978019576495

    Predictors of Adherence to Pain Self-Management Strategies in Chronic Pain: Motivation to Change Pain Related Behaviour

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    Adherence to self-management strategies during multidisciplinary pain management interventions has been shown to be a significant predictor of pain outcomes. Despite these findings, the reasons patients adhere to self-management strategies is poorly understood. Therefore, it is difficult to know in what way to best improve adherence in order to maximise treatment-related gains. Readiness to adopt new pain behaviours has shown promise as a construct that can be used to predict adherence to prescribed pain behaviours.«br /» «br /» This research project comprised of an empirical study and a meta-analysis and systematic review. The meta-analysis and systematic review aimed to determine whether motivational interviewing approaches are effective in improving adherence, pain and physical function for patients with chronic pain. The results from seven studies indicate that MI leads to short-term increases in adherence to chronic pain treatments, although publication bias cannot be ruled out as an explanation for the findings. Further, it is as yet unclear whether these effects result in improvements in patient function.«br /» «br /» After establishing preliminary evidence that motivational interviewing approaches increase adherence to chronic pain treatment, an empirical study was established to explore the potential mechanisms associated with such increases. The study was primarily designed to determine whether readiness to adopt pain self-management strategies predicted these behaviours in a three-week multidisciplinary pain management program. The study also explored the relationship between individual’s beliefs about the perceived benefit in using self-management strategies and adherence to these strategies. The treating clinical psychologist rated participants adherence to each self-management strategy taught in the pain management program at the end of each week using a scale of 0 to 2, where 0 = ’not using the strategy at all’, 1 = ’using it inconsistently’, and 2 = ’using it consistently’.«br /» «br /» One hundred and nineteen participants consented to participate in the study. The major finding of this study was that individual’s perceived benefit in adopting self-management strategies early in treatment predicted small improvements in pain management coping behaviours in subsequent weeks of the program, particularly perceived benefit in the first week of the program. Interestingly, no strong bi-directional relationships were observed. That is, adherence did not predict individual’s perceived benefit in using self-management strategies in subsequent weeks. Contrary to expectations, readiness to adopt pain management strategies at baseline was not associated with adherence to self-management strategies during any week of the three-week program. Furthermore, this study failed to replicate the robust findings of past research that showed adherence to be an independent predictor of pain outcomes.«br /» «br /» The findings of this research project raises questions about the theoretical and clinical application of the transtheroetical model and the motivational model of pain self-management in chronic pain. Based on the findings, other health psychology models such as the health belief model may have more value for predicting adherence to chronic pain treatment. This research project also highlights the importance of individual’s expectancies and the process of change in chronic pain treatment. In particular, there is a need for more process-oriented research that assesses the temporal aspects of change so that an understanding of the mechanisms of change can be identified. This would in turn inform how current approaches to chronic pain treatment can be improved. Finally, the findings of the empirical study stress the need for valid and reliable measures of adherence that not only gauge participant adherence but therapist fidelity to therapeutic processes


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    This paper is about Sedition, a barbershop located in Darlinghurst, Sydney. As well as operating as a barber, owner Michael Joyce is an artist and uses his shop as a studio. Joyce lets members of the local arts community use the space to exhibit work, conduct interviews, play music, dance and put on performances, generally free of charge. The site is critically analysed through the lenses of modernity and postmodernity and when considered simultaneously the contrasting frames of reference serve to enhance our understanding of Sedition. Sedition can be seen as a microcosm for the present moment: both goal-oriented and irrational. Whilst seemingly incongruous or oppositional, understanding and appreciating the validity of both ideas of modernity and postmodernity in relation to the site allows us to understand not only the site itself but, by extension, the present moment. Sedition can be broken down into two parts: Sedition the business, which details the barbershop aspect of the venue, and Sedition the cultural hub, an after-hours venue with no regard for clear direction or for turning a profit. Examined separately, the two sides correspond to metanarratives of modernity and the questioning of those same metanarratives respectively, as outlined by Lyotard in The Postmodern Condition (1997). Examining business and hub side-by-side, whilst seemingly confusing, increases our understanding of the dichotomous nature of the site and serves to provide us with a means of understanding not only the site but the present moment in which we live, characterised by an unprecedented use of technology

    Social Comparison of Idealized Female Images and the Curation of Self on Pinterest

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    The online social network, Pinterest, has grown in significance since its introduction in 2010, perhaps because of its emphasis of visual content, known as “pins.” According to the Pew Research Center, when it comes to Pinterest, “Women are about five times as likely to be on the site as men, the largest difference in gender” among popular social networking sites. While the literature indicates that idealizes images in traditional advertising venues have a negative impact on women’s self-perceptions, the present study extends this research to consider how newer social media, Pinterest in particular, affects women’s body image and self-esteem. The empirical findings of the present study, based on the results of an online survey of women, will greater understanding of the degree to which exposure to idealized images on Pinterest have an effect on self-evaluations. The study is based on social comparison theory as a moderator of effects, along with body image and self-esteem. The findings will be of interest to those concerned with the unintended consequences of social media use

    Multidimensional Diffusion In Crystalline Solids

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    This study explored diffusion rates along a crystal lattice for multiple dimensions. We focused our attention on particle movement through a crystal lattice to determine how the diffusion rate for a crystalline solid depends on the number of spatial dimensions and the probability between diagonal and axis lattice site movement. We used a Monte Carlo approach to simulate the random walk of a particle confined to move between sites along a crystal lattice. The simulation predicted how the diffusion trajectory differed depending on dimensionality and movement probability. From the results obtained, we concluded that the largest diffusive growth for a particle occurred when the particle was confined to one dimension or to movement along the axis of the crystal lattice. During these conditions, the particle traveled the farthest final distance during the random walk.https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/urs2021phy/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Post Graduate Diploma in Health Professional Education

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    Funded by Education Development UnitCourse participants' knowledge and experience in health professional education will be strengthened in the areas of teaching and learning within a Primary Health Care system and curriculum. The interdisciplinary programme draws on selected theories of learning, teaching and assessment in higher education, health sciences education and approaches to health service delivery. The Faculty of Health Sciences offers a Post Graduate Diploma in Health Professional Education to enable working health professionals to reflect critically on the theory and practice of teaching in the classroom and clinical context and to assist in ensuring that health professionals are competently prepared to meet the health needs of the country

    South African Menopause Society revised consensus position statement on menopausal hormone therapy, 2014

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    PKThe South African Menopause Society (SAMS) consensus position statement on menopausal hormone therapy (HT) 2014 is a revision of the SAMS Council consensus statement on menopausal HT published in the SAMJ in May 2007. Information presented in the previous statement has been re-evaluated and new evidence has been incorporated. While the recommendations pertaining to HT remain similar to those in the previous statement, the 2014 revision includes a wider range of clinical benefits for HT, the inclusion of non-hormonal alternatives such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors for the management of vasomotor symptoms, and an appraisal of bioidentical hormones and complementary medicines used for treatment of menopausal symptoms. New preparations that are likely to be more commonly used in the future are also mentioned. The revised statement emphasises that commencing HT during the ‘therapeutic window of opportunity’ maximises the benefit-to-risk profile of therapy in symptomatic menopausal women

    El género y la mascarada en la fotografía de María Santibåñez

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    Este artigo propĂ”e que nas fotografias de MarĂ­a Sant ibåñez, entre 1920-1930, foram reproduzidos imaginĂĄrios e experiĂȘncias do corpo feminino capaz de atuar, que haviam sido apagados nas reconstruçÔes historiogrĂĄficas enraizadas na concepção da cultura mexicana como dicotomia entre a tradição e a modernidade. AtravĂ©s de temas estilĂ­sticos (greco-latino, oriental e espanhol), essas representaçÔes femininas criaram um espaço imaginativo para const ruir modelos de mulheres de classe mĂ©dia com uma vida interior “intensa”. Como fotĂłgrafa de estĂșdio, MarĂ­a Santibåñez invocou com essa iconografia uma tradição estetizante que elevou seu trabalho de fotografia comercial ao nĂ­vel de criação artĂ­stica e ao mesmo tempo afirmou uma experiĂȘncia cultural sobre o que tinha bom gosto, era delicado, e tinha “classe”.This article proposes that in MarĂ­a Santibåñez’ photographs between 1920- 1930, visual imaginaries and experiences of the feminine body’s agency were available to women, that have been made invisible by a deeply rooted historiographic dichotomy of Mexican culture torn between traditionand modernity. Through Greco-Roman, Oriental and Spanish themes, these feminine representations created an imaginative space to construct models for middle class women with an “intense” inner life. As a studio photographer, MarĂ­a Santibåñez invoked with this iconography an estheticizing tradition that elevated her commercial studio work to the level of artistic creation while at the same time asserted a cultural experience about what had good taste, was delicate and had “class”
