125 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Organizational Forms in the Software Industry and Legal Services

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    Law firms are expected to be controlled by the workers because given the difficulty of monitoring labor, the transaction cost would be very high and the essential human capital investment would be lacking in a form controlled by the capital suppliers. Expectations are confirmed by the data. However, following the same reasoning one can easily suggest that software firms should also be controlled by the labor suppliers given the similar difficulty of monitoring labor and essential human capital. As in a law firm, the software firm uses very generic capital such as offices, computers and programming languages. Moreover, the human capital of the software developer is indispensable and highly firm specific. While we observe widespread worker control in terms of partnerships in legal service industry, the majority of the software firms are not controlled by the labor suppliers: instead they are controlled by the capital suppliers.Organizational forms, Asset specificity

    Access to Credit: Microenterprises in Turkey

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    Access to external nance for small and medium enterprises is vital for survival and growth of such rms. In this paper we have analyzed the determinants of access to credit in microenterprises of Turkey. We use a unique dataset covering a large sample of microenterprises. We nd that size and signals of wealth positively aect the likelihood of getting a formal credit.Credit Markets, Informal Firms

    Corporate Governance Networks in Turkey

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    We provide an analysis of corporate governance networks implied by members of board of directors of 319 companies listed in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) for the year 2007. Our configuration yields a bipartite network for which we provide small world statistics in addition to the usual measures commonly used in network analysis. We find that the networks have low density. However, within the giant component, the average path among agents is very low and the clustering coefficient is considerably high.Corporate Governance, Networks


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    While the public good experiment has been used to analyze cooperation among various groups in Western Europe and North America, it has not been extensively used in other contexts such as Turkey. This project seeks to rectify that and explore how Turkish university students informally self govern. By employing the public good experiment among a cohort of students attending universities in Ýzmir, Turkey and Adýyaman, Turkey, we hope to quantitatively analyze the factors which lead to altruistic punishment, to antisocial punishment, and ultimately to enhanced cooperation in Turkish society.Cooperation, Free Riding, Altruism, Punishment, Trust, Experimental Economics, Public Good Experiments

    Growth engines of the South? South Africa's, Brazil's and Turkey's market constellations in comparison

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    The world is experiencing its worst recession in 80 years. What started as US sub-prime financial turmoil has developed into the first global recession since the infamous 'Great Depression' of the early 1930s. However gloomy the perspectives for the very short term are, there will be a recovery eventually. South Africa, Brazil and Turkey (SABT) are among those countries that may be expected as emerging market economies (EME) not only to continue to converge towards per-capita income levels of highly developed nations but also to be the best candidates - next to China and India - of serving as the locomotives of world GDP- and trade growth after the depression. Of course, whether SABT are not merely potentially in a position to create a brighter future for their people and the world economy but can transform such potentials into reality, depends on economic governance pursued by governments and collective actors in these countries. Therefore, it appears interesting to inquire into the macroeconomic governance structures of SABT in order to assess their capabilities for enhancing growth and employment and to converge to the OECD average in the medium to long run. --market constellations,policy regimes,institutions,Post Keynesianism,comparative economic systems

    A Sectoral Approach to the Surging Imports in Turkey

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    The dramatic surge in imports of goods and services without a concomitant surge in exports in Turkey deserves a sound explanation. The studies on the issue addressed increasing import dependency of the manufacturing sector in Turkey. This paper has attempted to scrutinize the reasons behind this phenomenon by looking not only at the manufacturing sector as the past studies did, but also at the other sectors of the economy. Using 1998 and 2002 Input -Output Tables, import requirement ratios have been calculated for 12 aggregate sectors. The results demonstrate that the contribution of the “wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and household goods” sector to the increasing import dependency, hence to significantly rising imports, is greater than that of the manufacturing sector.Input-Output Model, import requirement ratio, sector analysis, Turkey

    Proceedings of the Conference on Emerging Economic Issues in a Globalizing World

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    This paper tests the endogenous relationship between FDI and economic growth using a panel dataset for 23 OECD countries for the period 1975-2004. Following the literature, we treat economic growth and FDI as endogenous variables, and estimate a two-equation simultaneous equation system with the generalized methods of moments (GMM) for the OECD case. We find that FDI and growth are important determinants of for each other. We also find that export growth rate is statistically significant determinant of FDI and economic growth. Our results indicate that there is an endogenous relationship between FDI and economic growth.FDI, growth

    Growth engines of the South? South Africa's, Brazil's and Turkey's market constellations in comparison

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    The world is experiencing its worst recession in 80 years. What started as US sub-prime financial turmoil has developed into the first global recession since the infamous 'Great Depression' of the early 1930s. However gloomy the perspectives for the very short term are, there will be a recovery eventually. South Africa, Brazil and Turkey (SABT) are among those countries that may be expected as emerging market economies (EME) not only to continue to converge towards per-capita income levels of highly developed nations but also to be the best candidates - next to China and India - of serving as the locomotives of world GDP- and trade growth after the depression. Of course, whether SABT are not merely potentially in a position to create a brighter future for their people and the world economy but can transform such potentials into reality, depends on economic governance pursued by governments and collective actors in these countries. Therefore, it appears interesting to inquire into the macroeconomic governance structures of SABT in order to assess their capabilities for enhancing growth and employment and to converge to the OECD average in the medium to long run

    Investigation of usage opportunities in the seydiler region (Afyonkarahisar) diatomite for the bleaching of vegetable oils

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    Bu çalışmada; Seydiler Bölgesi (İscehisar, Afyonkarahisar) diyatomit ocağına ait diyatomit kullanılarak üretilen kalsine ve flaks kalsine diyatomitin mineralojik, jeokimyasal ve fiziksel özellikleri ile diyatomit örneklerinin bitkisel yağların ağartılması işlemindeki performansı incelenmiştir. X-ışını kırınımı (XRD) incelemelerinde doğal diyatomitin büyük oranda amorf silisten meydana geldiği, düşük oranda opal-CT/kristobalit, tridimit ve kuvars minerallerini içerdiği, diğer taraftan ağartma toprağının çoğunlukla simektit mineralinden oluştuğu ve az oranda ise illit, kuvars, feldispat ve dolomit minerallerini ihtiva ettiği belirlenmiştir. Diyatomitin ekonomik olarak kullanımındaki en önemli faktörlerden birisi olan SiO2 içeriği % 89,132 olarak belirlenmiş olup, bu değer ticari olarak kullanım için arzu edilen oranın üzerindedir. Diyatomitlerin yağ ağartma performansları ayçiçek ve kanola yağlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayçiçek yağında, kontrol grubu değerlerine (L* 77.09; a*-6.21; b*43.23) parlaklık, kırmızı renk ve sarı renk yönünden en çok yaklaşan diyatomit çeşitlerinin; parlaklık yönünden doğal diatomit (15 dk; L* 73.39), kırmızı renk bakımından kalsine diatomit (15 dk; a*-6.29) ve sarı renk bakımından ise flaks kalsine diyatomit’in (30 dk; b*35.64) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kanola yağında da farklı değerler belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda; uygulanan renk açma prosesi sürelerine göre bu diyatomit türlerinin, renk açma düzeylerinin değişebileceği ve gıda teknolojisinde yaygın kullanılan ticari ağartma toprağına yakın değerlerin elde edilebileceği tespit edilmiştir.In this study; Mineralogical, geochemical and physical properties of calcined and flux calcined diatomite produced by using diatomite belonging to the diatomite quarry in the Seydiler Region (Iscehisar, Afyonkarahisar) and the performance of diatomite samples were investigated for the bleaching process of vegetable oils. In X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies, natural diatomite is mostly composed of amorphous silica, contains low proportion of opal-CT/cristobalite, tridymite and quartz minerals, on the other hand, bleaching earth is mostly composed of smectite mineral and it has been determined contain a small amount of illite, quartz, feldspar and dolomite minerals. SiO2 content which is one of the most important factors in the economic use of diatomite was determined as 89,132% which is above the desired rate for commercial use. Oil bleaching performances of diatomites were carried out in sunflower and canola oils. In sunflower oil, diatomite cultivars, which were closest to the control group values (L* 77.09; a*-6.21; b*43.23) in terms of brightness, red color and yellow color; It was determined that natural diatomite (15 min; L* 73.39) in terms of brightness, calcined diatomite (15 min; a*-6.29) in terms of red color and flux calcined diatomite (30 min; b*35.64) in terms of yellow color. Different values were also determined in canola oil. In line with these results; According to the applied bleaching process times these diatomite types may change their color lightening levels and it has been determined that can be obtained close values to commercial bleaching earth which is widely used in food technology

    Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample

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