18 research outputs found

    Option-implied probability distributions and currency excess returns

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    This paper describes a method of extracting the risk-neutral probability distribution of future exchange rates from option prices. In foreign exchange markets interbank option pricing conventions make possible reliable inferences about risk-neutral probability distributions with relatively little data. Moments drawn from risk-neutral exchange rate distribution are used to explore several issues related to the puzzle of excess returns in currency markets. Tests of the international capital asset pricing model using risk-neutral moments as explanatory variables indicate that option-based moments have considerably greater explanatory power for excess returns in currency markets than has been found in earlier work. Tests of several hypotheses generated by the peso problem approach indicate that jump risk measured by the risk-neutral coefficient of skewness can explain only a small part of the forward bias. These tests take into account not only the second, but the third and fourth moments of the exchange rate implied by option prices, and avoid testing a joint hypothesis including a distributional assumption.Options (Finance) ; Foreign exchange rates ; Capital assets pricing model

    Using option prices to estimate realignment probabilities in the European Monetary System

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    Risk reversals are a combination of options from which price information about market expectations of future exchange rates can be extracted. This paper describes a procedure for estimating the market's perceived probability distribution of future exchange rates from the prices of risk reversals and other currency options. This procedure is used to estimate the ex ante probability of a realignment of the French franc and pound sterling. The procedure for estimating the realignment probabilities relies on the jump-diffusion model of exchange rate behavior and the resulting option pricing formula. By fitting this model to market option price data, the unobserved parameters of the jump-diffusion process are retrieved. These parameter estimates form the basis for estimating the ex ante probability distribution of exchange rates and thus the realignment probabilities.European Monetary System (Organization) ; Options (Finance)

    A Simple and Reliable Way to Compute Option-Based Risk-Neutral Distributions A Simple and Reliable Way to Compute Option-Based Risk-Neutral Distributions

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    Abstract This paper describes a method for computing risk-neutral density functions based on the option-implied volatility smile. Its aim is to reduce complexity and provide cookbook-style guidance through the estimation process. The technique is robust and avoids violations of option no-arbitrage restrictions that can lead to negative probabilities and other implausible results. I give examples for equities, foreign exchange, and long-term interest rates

    A Service of zbw A simple and reliable way to compute option-based risk-neutral distributions A Simple and Reliable Way to Compute Option-Based Risk-Neutral Distributions A Simple and Reliable Way to Compute Option-Based Risk-Neutral Distributions

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    Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor may Abstract This paper describes a method for computing risk-neutral density functions based on the option-implied volatility smile. Its aim is to reduce complexity and provide cookbook-style guidance through the estimation process. The technique is robust and avoids violations of option no-arbitrage restrictions that can lead to negative probabilities and other implausible results. I give examples for equities, foreign exchange, and long-term interest rates

    Vega Risk and the Smile

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    Cross-sectional analysis of risk-neutral skewness

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    The authors investigate the association of various firm-specific and marketwide factors with the risk-neutral skewness (RNS) implied by the prices of individual stock options. The analysis covers 149 U.S. firms over a four-year period. The authors find that, consistent with earlier studies, the RNS of individual firms varies significantly and negatively with firm size, firm systematic risk, and market volatility and varies significantly and positively with the RNS of the market index. The authors also find that most of the variation in individual RNS is explained by firm-specific rather than marketwide factors. The authors also document several interesting new results that are clearly unambiguous and significantly stronger than in earlier work, or opposite to earlier evidence, or for variables that have been examined for the first time. The results show that 1) market sentiment has a negative and significant effect on RNS; 2) the higher a firm’s own volatility, the more negative the RNS, a relationship that is in the same direction as for overall market volatility; 3) greater market liquidity is associated with more negative RNS, but the liquidity that is relevant for RNS is that of the options market, rather than that in the underlying stock. Surprisingly, volatility asymmetry is not relevant for RNS. Finally, the leverage ratio is not negatively but positively and strongly related with RNS

    Measuring and Analyzing Sovereign Risk with Contingent Claims

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    This paper develops a comprehensive new framework to measure and analyze sovereign risk. Contingent claims analysis is used to construct a marked-to-market balance sheet for the sovereign and derive a set of forward-looking credit risk indicators that serve as a barometer of sovereign risk. Applications to 12 emerging market economies show the approach to be robust, and the risk indicators are a significant improvement over traditional macroeconomic vulnerability indicators and accounting-based measures. The framework can help policymakers design risk mitigation strategies and rank policy options using a calibrated structural model unique to each economy. IMF Staff Papers (2008) 55, 109–148; doi:10.1057/palgrave.imfsp.9450026; published online 22 January 2008