36 research outputs found

    Consolidation Behavior Of Metal Power In Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is a relatively new and emerging manufacturing technology that is able to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. This is due to its high flexibility in processing different types of material under various conditions. However, capability of a product to have desirable quality comparable to traditional processing techniques is still not achievable. Consolidation behavior and influences of processing parameters are important in determining the part quality. Therefore, in this research, consolidation behavior of metal powder was examined by monitoring the real time consolidation process and surface temperature. A high-speed camera was utilized with telescopic lenses in order to monitor interaction of laser and material within the fusion zone (FZ). In order to investigate the I consolidation temperature, a two-color pyrometer was used. The influences of processing parameters were examined. It was found the temperature and consolidation behavior were affected by the processing parameters. The line consolidation characteristics were analyzed according to the line consolidation width, FZ, melt pool and splattering behavior. Based on the study, the line consolidation can be classified into five different consolidation types. These types are continuous, discontinuous, ball shaped, weak and very little consolidation. The consolidation mechanisms that occurred during line and area consolidation were also reported. Other than that, the properties of the consolidated material were studied, and its potential for the development of a permeable structure was investigated. It was found that the properties of the structures developed via AM relatively good and feasible to be used for the manufacturing of injection mold

    Water pressure loss analysis of mobile machine for fire figthing purpose

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    Fire fighting is risky profession. They arc not only extinguishing fires in tall buildings but also must drag heavy hoses, climb high ladders and carry people from buildings and other situations. There arc many fire fighters lost their lives in the line of duty each year throughout the world. The stntistics of the fire fighter fatalities are still maintain at high level every year and it may continue to increase if there is no improvement in fire fighting techniques and technology. The paper describes the water pressure loss analysis of mobile fire fighting machine prototype

    Water Pressure Loss Analysis of Mobile Machine for Fire Fighting Purpose

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    Fire fighting is risky profession. They are not only extinguishing fires in tall buildings but also must drag heavy hoses, climb high ladders and carry people from buildings and other situations. There are many fire fighters lost their lives in the line of duty each year throughout the world. The statistics of the fire fighter fatalities are still maintain at high level every year and it may continue to increase if there is no improvement in fire fighting techniques and technology. The paper describes the water pressure loss analysis of mobile fire fighting machine prototype

    Design Optimization of Components for Additive Manufacturing-Repair: An Exploration of Artificial Neural Network Requirements and Application

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    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in additive manufacturing (AM) technology is currently apromising and leading area of research for component repair and restoration. The Issues of high cost and timeconsumption for AM repair have been a subject of discussion among researchers in this field of study. Moreover,the potential challenges in dealing with complex components for repair and restoration in the (AM) domain requirethe establishment of a critical technical platform based on hybrid (AI). At this point, the proposed optimizationmethod must cover all important parameters for the complex configuration of structural components underrestoration. For the purpose of this study, a design optimization framework was developed using a MATLAB-SIMULINK mathematical model for AM solution purposes by improving the functionality and integration ofmonitoring. This improvement is based on facilitating the real-time identification of failures with accuracy andgiving a clear monitoring vision according to the intended targets like geometric distortions, residual stressesevaluation, and defect characterization. The improvement involves overcoming a number of challenges such as thepre-fabrication stage by expanding the data repository besides offering a theoretical set of algorithmic with someoptions that improve the current procedure. Also, this study will conclude and suggest a further framework andnew knowledge for restoration and product life cycle extension. This developed ANN can be used at the real paceof modeling the MATLAB-Simulink system and merged with another suitable algorithm to form a hybrid ANN.This model development using a neural network has attained a good manipulation of AM. The predicted data fromANN model that was determined and achieved in this study can be used to facilitate and enhance any further studyas base knowledge in merging the ANN with another AI to form a hybrid algorithm. &nbsp

    Consolidation Behavior of Metal Powder in Additive Manufacturing

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    13301甲第4038号博士(工学)金沢大学博士論文要旨Abstract 要約Outlin

    Consolidation Behavior of Metal Powder in Additive Manufacturing

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    Design Optimization of Components for Additive Manufacturing-Repair: An Exploration of Artificial Neural Network Requirements and Application

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    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in additive manufacturing (AM) technology is currently apromising and leading area of research for component repair and restoration. The Issues of high cost and timeconsumption for AM repair have been a subject of discussion among researchers in this field of study. Moreover,the potential challenges in dealing with complex components for repair and restoration in the (AM) domain requirethe establishment of a critical technical platform based on hybrid (AI). At this point, the proposed optimizationmethod must cover all important parameters for the complex configuration of structural components underrestoration. For the purpose of this study, a design optimization framework was developed using a MATLAB-SIMULINK mathematical model for AM solution purposes by improving the functionality and integration ofmonitoring. This improvement is based on facilitating the real-time identification of failures with accuracy andgiving a clear monitoring vision according to the intended targets like geometric distortions, residual stressesevaluation, and defect characterization. The improvement involves overcoming a number of challenges such as thepre-fabrication stage by expanding the data repository besides offering a theoretical set of algorithmic with someoptions that improve the current procedure. Also, this study will conclude and suggest a further framework andnew knowledge for restoration and product life cycle extension. This developed ANN can be used at the real paceof modeling the MATLAB-Simulink system and merged with another suitable algorithm to form a hybrid ANN.This model development using a neural network has attained a good manipulation of AM. The predicted data fromANN model that was determined and achieved in this study can be used to facilitate and enhance any further studyas base knowledge in merging the ANN with another AI to form a hybrid algorithm. &nbsp

    Investigation of laser consolidation process for metal powder by two-color pyrometer and high-speed video camera

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    This paper deals with the measurement of surface temperature on metal powder during the laser consolidation process with two-color pyrometer. Additionally, the aspect of selective laser sintering (SLS) and selective laser melting (SLM) of metal powder is visualized with high speed video camera. As a result, the surface temperature during the laser irradiation was ranged 1520-1810 °C and the consolidation phenomena was classified according to the melting point of metal powder. The metal powder at the heating process cohered intermittently to the melt pool although the laser beam was continuously irradiated to the powder surface. © 2013 CIRP

    Structure Fabricated using Entry Level 3D Printer / Siti Nur Humaira Mazlan ...[et al.]

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    3D printing or also known as additive manufacturing (AM) processes fabricate complex mechanical structures by using deposition of the filaments layer by layer technique. AM process has a good capability to fabricate the complex structure compares to conventional machining. However, there is limited design guideline for AM even for the most used AM technique which is fused deposition modeling technique (FDM). Thus, in this paper, various mechanical structures such as overhangs, bridges, wall thickness, hole diameter and vertical wire diameter were fabricated to study the manufacturability of the design structure fabricated by entry level 3D printer using polylactic acid (PLA) material. The parts manufactured were then measured to evaluate the dimensional accuracy and deviations between 3D computer-aided design (CAD) and nominal data. Based on the results, design guidelines for each respective mechanical structure have been recommended

    Influence Of Process Parameter On The Height Deviation Of Weld Bead In Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing

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    Significant attention towards Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) has gradually increased. WAAM technology has been proven in building three-dimensional (3D) metal parts efficiently and economically. The combination of wire and arc welding is promising, especially in depositing metals with higher deposition rate, and low cost of raw materials, as well as manufacturing of a large-scale product. However, there are several process parameters should be optimized to ensure no internal defect, acceptable surface finish and consequently to have a good quality of final parts when using WAAM. Therefore, an experimental design using the Taguchi method was used to determine the effect of welding current, welding voltage, and travel speed on the responses, including the deviation in height were investigated. The results revealed that travel speed was the dominant factor affecting the waviness surface structure on top of the 3D metal parts. Besides, the contribution rate for each factor to the deviation in height was also determined