153 research outputs found

    The Rate and Pattern of Disclosing Medical Errors in Iranian Physicians and Healthcare Staff

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    Background: Ethics is of great significance in the medical community, i.e., because of the importance of this profession. How a physician manages a medical error, regardless of its cause, is among the major issues of medical ethics. Given the nature of the medical profession, medical malpractice may occur at any time during treatment. Medical malpractice is frequent in Iran and other countries. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted using a researcher-made checklist. The study participants attended legal medicine training and refresher courses in Mashhad and Sabzevar Cities, Iran, from June 2012 to June 2017.Results: During five years, 1537 cases were enrolled in the study. Most of the study participants were female (n=832, 52.89%), with a Mean±SD age of 32.3±3.4 years. All study participants, except for 25 (1.58%) subjects answered “I do not disclose the malpractice” to the question “would you disclose your medical malpractice with treatable harm to the patient, while he/she gets hurt by not revealing the malpractice?”; the rest [1463 (92.94%) individuals] answered “I disclose the malpractice, but I do not mention that the harm is due to malpractice, and 85 (5.40%) participants answered, “I disclose the malpractice to the patient and mention that the harm is due to malpractice and it could be cured.” Conclusion: The study findings suggested that the majority of study participants did not tend to disclose their malpractice to patients and their families

    Assessing the effect of shift work among petrochemical Industries staff at Mahshahr, Iran

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    This study aims to examine the effect of shift work on overweight and obesity, hypercholesterolemia and GHQ score (GHQ-28) as an indicator of psychological well-being in subjects working in petrochemical industry sited in Mahshahr, west of Iran. In This longitudinal study, population consisted of 2493 (1321 day workers and 1171 shift workers) whose mean ages were 46.18 years for day workers and 45.53 years for shift workers, during a four years period (from 2008 to 2011). All workers were investigated by Persian version of General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) as screen tool. The serum cholesterol, height and weight were measured with definitions of hypercholesterolemia as serum total cholesterol 220 mg/dl, overweight and obesity as body mass index (BMI) 25 kg/m2 .A conditional joint random effects models approach was applied to explore the effect of shift working on multivariate responses over this period of time. Shift work was significantly associated with GHQ score and BMI. Results indicated that the shift workers had about 0.65 higher mean scores of GHQ than the day workers and 0.18 higher BMI (95% CI 0.17 to 1.14) and (95% CI 0.05 to 0.27), respectively. Shift work did not show significant relationship with hypercholesterolemia (95% CI -0.27 to 0.009). The results of the present study suggest that shift work may be directly responsible for increased body fatness and is associated with psychological problems

    University entrepreneurship model based on public service motivation

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    Background: Entrepreneurship is vital in today's modern societies. The purpose of this study was to develop a university entrepreneurship model based on public service motivation. Methods: The statistical population of this study in qualitative phase was 27 experts. The opinions of 315 employees were used to measure the variables in the studied Azad Universities of District 6. The present study was a descriptive-correlational research conducted by a survey method. It was also a developmental-applied research in terms of aim. Data collection method was a combination of library and field studies.  Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 25 and AMOS version 25. To examine the research questions, statistical methods of one-sample t-test and structural equations were used. Results: Also, there is a direct relationship between university entrepreneurship and its components including organizational competencies, continuous interaction, university goals and policies, culture and entrepreneurial marketing and good character and temper of administrators. The results also showed that there is a direct relationship between good character and temper of administrators and its components, including courage, patience, honesty, humility, optimism, responsibility of administrators and public service motivation. Conclusion: Given the importance and positive impact of university entrepreneurship on regional development and the new nature of international competition of universities in the economic development of countries, the results of the present study can be used by administrators and planners

    Research Network of Tehran Defined Population: Methodology and Establishment

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    Background: We need a defined population for determining prevalence and incidence of diseases, as well as conducting interventional, cohort and longitudinal studies, calculating correct and timely public health indicators, assessing actual health needs of community, performing educational programs and interventions to promote healthy lifestyle, and enhancing quality of primary health services.The objective of this project was to determine a defined population which is representative of Tehran, the Capital of Iran. This article reports the methodology and establishment of the research network of Tehran defined population.Methods: This project started by selecting two urban health centers from each of the five district health centers affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2012. Inside each selected urban health center, one defined population research station was established. Two new centers have been added during 2013 and 2014. For the time being, the number of the covered population of the network has reached 40000 individuals. The most important criterion for the defined population has been to be representative of the population of Tehran. For this, we selected two urban health centers from 12 of 22 municipality districts and from each of the five different socioeconomic of Greater Tehran. Merely 80000 individuals in neighborhoods of each defined population research station were considered as control group of the project.Results: Totally we selected 12 defined population research stations and their under-covered population developed a defined population which is representative of Tehran population.Conclusion: a population lab is ready now in metropolitan of Tehran

    Timed Secret Sharing

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    Secret sharing has been a promising tool in cryptographic schemes for decades. It allows a dealer to split a secret into some pieces of shares that carry no sensitive information on their own when being treated individually but lead to the original secret when having a sufficient number of them together. Existing schemes lack considering a guaranteed delay prior to secret reconstruction and implicitly assume once the dealer shares the secret, a sufficient number of shareholders will get together and recover the secret at their wish. This, however, may lead to security breaches when a timely reconstruction of the secret matters as the early knowledge of a single revealed share is catastrophic assuming a threshold adversary. This paper presents the notion of timed secret sharing (TSS), providing lower and upper time bounds for secret reconstruction with the use of time-based cryptography. The recent advances in the literature including short-lived proofs [Asiacrypt 2022], enable us to realize an upper time bound shown to be useful in breaking public goods game, an inherent issue in secret sharing-based systems. Moreover, we establish an interesting trade-off between time and fault tolerance in a secret sharing scheme by having dealer gradually release additional shares over time, offering another approach with the same goal. We propose several constructions that offer a range of security properties while maintaining practical efficiency. Our constructions leverage a variety of techniques and state-of-the-art primitives

    Cytoplasmic and membranous CD24 marker expression has indirect correlation with cAMP/cGMP ratio

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    Background- CD24 is a cell adhesion molecule that has been implicated in metastatic tumor progression cells. Our aim was clarify correlation between CD24 expression and cAMP:cGMP ratio in murine colorectal cancer cell line (CT26) after using cholera toxin.Materials and Methods- The CT26 cells were cultured in microtubes for assaying cAMP and cGMP; also the cells were cultured in flasks for assaying cytoplasmic and membranous CD24 expression. The Real-Time PCR was done for cDNA that was synthesized from CT26 cells’ mRNA. Also, expression CD24 marker of cells was determined by Anti-CD24 antibody and Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG-FITC (flow cytometry).Results- The cholera toxin grew cAMP:cGMP ratio and it influenced cytoplasmic and membrane CD24 expression.Conclusion- There are indirect correlation between cAMP:cGMP ratio and CD24 expression

    Comparison of Face to Face vs. Group Training on Self-pulse Rate taking Ability of Patients

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    Introduction: Determining the rate and regularity of peripheral arterial pulses has a major role in assessing the clinical status of patients with cardiovascular disorders. We compared two training methods on the ability of patients to take their radial pulse rate accurately.Methods: Three-hundred patients were randomly divided into two arms. One arm received individual face-to-face training and the other arm received group training via displaying an animation movie. Immediately after the training and then after 48 hours, the patients were tested by a nurse to find out whether they have learned the correct technique of taking radial pulse rate or not.Results: Immediately after the intervention, 84.9% in face-to-face arm and 81.8% in group training arm were able to correctly count their radial pulse rate (P = 0.536). After 48 hours, 71.7% in face-to-face and 60.8% in group training arm were able to correctly count their radial pulse rate (P = 0.051).Conclusions: Both methods were effective to improve the ability of the patients to count their radial pulse rate correctly though face-to-face method was marginally superior to group training

    Effect of Beloved Person’s Voice on Chest Tube Removal Pain in Patients undergoing Open Heart Surgery: Fuzzy Logistic Regression Model

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    Chest tube removal pain is one of the important complications after open heart surgery. The removal of a chest tube is a painful and frightening experience and should be managed with as little pain and distress as possible. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of beloved person’s voice on chest tube removal pain in patients undergoing open heart surgery. 128 patients were randomly assigned to two groups: one group listened to beloved person’s voice during the procedure, and the other did not. Since pain was measured by linguistic terms, a fuzzy logistic regression was applied for modeling. After controlling for the potential confounders, based on fuzzy logistic regression, the beloved person’s voice reduced the risk of pain. Therefore, using beloved person’s voice could be effective, inexpensive and safe for distraction and reduction of pain
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