7 research outputs found

    Comparison of Kosovo pharmaceutical legislation to the requirements of the European Union

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    Introduction: The importance of the pharmaceutical legislation of a country consists in establishing rules, laws, bylaws and decisions based on which the daily work takes place in health institutions in general and the pharmaceutical sector in particular. The structure of today's pharmaceutical legislation, in terms of drug laws, the scope of drug regulatory agencies, drug evaluation boards, quality control laboratories and drug information centers has evolved over time.Aim: The purpose of this paper is to collect existing information related to the pharmaceutical sector and assess the pharmaceutical profile of Kosovo according to the WHO form. Comparing the pharmaceutical legislation of Kosovo with those of the EU, with the aim of identifying aspects which require harmonize with EU laws and directives, with the laws in force in Kosovo, as well as suggesting options for improvement.Materials and Methods: The pharmaceutical legislation of the European Union, Kosovo, and Austrian have been used as materials. For the comparison of pharmaceutical legislation, we have done the analysis according to four dimensions: administrative elements, regulatory functions, technical elements and level of regulation. We have collected data through a standardized form for regulatory assessment developed by the WHO and through the method of studying the archive. The method of studying the archive has included the evaluation of relevant documentation and records, which includes laws, executive orders, reports of relevant authorities, economic, health and other state indicators, as well as reports of other studies in this field. In the study we used the comparative approach to achieve the comparison of inter-state experiences related to pharmaceutical legislation.Conclusions: Relevant state institutions of Kosovo should be engaged in providing institutional reports related to data on the pharmaceutical sector, in order to institutionally complete the pharmaceutical profile of Kosovo, as required by the WHO.Keywords: Pharmaceutical legislation, European Union, Kosovo, Compariso

    The most prescribed analgesics in the Emergency Clinic at the University Clinical Hospital Service of Kosovo in the period January - March 2022

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    Introduction -An important aspect of pain management, whether acute or chronic, is the administration of medications, namely analgesics. They are given to reduce and control pain, reduce risks, and reduce the incidence of more serious complications.The aim –of this study is to see the prescription of analgesics in UCHSK, their role, and importance, and the literature review regarding the dosage, the way, and of the certain doses. Methodology - This is descriptive research that aims to show the quantity of the most prescribed analgesics. The study was carried out in the Emergency Center near UCHSK in Prishtina, for the collection of all data sources such as documentation, protocols of medical visits where emergency cases were documented, and the treatment they received, during the period January-March 2022.The results - literature review results have provided detailed information regarding analgesics, the way of administration, the best possible ways of administering medications, and the best management.Conclusions –The study results reveal that analgetics-opioids, familiarity with the drug, the way of administering the drug, and their side effects reduce the complications they cause. Furthermore, good management affects the patient’s emotional state and his psychological preparation and enables the team of health professionals to achieve successful results

    Nurses\u27 access and management of therapy for children with Autism

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    Examining what autism is and being aware of the general symptoms and characteristics that children with autism possess is a professional task of nurses. Informing parents about diagnosing a child with autism and informing them what to do next with them is an important task for us as health professionals. Purpose: The aim is to bring to the readers the problems, symptoms, therapy that accompany the lives of these children, and above all an awareness of society, especially parents, who often times as a result of a negligence or distrust that their child has any problem, they neglect the problem that becom the cause of some irreparable consequences for the whole life of the child. Materials and methods: The research involved 2 private autism associations: \u271.Autism Speak-Kosovo\u27, 2. \u27National Autism Association in Kosovo\u27, and finally I collected data from the child and adolescent psychiatry clinic (QKUK-Prishtina). Questionnaires were used for data collection, and I received responses from: Principals, Psychologists, Therapists and Psychiatrists who take care for children with autism. Results: The results have shown that the most affected gender is the male gender, the dominant age that these associations have, varies from 3-12 years, and that the most used drug in these children is Risperidone 1 mg ( in 77% of cases ). Discussion: Results in this research have been achievable with what we were looking for in autistic children, we have also gotten the right answers to our awareness research questions for these children. Conclusions: We have come to the conclusion that the number of children with autism is increasing, and we as health professionals need to adapt to them in daily life, in the physical, psychological and social environment. Therefore, the role of all health professionals as well as parents is essential for a positive outcome in these children

    Effects of chemotherapy and value of microscopic changes in lymphocytesof circulating bloodonpatients with oral cancer treated with chemotherapy

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    The value of micronucleus (MN) and microscopic changes in lymphocytes of circulating blood presents a good case to study changes of genome directly into organs affected by tumourAim: The aim of this research is to analyse the level of induction of MN and the value of microscopic changes in binuclear lymphocytes of venous circulating blood on patients with oral cancer during treatment with chemotherapy.Material and methodology: The study analyses 21 patients with oral carcinoma (72.2% male) with an average age of 54.7+-9.2. From parameters, we have analysed theeffect of the chemotherapy and microscopic changes in lymphocytes of the circulating blood of patients diagnosed with oral cancer. Results:Changes of degenerations of microscopic cells at patients with oral malign processes in lymphocytes of circulating bloodwere noticed, as after chemotherapy there are significant changes (16.7±27.2 vs. 27.8±33.6, p\u3c0.0001).Also we have defined a significant change regarding all apoptic binuclear lymphocytes (p\u3c0.00001), necrotic lymphocytes (p\u3c0.0002), and lymphocytes with nucleoplasmbridge. Conclusion:Results show that chemotherapeutics have induced cytotoxity of cells but have not induced chromosomal changes or formation of micronucleus formation

    Description of Benzodiazepines in the Main Family Medicine Center in Ferizaj Period January - June 2019

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    Benzodiazepines are among the most prescribed psycho tropics in the world and are used to treat some problems such as: anxiety, insomnia, panic, epilepsy, muscle spasms, etc. Benzodiazepines may be helpful in treating short-term insomnia. Their use beyond 2 to 4 weeks is not recommended due to the risk of addiction. It is preferred that benzodiazepines be taken repeatedly and at the lowest effective dose. They improve sleep-related problems by shortening the time spent in bed before falling asleep, prolonging sleep time and, in general, reducing awakening.Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the description of Benzodiazepines in the Main Family Medicine Center in Ferizaj in the six-month period, January-June 2029. To analyze the nature of the description and the most prescribed drug by the group of Benzodiazepines.Material and Methods: For the compilation of this paper, primary and secondary data were used, within these data were included the data that we used to understand the theoretical aspect of the description of benzodiazepines. These data were obtained from the Main Family Medicine Center in Ferizaj (from January 2019 to June 2019, the first half of the year). The information was obtained from the book of protocols with the approval of the Health Directorate in Ferizaj.Result: From the results obtained in QKMF- Ferizaj it is clear that in the first half of 2019 with benzodiazepine tablets or more sedatives were treated middle-aged men. But what is worth noting is that it is clear that we have young people who have used these drugs with a doctor\u27s prescription. This fact is to be worried about because the positive effects of using benzodiazepines are known, but let us not forget the side effects and their dependence. In middle age it is not very disturbing because there are not many adult patients who used these medications. The fact that many young people are unable to cope with their emotional state has also led to the use of these medications. The most prescribed benzodiazepines were Diazepam 5 mg, 10 mg tablets, Bromazepam 3 mg and 6 mg tablets, Lorazepam 3 mg, etc. In percentage we have these ages which were users of benzodiazepines: 18-30 years 16%, 30-40 years 11%, 40-50 years 13%, 50-60 years 20%, 60-70 years 26%, 70- 80 years 12%.Discussion: Benzodiazepine hypnotics shorten the time it takes to sleep and extend the sleep period. The main differences exist in how long they can remain in the body, possibly leading to prolonged side effects. For example, lorazepam has a much shorter duration than diazepam, allowing for faster drug clearance and theoretically fewer side effects. On the other hand, diazepam can remain in the system for days and increase the risk of long-term side effects, especially in the elderly. Benzodiazepines should be used for a short period of time (usually 2 to 4 weeks) for insomnia. Short-acting benzodiazepines are often preferred for insomnia because they theoretically produce less daytime drowsiness, although many patients still experience these effects.Conclusion: The results of the research in the book of protocols and prescriptions at the Main Center of Family Medicine in Ferizaj show that a number of citizens who have concomitant diseases are regular users of Benzodiazepines: Diazepam and Lorazepam. However, citizens need to have more information about the side effects of these drugs, especially young people who use Lorazepam for sleep disorders and acne.Recommendation: to respect the criteria for the prescription of benzodiazepines and to develop a national strategy about the correct prescription of these drugs

    Most prescribed penicillin types in the Family Medical Center GP in Istog during January – December 2020

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    Penicillins are very large number of bactericidal medicaments that even after decades of being used remains the most important used and less toxic anti micobiotics. Needless to say that inventing Penicillin is one of the biggest events in the world of modern medicine. Penicillins have made an outstanding impact on lives of millions of people since being invented. They continue to be used widely and we find them being prescribed from doctors for their patients. Reason: This is an descriptive investigation that tries to explain the facts about the situation at present for the amount of the penicillin being prescribed at Medical Primary Care Centres. Investigation took place at the Family Primary Care Centre in Istog and the gathering information was used from prime sources like documents and the protocol of medical visits of patients for the period from January to December 2020. Model of investigation is descriptive and wants to present facts about prescribed penicillin and its most used varieties. Investigation took place at a Family primary care centre in The Valley of Istog and there have been used documents and protocols of medical visits for the period of January to December 2020. Therefore the reason for this investigation is presenting the amount of penicillin being prescribed and ways of medication prescribed (intramuscular, intravenous or oral). Also the investigation presents the number of patients that took penicillin for each month during 2020 divided in gender in regards to taking penicillin. During this study 185 patients have been analysed in total for using different types of penicillin. They have been divided in gender and analysed and it has been noted that the higher number of penicillin users were males about 97 patients or 52,4% and female users were about 87 patients or 47.6%. They have been analysed also in percentages how many have had different ways of administering, types of most prescribed penicillin every month and there was a presentation in a charts about the most prescribed medication from penicillin group and divided by ways of administration like oral or intramuscular. From 185 patients that we had for analytic purposes it has been analysed the way of administrating the medication were it has been prescribed for 113 patients or 61.1 % and it has been advised to take it via intramuscular wa

    The use of antibiotics without criteria on the citizens of (ferizaj and kacanik) and the knowledge of side effects

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    Antibiotics are substances that can destroy the bacteria (bactericidal effect) or inhibit their growth and development (bacteriostatic effect). They are of natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic origin. Antibiotics are a good choice for curing bacterial infections, but they do not affect viruses and fungi. Antibiotics were initially used only in hospitals for the treatment of dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis, lung inflammation and meningitis.. Aim: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the knowledge of citizens in Kosovo cities (Ferizaj / Uro Kaevac, Kacanica) on the use of antibiotics with or without criteria, knowledge of their preferred types and the associated side effects. Many antibiotics are circulating in Kosovo and the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the access of citizens (Population and patients to Family Medicine Centers in Ferizaj, Kacanica) to the information on antibiotic intake, which types of antibiotics are most prescribed, preferred by the patients themselves, have they always received a doctor\u27s prescription, have they consulted a pharmacist, knowledge of the side effects. Material and Methods: We studied and interviewed 280 citizens (among them patients from Family Medical Centers and General Hospital in Ferizaj). 180 respondents were from Ferizaj and 100 citizens from Kacanik The information was obtained with the assistance of the students of the Faculty of Nursing on campus in Ferizaj in the form of a questionnaire. Results and discussion: 280 sex-disaggregated citizens participated in the study, 165 males or 58.9%, and 115 females or 41%. The age group for the study was 20-60 years old males and 25-60 years old females 71.5% of respondents did not have sufficient knowledge about antibiotic use, such as differences in doses, names, manufacturers, and prescription antibiotics without a prescription: Ampicillin and Cefallex whereas 28.5% of respondents had good knowledge of antibiotics. Antibiotics starting from their role and importance to the body, the doses allowed and prescribed by medical professionals, the time when antibiotics should be used. The most prescribed and prescribed antibiotics by patients in the town of Ferizaj / Uroizevac were: Caps: Amoxicillin 500 mg, 250 mg, Ciprofloxacin in doses of 500 and 750 mg, Tab. Ospen 1000 mg and 1500 mg. While in the city of Kacanik the antibiotics prescribed were: Caps. Ampicilina 500 mg, Tab. Amoxiclav 625 mg and 1000 mg Cefexime 500 mg The time intervals for taking antibiotics were not respected, ie 53.5% did not receive antibiotics within 24 hours, 30% consumed the antibiotic as prescribed by the physician, and 16.5% consumed the therapy. with an antibiotic, only the first day and discontinued