3 research outputs found

    Leadership and Work-Related Attitude Among Bank Employees in Northern Region of Malaysia

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    This paper explores the bank employees’ leadership that associated with their work-related attitude. Moreover, it also examines the impact of bank employees’ leadership on their work-related attitude. The population of this study is the bank employees in the Northern Region of Malaysia. These bank employees are the respondents that receive a self-administered questionnaire for them to answer pertaining to their leadership and work-related attitude. Leadership Behavior Development Questionnaire (LBDQ-XII) is used to measure leadership; and work-related attitude is using questions by previous researchs. With a positive work-related attitude, the bank could gain and retain good and industrious employees in their work-related attitude whom will help the bank to achieve its mission, vision, and goals; in one word - “profit

    Occupational safety and health assessment in metal industry within small and medium enterprise

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    According to annual report from the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) between years 2009 and 2011, metal industry has the highest reported number of accidents compared to the other manufacturing industry in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the actual causes of problems that lead to the accidents involving metal industries within SMEs. In this study, checklist through site visits has been used to collect the data. The overall result reveals that the main causes of accident are due to organization failure, human factor, machine failure and surrounding environment

    Pembangunan aplikasi android untuk mempelajari tulisan jawi secara M-learning

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    Pada era globalisasi yang semakin moden, kita tidak terlepas daripada kecanggihan teknologi yang kian berkembang maju. Teknologi yang maju juga turut memberi kesan terhadap perubahan kaedah pembelajaran dalam bidang pendidikan. Perkembangan teknologi yang diterapkan dalam bidang pendidikan dapat memudahkan proses pembelajaran kanak-kanak serta pelajar. Perkembangan ini juga dapat meningkatkan kualiti pembelajaran dan memberi impak yang positif dalam bidang pendidikan di negara ini. Kaedah pembelajaran yang tradisional menggunakan media-media cetak seperti buku teks, nota, modul dan pengajaran oleh guru menyebabkan pelajar sukar untuk memahaminya dan kadang kala sebahagian pelajar tidak mendengar ketika sesi pengajaran oleh guru. Menurut [1], minda dan pemikiran pelajar perlu dirangsangkan untuk menambahkan minat mereka terhadap pembelajaran bagi menjadikannya lebih menarik dan tidak membosanka