17 research outputs found

    Maternity leave

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    A numerous off-days which a woman is legally approved to be absent from work in the weeks prenatal and postnatal recovery phase after giving birth defines maternity leave. It is stated that at least 60 consecutive days of paid maternity leave were entitled to all female workers in Malaysia if they have worked at least 90 days with their current employers in four months leading up to their confinement period, except for exempted categories (Employment Act 1955) During the maternity leave, female workers are entitled to be provided with all relevant contractual benefits and paid with full salary as if they are in an active employment excluding the benefits that are tied to active work. The right to resume working upon their return from maternity leave is also protected

    Child labour: the case study in Bangladesh

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    Child labour involves of person that age below than 17 years old. Child labour often happen in poor countries such as Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the issue of child labour might be the biggest issue. Bangladesh come up with Bangladesh Labour Act (BLA) that did not allow any person age below from fourteen years old to work (Nawshin et al, 2019). One of the aim or purpose of this act is to prevent teen workers in order to get the proper payment of any work. This is because when organization use child labour, they might be paid at lower rate because children usually do not have much responsible in their family compared to teen workers. This indirectly cause an economic matter in a family

    Issue of hiring a criminal

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    Hiring a criminal. Criminal refers to a person who has committed to the crime. In some other words, there is a crime that called as felony. Felony is a crime that classified as the most serious type of offenses such as fraud, physical harm or large scale of theft. Thus, hiring a criminal is defined as company wanted to hire a person who has criminal records background as an employee. Nowadays, criminal history is quite common in the country like USA, which has over 6.6 million people been under correctional supervision such as jail, prison and parole. According to Kurlychek, Bushway, & Denver (2019), employers were asked questions regarding to the criminal history and use various methods and sources to collect the criminal background information. In contrast, some companies would prefer to hire people who are nominated and found that prison record of felony convictions reduced the employer’s motivation to hire an employee (Griffith & Young, 2017). Thus, employers are making decision based on the criminal history and checks for the record to make the hiring decisions (Young & Ryan, 2019) even though the connection between the criminal records and the employment is still at the infancy stage (Griffith, Rade, & Anazodo, 2019). In recent years, the policy attention is focus on the employment for the people who has criminal background (Agan & Starr, 2017). Consequently, “Ban the Box” policies has created to revise when and how the criminal histories were disclosed to move forward to the fair chance of employment selection process (Griffith & Young, 2017) to prevent the inequalities of economics and racial problems (Agan & Starr, 2017)

    The delegation of authority and its impact on decision making process with mediating role of employee performance in Dubai Police

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    Dubai has witnessed the growth of numbers in population and global visitors, which makes it necessary for the city to have an excellent police department to secure all citizens, residents and visitors. This is necessary for improving Dubai's security and financial condition and cementing the city's importance in the world. The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the delegation of authority, organizational functionality and decision-making process under the mediating effect of employee performance among the employees in Dubai police department UAE. A total of 380 employees were selected as the study sample using a multistage sampling method. Questionnaires were used in data collection and responses were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) for data analysis. The results showed that the delegation of authority affects decision-making and employee’s performance among the target population. Moreover, delegation of authority helps the organisation in achieving the objectives with accordance to the imperative’s factors of organizational functionality of the organisation. The managers may focus on the employee performance, which is affecting the decision-making and affects the efficiency of the department as well. The results of this research contributed substantially to the current body of knowledge in the domain of delegation of authority in Arab context. The novelty of this study stem from the reality that the issues and problems of power delegation in Dubai police department was assessed in terms of decision-making process. From these results some recommendations are also suggested which are quite helpful especially, with regards to the latest global models of contemporary leadership and the latest approaches and methods of modern decision-making

    Annual leave: the case of Taiwan and Malaysia

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    The definition of annual leave is allowing the organization’s employees to leave the number of hours or days of work within a year without any consequences. Depending on the employer’s policy, different working days may be provided and employees may be required to issue a certain amount of advance notice in advance, which may have to be coordinated with the employer to ensure adequate staffing during the absence of the employee and other requirements may have to be obtained satisfy. Today, most countries have a minimum paid annual leave in accordance with the law. This time off is paid by the company and employees can ask for time for any reason they wish to take the annual leave. Annual leave allows employees to take paid vacations so that they can rest regularly to rest and rejuvenate. Employees on regular vacations are more motivated and perform their work more effectively than those who are not on vacation. Because they have regular breaks, they are less prone to accidents and less likely to be under pressure, which means they can reduce their absence from illness

    Factors Affecting Delegation Authority toward Employees Performance

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    Employees are the key asset of every organization and their performance can influence the goals and objectives of organizations in a positive or negative way. The aim of this study is to develop a theoretical framework in relations to examine the effects of employee’s satisfaction and participation, delegation authority and empowerment on employee’s performance in UAE organizations. Specifically, to get an in-depth understanding of the linkage between delegation authority and employees performance with emphasize on (employee participation and employee satisfaction). This study is only limited to Dubai organizations and future research may be conducted in other countries as well as can assess the moderating role in the defined variables. By integrating employee’s satisfaction and participation, delegation authority and empowerment, and employee’s performance literature, the main contribution of this paper is the analysis of defined variables in Dubai organizations with emphasize on new challenges and to boost up the gap of relevant literature

    Factors affecting delegation authority toward employees performance

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    Employees are the key asset of every organization and their performance can influence the goals and objectives of organizations in a positive or negative way. The aim of this study is to develop a theoretical framework in relations to examine the effects of employee’s satisfaction and participation, delegation authority and empowerment on employee’s performance in UAE organizations. Specifically, to get an in-depth understanding of the linkage between delegation authority and employees performance with emphasize on (employee participation and employee satisfaction). This study is only limited to Dubai organizations and future research may be conducted in other countries as well as can assess the moderating role in the defined variables. By integrating employee’s satisfaction and participation, delegation authority and empowerment, and employee’s performance literature, the main contribution of this paper is the analysis of defined variables in Dubai organizations with emphasize on new challenges and to boost up the gap of relevant literature

    Drug and alcohol abuse at the work-place

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    Malaysia is the country that have strong legal control to the drug and alcohol among the Asia countries. Malaysia has prepared the guidelines that intended to provide guidance to employers and employees to prevent and respond to the issues from drug and alcohol use which to satisfy their obligations under the OSHA 1994. This action is to develop the prevention responses to the drug and alcohol issues in the workplace within Malaysia. There are many of issues that occurred in the workplace because the various forms of drug and alcohol that use by employees that effect their job performance when they are on duty especially operating machines such as alcohol, illicit drugs (heroin), non-predicate medicines (cough medicine) and others. Besides that, drug and alcohol abuse at the workplace may cause the risk injury of employees. Therefore, drug and alcohol use are totally prohibited in Malaysia and totally should be prevented in the workplace that can result in issues at work

    Cell phone at your workplaces

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    Digital technology has become an integral part of people life because of it always ask the people to gain a new information search and learn the new things such as they can communicate very well with another people at organization. The benefit of digital technology is there are most frequently used electronics tool among young people and workers (Colbert, Yee & George, 2016). They have good competency character in course among them and give positive feedback with technology by worker distribution. Then, it will give the company positive impact because of their skill and be comfort easier to achieve more of using technology. Then, it will help and give benefit to organizations because they can work well