16 research outputs found

    Securing the Foundations of Practical Information Flow Control

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    Language-based information flow control (IFC) promises to secure computer programs against malicious or incompetent programmers by addressing key shortcomings of modern programming languages. In spite of showing great promise, the field remains under-utilised in practise. This thesis makes contributions to the theoretical foundations of IFC aimed at making the techniques practically applicable. The paper addresses two primary topics, IFC as a library and IFC without false alarms. The contributions range from foundational observations about soundness and completeness, to practical considerations of efficiency and expressiveness

    On the Foundations of Practical Language-Based Security

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    Language-based information flow control (IFC) promises to provide programming languages and tools that make it easy for developers to write secure code. Traditionally,\ua0research in this field aims to build a variant on a programming language or system\ua0that lets developers write code that gives them strong guarantees beyond the potential\ua0memory- and type-safety guarantees of modern languages. However, two developments\ua0in the field challenge this paradigm. Firstly, backwards-compatible security enforcement\ua0without false alarms promises to retrofit security enforcement on code that was not written with the enforcement mechanism in mind. This has the potential to greatly increase\ua0the applicability of IFC enforcement to legacy and mobile code from untrusted sources.Secondly, library-based security, a technique by which IFC researchers provide a software\ua0library in an established language whose programming interface gives the same guarantees as a stand-alone IFC tool for developers to use promises to do away with specialized\ua0IFC languages. This technique also has the potential to increase the applicability of IFC\ua0enforcement as developers no longer need to adopt a whole new language to get securityguarantees.This thesis makes contributions to both these recent developments that come in two\ua0parts; the first part concerns enforcing secure information flow without introducing false\ua0alarms while the second part concerns the correctness of using libraries instead of fullyfledged IFC programming languages to write secure code.The first part of the thesis makes the following contributions:1. It unifies the existing literature, in the form of Secure Multi-Execution and MultipleFacets, on security enforcement without false alarms by introducing Faceted SecureMulti-Execution.2. It explores the unique optimisation challenges that appear in this setting. Specifically, mixing multi-execution and facets means that unnecessarily large facetedtrees give rise to unnecessary executions in multi-execution and vice verse. Thisthesis proposes optimisation strategies that can overcome this hurdle.3. It proves an exponential lower bound on black-box false-alarm-free enforcementand new possibility results for false-alarm-free enforcement of a variant of the noninterference security condition known as termination insensitive noninterference.4. It classifies the special cases of enforcement that is not subject to the aforementionedexponential lower bound. Specifically, this thesis shows how and why the choice ofsecurity lattice makes the difference between exponential, polynomial, and constantoverheads in multi-execution.In short, the first part of the thesis unifies the existing literature on false-alarm-freeIFC enforcement and presents a number of results on the performance of enforcementmechanisms of this kind.The second part of the thesis meanwhile makes the following contributions:1. It reduces the trusted computing base of security libraries by showing how to implement secure effects on top of an already secure core without incurring any newproof obligations.2. It shows how to simplify DCC, the core language in the literature, without losingexpressiveness.3. It proves that noninterference can be derived in a simple and straightforward wayfrom parametricity for both static and dynamic security libraries. This in turnreduces the conceptual gap between the kind of security libraries that are writtentoday and the proofs one can write to prove that the libraries ensure noninterference.In short, the second part of the thesis provides a new direction for thinking about thecorrectness of security libraries by both reducing the amount of trusted code and by introducing improved means of proving that a security library guarantees noninterference

    Dynamic IFC Theorems for Free!

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    We show that noninterference and transparency, the key soundness theorems for dynamic IFC libraries, can be obtained "for free", as direct consequences of the more general parametricity theorem of type abstraction. This allows us to give very short soundness proofs for dynamic IFC libraries such as faceted values and LIO. Our proofs stay short even when fully mechanized for Agda implementations of the libraries in terms of type abstraction.Comment: CSF 2021 final versio

    Simple Noninterference from Parametricity

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    In this paper we revisit the connection between parametricity and noninterference. Our primary contribution is a proof of noninterference for a polyvariant variation of the Dependency Core Calculus of in the Calculus of Constructions. The proof is modular: it leverages parametricity for the Calculus of Constructions and the encoding of data abstraction using existential types. This perspective gives rise to simple and understandable proofs of noninterference from parametricity. All our contributions have been mechanised in the Agda proof assistant

    A perspective on the dependency core calculus

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    This paper presents a simple but equally expressive variant on the terminating fragment of the Dependency Core Calculus (DCC) of Abadi et al. [2]. DCC is a concise and elegant calculus for tracking dependency. The calculus has applications in, among other areas, information fow control, slicing, and binding time analysis. However, in this paper we show that it is possible to replace a core technical device in DCC with an alternative, simpler, formulation. The calculus has a denotational semantics in the same domain as DCC, using which we prove that the two calculi are equivalent. As a proof of concept to show that our calculus provides a simple analysis of dependency we implement it in Haskell, obtaining a simpler implementation compared to previous work [4]

    Encoding DCC in Haskell

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    The seminal work on the Dependency Core Calculus (DCC)\ua0shows how monads not only can be used for embedding effects inpurely functional languages but also to statically track data dependencies. Such types of analysis have applications in research areaslike security, partial evaluation, and slicing, where DCC plays therole of a unifying formalism. For a Haskell programmer, puttingDCC into practice raises many interesting conceptual and implementation concerns. Specifically, DCC uses a non-standard bindoperator, i.e., with a different type signature than that provided bymonads. In fact, embedding such non-standard bind operator opensthe door for many design decisions. Furthermore, it is unclear ifDCC extends to traditional methods used by Haskell programmersto handle effects (such as monad transformers). In this work, wedescribe a novel encoding of DCC in Haskell, with a focus on its usefor security—although our results also apply to the other domains.We address the concerns mentioned above and show how our implementation of DCC can be seen as a direct translation from itstyping rules via the use of closed type families and type classes—twoadvanced type system features of Haskell. We also analyze whatkind of effects DCC is compatible with and which ones it cannotsecure. We also derive an alternative formulation of DCC based onfmap and a corresponding non-standard join

    VisPar: Visualising dataflow graphs from the Par monad

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    We present a work in progress tool (VisPar) for visualising computations in the Par monad in Haskell. Our contribution is not a revolutionary new idea but rather a modest addition to the set of tools available for making sense of parallel programs. We hope to show that VisPar can be useful as a teaching tool by providing visualisations of a few examples from a course on parallel functional programming

    Optimising Faceted Secure Multi-Execution

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    Language-Based Information Flow Control (IFC) provides strong security guarantees for untrusted code, but often suffers from a non-negligible rate of false alarms. Multi-execution based techniques promise to provide security guarantees without raising any false alarms. However, all known multi-execution approaches introduce extraneous performance overheads which are rarely studied. In this work, we lay down the foundations for optimisation techniques aimed at reducing these overheads to a managable level, thus helping to make multi-execution more practical. We characterise our optimisations as data-and control-oriented. Data-oriented optimisations reduce storage overheads- which also helps to remove unnecessary repeated computations. In contrast, computation-oriented optimisations rely on program annotations in order to reduce needless computation. These annotations motivate the need for a new, stronger, theoretical notion of transparency- i.e., a stronger notion for characterising the lack of false alarms. To show the efficacy of our optimisation techniques, we apply them to two case-studies: a secure (faceted) database and a chat server written in a multi-execution based IFC framework. Our case-studies clearly show that our optimisations significantly reduce the storage and computational overhead, sometimes from exponential to polynomial order. All of our formal results are accompanied by mechanised proofs in Agda

    DeDup.js: Discovering Malicious and Vulnerable Extensions by Detecting Duplication

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    Browser extensions are popular web applications that users install in modern browsers to enrich the user experience on the web. It is common for browser extensions to include static resources in the form of HTML, CSS, fonts, images, and JavaScript libraries. Unfortunately, the state of the art is that each extension ships its own version of a given resource. This paper presents DeDup.js, a framework that incorporates similarity analysis for achieving two goals: detecting potentially malicious extensions during the approval process, and given an extension as input, DeDup.js discovers similar extensions. We downloaded three snapshots of the Google Chrome Web Store during one year totaling more than 422k browser extensions and conclude that over 50% of the static resources are shared among the extensions. By implementing an instance of DeDup.js, we detect more than 7k extensions that should not have been published and were later deleted. Also, we discover more than 1k malicious extensions still online that send user\u27s queries to external servers without the user\u27s knowledge. Finally, we show the potential of DeDup.js by analyzing a set extensions part of CacheFlow, a recently discovered attack. We detect 53 malicious extensions of which 36 Google has already taken down and the rest are investigated