7 research outputs found

    Quadratic electroweak corrections for polarized Moller scattering

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    The paper discusses the two-loop (NNLO) electroweak radiative corrections to the parity violating electron-electron scattering asymmetry induced by squaring one-loop diagrams. The calculations are relevant for the ultra-precise 11 GeV MOLLER experiment planned at Jefferson Laboratory and experiments at high-energy future electron colliders. The imaginary parts of the amplitudes are taken into consideration consistently in both the infrared-finite and divergent terms. The size of the obtained partial correction is significant, which indicates a need for a complete study of the two-loop electroweak radiative corrections in order to meet the precision goals of future experiments

    Issues and prospects of the market of mortgage loan in Latvia

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    Latvijā kopÅ” 2001.gada ir vērojams ārkārtÄ«gi straujÅ” izsniegto kredÄ«tu atlikuma pieaugums. Pamatā pieaugums radies pateicoties banku agresÄ«vajai hipotekārajai kredÄ«tpolitikai. Ņemot vērā samērā vieglo hipotekāro kredÄ«tu resursu pieejamÄ«bu, ir radies un vēl joprojām pastāv palielināts dzÄ«vojamo platÄ«bu pieprasÄ«jums, ko nenosedz tirgus piedāvājums, tādējādi radot deficÄ«tu. Tā rezultātā nekustamā Ä«paÅ”umā tirgÅ« jau ilgstoÅ”i ir vērojams ievērojami dinamisks cenu kāpums. Pie Ŕādiem apstākļiem pastāv pamatotas aizdomas, ka nekustāma Ä«paÅ”uma tirgÅ« cenas ir pārmērÄ«gi augstas un neatbilstoÅ”as normāliem tirgus apstākļiem, kas raksturojas ar sabalansētu piedāvājumu un pieprasÄ«jumu. Situāciju saasina apstāklis, ka Latvijā 2006.gada beigās pēc FKTK datiem 51,8% no banku aizdevumiem ir tieÅ”i (hipotēku kredÄ«ti, aizdevumi nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma un bÅ«vniecÄ«bas nozarēm) vai netieÅ”ie (aizdevumi citam nozarēm nodroÅ”ināti ar nekustāmo Ä«paÅ”umu) saistÄ«ti ar nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma tirgu un attiecÄ«gi padarot banku kredÄ«trisku Ä«paÅ”i jÅ«tÄ«gu pret nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma tirgus svārstÄ«bām. Situācija, kas Å”obrÄ«d izveidojusies nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma tirgÅ«, rada pamatotas aizdomas, ka mainoties jebkuram no labvēlÄ«gajiem apstākļiem, kas Å”obrÄ«d valda hipotekārās kreditÄ“Å”anas tirgÅ«, var izraisÄ«ties krÄ«ze nekustamā Ä«paÅ”uma tirgÅ«, kas pakārtoti var apdraudēt banku sistēmas stabilitāti valstÄ«. Vadoties no tā, kļūst aktuāla hipotekārās kreditÄ“Å”anas pētÄ«Å”ana un analÄ«ze ar mērÄ·i noskaidrot kāda veida problēmas un kādā apmērā pastāv. Pirmajā nodaļā ir apskatÄ«ti kredÄ«tu un kreditÄ“Å”anas teorētiskie aspekti. Otrā nodaļa ir veltÄ«ta hipotekārās kreditÄ“Å”anas analÄ«zei. TreÅ”ajā nodaļā sakārtoti pētÄ«jumu rezultāti par hipotekārā kredÄ«ta tirgus attÄ«stÄ«bas tendencēm Latvijā, kā arÄ« analizēti hipotekāro kredÄ«tu tirgu ietekmējoÅ”ie faktori, izmantojot statistikas datus. Nobeigumā formulēti galvenie atzinumi, secinājumi, problēmas un priekÅ”likumi problēmu risināŔanai. MaÄ£istra darba apjoms ir 102 lappuses un tajā ir iekļauti 21 attēls un 2 tabulas.There has been observed very quick growth of credit balance in Latvia since 2001. Basically this growth appears owing to aggressive mortgage credit politics of banks. Against this background relatively easy accessibility of mortgage credits, the demand of living-space is appeared and still exists and the offer of market is not able to cover it and it makes deficit. As a result, the dynamic rise of prices is observed for a long time in the market of the fixed property. There is a reasonable suspicion that the prices in the market of the fixed property are too high and they mismatch to normal circumstances of the market which is characterized by integrated demand and offer. The situation is exacerbated by circumstance that according to the data of the Financial and Capital market Commission 51.8 % of the bank loans in Latvia at the end of 2006 are direct (mortgage credits, loans for fixed property and construction branches) or indirect (loans for other branches which are provided by fixed property) which are concerned with the market of fixed property and made the credit risk of banks specially susceptible to the fluctuations of the market of the fixed property but the rate of delivery of mortgage credits are grown up. The situation in the market of the fixed property makes reasonable suspicions that in case of changing anyone of favorable conditions, it can generate the crisis in the market of fixed property what can endanger stability of the banks in the state dependently . Turning out of it the research and analysis of mortgage crediting become actual with the aim to clarify what kind of problems are there and what size are them. The credits and theoretical aspects of crediting are seen in the first chapter. The second chapter is consecrated to analysis of mortgage credits. The research results of tendencies in development of the market of mortgage credits in Latvia are arranged and affected facts of the market of mortgage credits using the data of statistics are analyzed in the third chapter. The resolutions, conclusions, problems and suggestions for solving problems are formulated in the conclusion. The volume of the master paper is 102 pages and it includes 21 picture and 2 tables

    Impact of the NLO hadronic effects on the lepton-nucleon scattering

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    NLO electroweak radiative corrections for four-fermionic process at Belle II

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    We discuss the next to the leading order (NLO) electroweak radiative corrections to the eāˆ’e+ ā†’ fāˆ’f+(Ī³) cross section asymmetry, for polarized and unpolarized beam scenario. The left-right and forward-backward amplitudes, with and without radiative corrections, are evaluated and compared for various kinematics. The hard bremsstrahlung is included for arbitrary energy cuts. The radiative corrections are shown to be significant and having a non-trivial dependency on the kinematic conditions. The calculations are relevant for the ultra-precise low-energy experiment Belle II planned at SuperKEKB