2 research outputs found

    Possibilities of physiotherapy in Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

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    COPD is a progressive disease of the respiratory system that, if untreated, decreases the quality of life of patients. The treatment of COPD is mainly based on the use of bronchodilators and the use of appropriate exercise training. Numerous studies show that properly selected physical effort has a beneficial effect on improving exercise tolerance, spirometric indexes and reducing dyspnoea in patients. Treatments such as: postural drainage, inhalations, chest patting and learning an effective cough also contribute to improving the quality of life in patients suffering from COPD. The appearance of special NIV apparatus very effectively facilitates lung ventilation, and most importantly - allows the patient to support treatment at home

    Novel Tetraploid Triticale (Einkorn Wheat × Rye)—A Source of Stem Rust Resistance

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    Among cereals, triticale (×Trititcoseale Wittmack ex A. Camus) represents a number of advantages such as high grain yield even in marginal environments, tolerance to drought, cold and acid soils, as well as lower production costs. Together with high biomass of grain and straw, triticale is also considered as an industrial energy crop. As an artificial hybrid, it has not evolved naturally, which is reflected in narrow genetic diversity causing a resistance collapse in recent years. Here, we describe a novel, synthetic tetraploid triticale, which was developed by the crossing of rye (Secale cereale L.) with einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum spp. monococcum), which possess Sr35 stem rust resistance gene. Three subsequent generations of alloploids were obtained by chromosome doubling followed by self-pollination. The cytogenetic analyses revealed that the amphiploids possess a set of 28 chromosomes (14 of Am-genome and 14 of R-genome). The values of the most important yield-shaping traits for these tetraploid triticale form, including thousand-grain weight, plant height and stem length were higher compared to parental genotypes, as well as standard hexaploid triticale cultivars. This study shows that this tetraploid triticale genetic stock can be an interesting pre-breeding germplasm for triticale improvement or can be developed as a new alternative crop