2 research outputs found

    Organizational Identification, Corporate Ethical Values, and Intention to Report Peers' Unethical Behavior

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    Employees' misconducts and unethical behaviors are prevalent and growing. Extant research indicate that most employees engage in some form of organizational misbehavior. These misconducts result in billions of lost dollars in revenue annually. Unfortunately research results indicate that employees misbehaviors are largely went unnoticed.  Therefore, since employees are in a position that enables them to be more aware and knowledgeable of their colleagues' misconducts, a better way to deal with unethical behaviors is to encourage peer reporting. Yet research showed that employees are not inclined to report their colleagues' misconducts. Thus exploring reasons that inhibit or enhance peer reporting is worthwhile. This study investigated the impact of organizational identification and corporate ethical values on employees' intention to report peers unethical behaviors. The results supported our hypothesis as they revealed that organizational identification and corporate ethical values are positively associated with intention to report unethical behaviors committed by peers. Implications, limitation and recommendations for future studies have been presented. Keywords: Unethical Behavior, Peer Reporting, Whistleblowing, Organizational Identification, Corporate Ethical Values, Jordan, Nurse, Healthcar

    Investigating Consumers\u27 Software Piracy Using An Extended Theory Of Reasoned Action

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    Software piracy, the illegal and unauthorized duplication, sale, or distribution of software, is a widespread and costly phenomenon. According to the Business Software Alliance, more than one third of the PC software packages installed worldwide in 2006 were unauthorized copies. This behavior costs the software industry billions of lost dollars in revenue annually. Software piracy behavior has been investigated for more than thirty years. However, there are two voids in the literature: lack of studies in Non-Western countries and scarcity of process studies. As such, this study contributes to the literature by developing a software piracy model to understand the decision making process that underlies this illegal behavior among Jordanian university students. Based on a literature review in various disciplines, including social psychology, psychology, and criminology, several important variables have been incorporated into the proposed model. The model was tested using data collected from a sample of 323 undergraduate business students. The resulting data was analyzed by two main statistical techniques, structural equation modeling (SEM) and hierarchical multiple regression. The results indicated that the model was useful in predicting students\u27 intention to pirate software. Seven out of eight hypotheses were supported. Consistent with The Theory of Reasoned Action, attitudes toward software piracy and subjective norms were significant predictors of intention to pirate software. However, our findings are inconsistent with previous studies with regard to the relative importance of attitude and subjective norms; subjective norms had a stronger effect. Also, the results suggested that ethical ideology, public self-consciousness, and low self-control moderated the effect of these variables on intention to pirate software. Lastly, the results indicated that the effect of subjective norms on afintention to pirate software was both direct and indirect through attitudes. The results have important practical implications for the software industry and governments to curtail software piracy. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future studies are discussed as well