1 research outputs found

    Conservaci贸 de l鈥檈ndemisme vegetal de la serra d鈥橧rta (Castell贸) Limonium irtaense

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    L鈥檈nsopeguera d鈥橧rta (Limonium irtaense Ferrer et al.), 茅s un endemisme vegetal exclusiu de la serra d鈥橧rta (el Baix Maestrat, NE de Castell贸, Espanya), descobert per a la ci猫ncia al 2011 i descrit al 2015. En aquell moment es van comptabilitzar nom茅s 19 exemplars, que fan tota la poblaci贸 mundial de l鈥檈nsopeguera. Atesa la minsa poblaci贸 i molt escassa distribuci贸 espacial de la planta, 茅s de notable inter猫s analitzar l鈥檈voluci贸 de les seues poblacions. Tamb茅 茅s important con猫ixer l鈥檈fecte del temporal Gl貌ria (gener 2020), donat el fort risc d鈥檈xtinci贸 d鈥檃questa esp猫cie. Entre 2013 i 2020 s鈥檋an censat entre un m铆nim de 10 exemplars (en 2020) i un m脿xim de 21 (en 2016). La Gl貌ria ha afectat greument el nombre total de peus, reduint una de les dues poblacions a nom茅s 1 exemplar. Per tal de reduir el risc d鈥檈xtinci贸, des de 2012 s鈥檋an plantat 279 exemplars en 3 脿rees pr貌ximes, i s鈥檋an constatat els primers reclutaments de nous exemplars. L鈥檃valuaci贸 d鈥檃quest treball confirma la classificaci贸 de l鈥檈sp猫cie a la categoria CR (Cr铆ticament amena莽ada) de la classificaci贸 de la UICN (Uni贸 Internacional per a la Conservaci贸 de la Natura), i refor莽a la necessitat de mantenir la propagaci贸 ex situ i les translocacions de conservaci贸.Irta鈥檚 sea lavender (Limonium irtaense Ferrer et al.) is an endemic plant species exclusive to Serra d鈥橧rta (el Baix Maestrat, NE Castell贸, Spain). It was first discovered in 2011 and subsequently described in 2015. At that time, only 19 specimens were counted, making up the entire world population of this sea lavender. Given the small population and very little spatial distribution of this plant, it is of great interest to analyze the evolution of its populations. It is also important to know the effect of the storm Gloria (January 2020), given the high risk of extinction of this species. Between 2013 and 2020, a minimum of 10 exemplars (in 2020) and a maximum of 21 (in 2016) were counted. Gloria has severely affected the total number of specimens, reducing one of the two populations to just 1 specimen. In order to reduce the risk of extinction, since 2012, 279 specimens have been planted in 3 nearby areas, and the first recruitments of new specimens have been already recorded. The evaluation of this work confirms the classification of the species in the CR (Critically Endangered) category of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) classification, and reinforces the need to maintain ex situ propagation. and conservation translocations tasks