12 research outputs found

    Comparison of acute to chronic ratios between silver and gold nanoparticles, using <i>Ceriodaphnia dubia</i>

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    <p>As integration of nanoparticles (NPs) into products becomes more common, the need to address the paucity of chronic hazard information for aquatic environments required to determine risk potential increases. This study generated acute and chronic toxicity reference values for <i>Ceriodaphnia dubia</i> exposed to 20 and 100 nm silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to generate and evaluate potential differences in acute-to-chronic ratios (ACR) using two different feeding methods. A modified feeding procedure was employed alongside the standard procedures to investigate the influence of food on organism exposure. An 8-h period before food was added allowed direct organism exposure to NP dispersions (and associated ions) without food-to-NP interactions. The AgNPs [chronic lethal median concentrations (LC50) between 18.7 and 31.9 µg/L] were substantially more toxic than AuNPs (LC50 = 21 507 to >26 384 µg/L). The modified chronic testing method resulted in greater sensitivity in AgNPs exposures. However, the modified feeding ration had less of an effect in exposures to the larger (100 nm) AgNPs compared to smaller particles (20 nm). The ACRs for AgNPs using the standard feeding ration were 1.6 and 3.5 for 20 nm and 100 nm, respectively. The ACRs for AgNPs using the modified feeding ration were 3.4 and 7.6 for 20 nm and 100 nm NPs, respectively. This supports that the addition of the standard feeding ration decreases <i>C. dubia</i> chronic sensitivity to AgNPs, although it must also be recognized organisms may be sensitized due to less access to food. The ACRs for 20 nm and 100 nm AuNPs (standard ration only) were 4.0 and 3.0, respectively. It is important to also consider that dissolved Ag<sup>+</sup> ions are more toxic than AgNPs, based on both acute toxicity values in the cited literature and chronic toxicity thresholds generated in this study that support existing thresholds that Ag<sup>+</sup> are likely protective of AgNPs effects.</p

    Extraction and Analysis of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles from Biological Tissues Using Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

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    Expanded use of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in consumer products increases the potential for environmental release and unintended biological exposures. As a result, measurement techniques are needed to accurately quantify ENP size, mass, and particle number distributions in biological matrices. This work combines single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICPMS) with tissue extraction to quantify and characterize metallic ENPs in environmentally relevant biological tissues for the first time. ENPs were extracted from tissues via alkaline digestion using tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Method development was performed using ground beef and was verified in Daphnia magna and Lumbriculus variegatus. ENPs investigated include 100 and 60 nm Au and Ag stabilized by polyvynylpyrrolidone (PVP). Mass- and number-based recovery of spiked Au and Ag ENPs was high (83–121%) from all tissues tested. Additional experiments suggested ENP mixtures (60 and 100 nm Ag ENPs) could be extracted and quantitatively analyzed. Biological exposures were also conducted to verify the applicability of the method for aquatic organisms. Size distributions and particle number concentrations were determined for ENPs extracted from D. magna exposed to 98 μg/L 100 nm Au and 4.8 μg/L 100 nm Ag ENPs. The D. magna nanoparticulate body burden for Au ENP uptake was 613 ± 230 μg/kg<sub>ww</sub>, while the measured nanoparticulate body burden for D. magna exposed to Ag ENPs was 59 ± 52 μg/kg<sub>ww</sub>. Notably, the particle size distributions determined from D. magna tissues suggested minimal shifts in the size distributions of ENPs accumulated, as compared to the exposure media

    Assessment of Chemical Mixtures and Groundwater Effects on <i>Daphnia magna</i> Transcriptomics

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    Small organisms can be used as biomonitoring tools to assess chemicals in the environment. Chemical stressors are especially hard to assess and monitor when present as complex mixtures. Here, fifteen polymerase chain reaction assays targeting <i>Daphnia magna</i> genes were calibrated to responses elicited in <i>D. magna</i> exposed for 24 h to five different doses each of the munitions constituents 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene, trinitrobenzene, dinitrobenzene, or 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane. A piecewise-linear model for log-fold expression changes in gene assays was used to predict response to munitions mixtures and contaminated groundwater under the assumption that chemical effects were additive. The correlations of model predictions with actual expression changes ranged from 0.12 to 0.78 with an average of 0.5. To better understand possible mixture effects, gene expression changes from all treatments were compared using high-density microarrays. Whereas mixtures and groundwater exposures had genes and gene functions in common with single chemical exposures, unique functions were also affected, which was consistent with the nonadditivity of chemical effects in these mixtures. These results suggest that, while gene behavior in response to chemical exposure can be partially predicted based on chemical exposure, estimation of the composition of mixtures from chemical responses is difficult without further understanding of gene behavior in mixtures. Future work will need to examine additive and nonadditive mixture effects using a much greater range of different chemical classes in order to clarify the behavior and predictability of complex mixtures

    Gill Histopathologies Following Exposure to Nanosilver or Silver Nitrate

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    <div><p>Fish gill is the site for many crucial physiological functions. It is among the first sites of xenobiotic exposure, and gill histopathological alterations may be detected soon after toxicant exposure. Silver (Ag) is one of the most toxic metals to aquatic organisms mainly due to its ability to disrupt ionic regulation. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of ionic and nanoscale Ag on fathead minnow gills by examining gill histology and Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase immunoreactivity. Fathead minnows were exposed to two measured concentrations of silver nitrate (AgNO<sub>3</sub>: 1.3 or 3.7 μg/L as Ag<sup>+</sup>), citrate silver nanoparticles (citrate-AgNP: 15 or 39 μg/L), and polyvinylpyrrolidone-AgNP (PVP-AgNP) (AgNP: 11 or 50 μg/L). Circulatory disturbances were the most prevalent gill alterations detected and were significantly increased in all Ag treatment groups compared to control. AgNO<sub>3</sub> (1.3 μg/L) was the only treatment that significantly elevated the number of total mucous goblet cells present. In all other Ag treatments, the percent of degenerated goblet cells was significantly increased compared to control. When the sum of all histopathological abnormalities (weighted index) was calculated, all Ag groups displayed a significantly higher index, with citrate-AgNP having the highest toxicity (index of 10 ± 0.32 versus 2.4 ± 0.6 in controls). Gill Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase immunoreactivity was decreased by Ag. These results indicated that both AgNO<sub>3</sub> and AgNP created similar disruptions in gill structure and ionic regulation, possibly due to the ionic Ag portion of each treatment. </p></div

    Assessing nanomaterial exposures in aquatic ecotoxicological testing: Framework and case studies based on dispersion and dissolution

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    <p>The unique behavior of engineered nanomaterials (ENM) in aqueous media and dynamic changes in particle settling, agglomeration and dissolution rates is a challenge to the consistency, reliability and interpretation of standard aquatic hazard bioassay results. While the toxicological endpoints (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction, etc.) in ecotoxicity bioassays are largely applicable to ENMs, the standard methods as written for dissolved substances are confounded by the dynamic settling, agglomeration and dissolution of particulate ENMs during the bioassay. A testing framework was designed to serve as a starting point to identify approaches for the consistent conduct of aquatic hazard tests that account for the behavior of ENMs in test media and suitable data collection to support representative exposure metrology. The framework was demonstrated by conducting three case studies testing ENMs with functionally distinct characteristics and behaviors. Pretests with a temporal sampling of particle concentration, agglomeration and dissolution were conducted on each ENM in test media. Results indicated that a silver nanoparticle (AgNP) powder was not dispersible, a nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> powder was dispersible but unstable, and a polyvinylpyrrolidinone-coated AgNP was relatively stable in test media. Based on these functional results, <i>Ceriodaphnia dubia</i> bioassays were conducted to compare different exposure summary methods (nominal, arithmetic average, geometric average, time-weighted average) for calculating and expressing toxicity endpoints. Results indicated that while arithmetic means were effective for expressing the toxicity of more stable materials, time-weighted averaged concentrations were appropriate for the unstable nano-TiO<sub>2</sub>.</p

    Tungsten Toxicity, Bioaccumulation, and Compartmentalization into Organisms Representing Two Trophic Levels

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    Metallic tungsten has civil and military applications and was considered a green alternative to lead. Recent reports of contamination in drinking water and soil have raised scrutiny and suspended some applications. This investigation employed the cabbage Brassica oleracae and snail Otala lactea as models to determine the toxicological implications of sodium tungstate and an aged tungsten powder-spiked soil containing monomeric and polymeric tungstates. Aged soil bioassays indicated cabbage growth was impaired at 436 mg of W/kg, while snail survival was not impacted up to 3793 mg of W/kg. In a dermal exposure, sodium tungstate was more toxic to the snail, with a lethal median concentration of 859 mg of W/kg. While the snail significantly bioaccumulated tungsten, predominately in the hepatopancreas, cabbage leaves bioaccumulated much higher concentrations. Synchrotron-based mapping indicated the highest levels of W were in the veins of cabbage leaves. Our results suggest snails consuming contaminated cabbage accumulated higher tungsten concentrations relative to the concentrations directly bioaccumulated from soil, indicating the importance of robust trophic transfer investigations. Finally, synchrotron mapping provided evidence of tungsten in the inner layer of the snail shell, suggesting potential use of snail shells as a biomonitoring tool for metal contamination

    Gaining a Critical Mass: A Dose Metric Conversion Case Study Using Silver Nanoparticles

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    Mass concentration is the standard convention to express exposure in ecotoxicology for dissolved substances. However, nanotoxicology has challenged the suitability of the mass concentration dose metric. Alternative metrics often discussed in the literature include particle number, surface area, and ion release (kinetics, equilibrium). It is unlikely that any single metric is universally applicable to all types of nanoparticles. However, determining the optimal metric for a specific type of nanoparticle requires novel studies to generate supportive data and employ methods to compensate for current analytical capability gaps. This investigation generated acute toxicity data for two standard species (<i>Ceriodaphnia dubia</i>, <i>Pimephales promelas</i>) exposed to five sizes (10, 20, 30, 60, 100 nm) of monodispersed citrate- and polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles. Particles were sized by various techniques to populate available models for expressing the particle number, surface area, and dissolved fraction. Results indicate that the acute toxicity of the tested silver nanoparticles is best expressed by ion release, and is relatable to total exposed surface area. Particle number was not relatable to the observed acute silver nanoparticle effects