11 research outputs found

    Angiofibroma of Soft Tissue: A Case Report

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    Differentiation between benign angiofibromas of soft tissue and malignant sarcomas. The accurate diagnosis of this tumor is essential to prevent additional unnecessary treatments and/or surgeries. This can be achieved by proper genetic testing for the presence of markers including the NCOA2 fusion gene, CD34, α-SMA, and epithelial membrane antigen. Genetic testing is an essential component of accurate diagnosis as the appearance of these lesions can mimic other, more harmful neoplasms. Immunohistochemical analysis frequently shows the AHRR-NCOA2 driver mutation which is thought to be associated with t(5;8)(p15;q13), also commonly found in AFSTs. In combination, these immunohistochemical findings allow for accurate diagnosis of angiofibroma of soft tissue in any location of the body

    Lipomatosis of Nerve

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    Lipomatosis of nerve is a benign lesion with increased fibrofatty tissue infiltrating and surrounding nerves, usually occurring in children and young adults as a slowly progressive swelling or mass, which can clinically mimic a tumor or malignancy. Here we report a 59-year-old man who presented with pain in his right foot and a mass that has been mostly stable for years, but which seems to have grown slightly of late, and is clinically suspicious for ganglion cyst. The MRI revealed a fatty mass concerning for lipoma or atypical lipomatous tumor. Consequently, the patient underwent excisional biopsy. The H&E sections showed mature adipose and fibrous tissue infiltrating the nerve, consistent with lipomatosis of nerve. Lipomatosis of the nerve, though most common in upper extremities, can occur in a variety of locations, and providers should be aware of potentially rare presentations like this one to prevent unnecessary surgery and prevent potential nerve damage

    Autoimmune pancreatitis presenting as obstructive jaundice

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    A 71 years cachexic male presented with sign symptoms of biliary tract obstruction. There was a large mass in the head of pancreases with raised CA 19.9. But elevated serum lipase raised the suspicion of paocreatitis. Elevated immunoglobu­lin IgG4 confmned this case as a auto immune aetiology. Initially there was much difficulty to differentiate auto immune pancreatitis from pancreatic carcinoma but after successful stenting and a course of corticosteroids, patient improved dramatically along with nonnalisation of all the radiological, bio-chemical and immunological parameters

    Development of a Curriculum for Osteoporosis Education in Rural Populations

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    Osteoporosis contributes to annual costs exceeding $10 billion in the U.S. due to hip fractures and is the primary cause of hospitalization among older women. Historically, geriatric populations have received inadequate education in navigating the U.S. medical system, emphasizing the importance of targeted education among the elderly. The study’s objective is to improve health literacy among the geriatric population in rural Utah by expanding their understanding of osteoporosis

    Acromegaly Presenting as Cardiac Failure - A Case Report

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    Acromegaly is characterized by chronic hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) and is associated with increased mortality rate because of the potential complications such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, or malignancy, which are probably caused by the long-term exposure of tissues to excess GH, for at least 10 years, before diagnosis and treatment. Here we are reporting a case of acromegaly who initially presented with features of left ventricular failure for which she got herself admitted in CCU and was treated conservatively. Later on, after clinical examination and investigations she was diagnosed as a case of mitral regurgitation due to cardiomyopathy caused by acromegaly. After the successful transsphenoidal resection of the pituitary microadenoma, the level of GH was normalized and heart failure improved. Key words: acromegaly; heart failure; Pituitary microadenoma. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bsmmuj.v4i2.8644 BSMMU J 2011; 4(2):122-12

    Acute kidney injury due to star fruit ingestion: A case report

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    Star fruit (Avarrhoa carambola) is a fruit from oxalidace family. lt is found in many countries of the world including Bangladesh. But its ingestion or drinking star fruit juice may lead to intoxication especially in patients with chronic kidney disease and manifestations might be neurological or nephrological. lt may also cause acute kidney injury in patients with previously normal renal function. Here we are presenting a case who presented with acute kidney injury after star fruit ingestion with previously unknown renal function impairment. The etiology was confirmed by histopathological exami­nation after doing renal biopsy. This renal function impairment is mainly due to oxalate crystal induce nephropathy which is richly abundant in star fruit. His renal function was improved ·with conservative management. Physicians should be alert to consider the ingestion of star fruit as a cause of acute kidney injury in a patient even in the absence of previous renal function impairment

    Genitourinary melioidosis in a Bangladeshi farmer with IgA nephropathy complicated by steroid-induced diabetes mellitus

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    Melioidosis is an emerging infectious disease in many countries including Bangladesh. Genitourinary infection due to Burkholderia pseudomallei is a well-recognized manifestation although less commonly reported in Asia than Australia. Here, we report case history of a 38-year-old Bangladeshi farmer, diagnosed with IgA nephropathy and on oral prednisolone, who presented with features of urinary tract infection. Diagnostic workup confirmed genitourinary infection due to B. pseudomallei and diabetes mellitus. He was treated with ceftazidime followed by the combination of co-trimoxazole and doxycycline. After two-year follow-up, he was free of symptoms with no recurrence of melioidosis. In the context of growing evidence of melioidosis endemicity in Bangladesh, physicians should be aware and include melioidosis as differential in appropriate clinical scenario. Melioidosis may cause urinary tract infections and should be suspected in high-risk groups like farmers and in the presence of risk factors such as diabetes mellitus and other immunosuppressive conditions

    Autoimmune pancreatitis presenting as obstructive jaundice

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    A 71 years cachexic male presented with sign symptoms of biliary tract obstruction. There was a large mass in the head of pancreases with raised CA 19.9. But elevated serum lipase raised the suspicion of paocreatitis. Elevated immunoglobu­lin IgG4 confmned this case as a auto immune aetiology. Initially there was much difficulty to differentiate auto immune pancreatitis from pancreatic carcinoma but after successful stenting and a course of corticosteroids, patient improved dramatically along with nonnalisation of all the radiological, bio-chemical and immunological parameters

    Emphysematous Pyelonephritis in a 32-Year-Old Diabetic Female

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    Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a rare, severe, necrotizing renal parenchymal infection characterized by gas accumulation in kidney(s) with or without involving surrounding tissues. Patients with diabetes mellitus are the usual sufferers. Here we describe a case history of a young Bangladeshi diabetic lady who presented with dysuria, fever and abdominal pain. Investigations confirmed left sided emphysematous pyelonephritis. She responded to and recovered with intravenous antibiotics