160 research outputs found

    Technology of pearl culture

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    The cultured poorl is a pearl which is produced in the pearl oyster by too deliberate attempt of providing the two basic conditions: i) in the place of accidental entry of an foreign aubstance, the core material called nucleus is implanted in the oyster's body; and ii) in the place of chance farmation of pearl-sac by mantle epithelial cells, a piece of mantle called graft; tissue is planted on the nucleus to ensure formation of the pearl-sa

    Seed production and hatchery development

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    It i s fundamental to culture of any aquatic erganism that the right type of seed is available at the right time. Man, from the time he developed aquaculture inteest, has depended on the seedavailable in the wild for stocking the farms and even today this dependence is absolute in most case

    CMFRI Bulletin No. 39: Introduction

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    India is endowed with a pearl oyster resource which has been exploited for the natural pearls from time immemorial and, in the historical past, pearls have been one of the precious objects, along with spices, exported from the ports in the South. The Gulf of Mannar and Gulf of Kutch are the well known haunts of this resource and pearl fisheries had been organised in the past from Tuticorin and Jamnagar respectively. The 'paars' of Gulf of Mannar have yielded to very valuable fisheries in the past, the most successful of which has been the fishery series of 1955-1961. Since then the beds have gone back into a recessive phase without much of pearl oyster stock as has been the typical situation in the past. The ' khaddas ' of the Gulf of Kutch, after yielding to a moderate fishery in 1966-67 season, have likewise, been unproductive since then

    Larval transport and settlement of pearl oysters (Genus Pinctada) in the Gulf of Mannar

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    The pearl oyster resources of India show wide fluctuations in their annual yields. In the Gulf of Mannar, after 27 years of barrenness, the pearl oyster beds revived most profusely in 1955, but soon became depleted after sustaining a seven-year fishery series. Such fluctuations are common on both the Indian and Sri Lanka coasts of the gulf, where the same species (Pinctada fucata) has contributed to the pearl fisheries since time immemorial

    Fishery and biology of pearl oysters

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    The important pearl fisheries for the marine peerl oysters have been concentrated in Asi

    Research and Development Strategy for Exploitation of Molluscan Resources of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

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    The paper deals with prospect s of exploitation /c ulture of different molluscan resources of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Resou rces like TrocJms and Turbo, Pearl oyster, and other molluscan resources have been described with respect to their dist ribution and potent ial. An immediate need for R & 0 thrust in identified areas has beeD stressed before inilialing developmen t programme

    Perspectives in pearl culture

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    The art of pearl culture, as initially developed by late Kokichi Mikimoto in 1893 and subsequently improved upon by the Japanese scientists and farmers is in the process of undergoing changes with scientific inputs in new areas. While the traditional pearl culture industry of Japan is looking for improvement in the quality of cultured pearls, several new entrants are coming into the industry. In some areas, there is also interest in reviving the natural populations and improving their pearl producing potential

    Culture of brown mussel Perna indica at Vizhinjam

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    Two species of sea mussels occur along the Indian coasts. The green mussel Perna viridis has a wide distribution on both the east and west coasts of India. On the other hand, the brown mussel Perna indica has a very restricted distribution along the southwest coast from Cape Comorin to Quilon. A traditional sustenance fishery exists for the brown mussel in Cape Comorin, Muttom, Enayam and Vizhinjam and a few other centres. The mussel meat is considered a delicious food item by the coastal people. At Vizhinjam the annual production of brown mussel from the natural beds varies from 50-150 tonnes

    Country status report on India

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    The nature and problems of small-scale fisheries differ vastly from country to country . India' s marine fisheries is formed almost entirely by the small - scale fisheries , comprised by the traditional and mechanised sectors, besides an emerging industrial sector. Among these, the traditional fisheries sector is the largest in terms of crafts, gear, manpower and production. But it has benefitted the least from the development plans

    A critical review of progress and problems of pearl culture in India

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    A major breakthrough was achieved when techniques for the production of cultured pearls in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata were successfully developed for the first time in 1973 at the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Since then progress has been made in several biological and technical areas of pearl culture. Training programmes have been conducted to extend the know-how to the maritime States and Union Territories. The paper recapitulates the recent achievements in pearl culture in India and identifies the areas which require a major thrust to strengthen the technological base. It also outlines the immediate prospects for the development of a pearl culture industry in the country
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