4 research outputs found
Structural change as an opportunity for a post-mining region:the case of Pyhäjärvi, Finland
Many mining towns have faced or are about to face challenges regarding keeping their region economically stable and its image attractive. With mineral resources exhausted and mining activities shutting down, alternative opportunities for jobs are difficult to establish and the regional image may be unappealing and not eco-friendly. Furthermore, the closure of a mine comes with large maintenance costs. This is the case in the small town of Pyhäjärvi, where the underground operation of the Pyhäsalmi mine will shut down in 2021. The depth of the Pyhäsalmi mine, 1,445 m underground, offers a unique environment, with large-scale possibilities to utilise the infrastructure and resources, such as for the purposes of establishing a geothermal energy facility. Renewable, low-carbon energy sources are not only at the centre of the fight against climate change, but they also provide profitable and stable energy solutions. Therefore, using existing operation environments such as the Pyhäsalmi mine presents an opportunity to create and use green technology solutions, and thus transform an extractive industrial locality into a forerunner that offers new business opportunities in the clean energy sector.
Structural industrial change would require strong regional resilience. A resilient region is able to adapt its activities, markets and local political structures during the change; however, restructuring processes are challenging due to functional, cognitive and/or political lock-in when regions tend to fall into path dependency (Hasslink 2010a; Martin 2012). Recent developments in economic and social systems (caused by globalisation, decarbonisation and the rise of digital technologies) are influencing all regions that should be able create new paths (Giacometti and Teräs 2019; Hasslink 2010b). This study discusses whether the structural change of the region can be turned into an economical and environmental opportunity and what kind of social, economic and political conditions can either make this a reality or act as a hindrance
Competence development needs for micro-enterprises entering servitisation
Servitisation, as a means to drive growth, provides a great business opportunity for micro-enterprises (micros), offering the possibility of longer and more profitable customer relationships. However, such enterprises possess limited human resources and, thus, competences. Competence-related challenges must be understood in order to operate successfully in the field of servitisation. This study produces new knowledge about competence development needs. The study material consists of interviews conducted in ten Finnish subcontracting micros in the fields of forestry, agriculture, and mining. Using a multiple case approach allows for an extensive examination of the insufficiently studied phenomenon of interest — micros engaging in servitisation — utilising Tukker’s (2004) product-service system. The results contribute both academically and practically by showing that micros face competence-related servitisation challenges in terms of entrepreneurship, change management, and financing. The study broadens Tukker’s product-service categorisation to include product manufacturing industries that offer assembly services
Pyhäsalmen kaivos hiilivapaan lämpöenergiatuotannon mahdollistajana
This report examines the recovery of carbon-free geothermal heat from the Pyhäsalmi mine and the utilization of low-temperature geothermal energy. Extraction of metals from the about 1.4 km deep mine will end in the near future, providing exceptional possibilities to utilize underground space for the geothermal energy production. This report presents the basic principles of geothermal energy and its utilization, geological and -thermal premises of the mine, and a concept for the recovery and utilization of heat. Subsequently, we examine the cost-effectiveness of the concept and outline the utilization of the geothermal energy in the local district heating network, as well as in the potential on-site applications.
The design concept generated and optimized in this project is based on an underground borehole field and a novel collector type transferring heat from the rock to the heat circulation loop. The heat wells placed at the bottom of the mine can be dimensioned to produce nearly 20-degree water with several megawatts power, allowing annual heat production of tens of gigawatts at the temperature range of 70–90 degrees by means of heat pumps.
Utilization of geothermal energy creates a platform for developing new technologies, services and enterprises within mine areas. The obtained results support the vision of Pyhäsalmi as a pilot surroundings for renewable energies that attract companies and communities in Finland and internationally.Tiivistelmä
Tämä raportti tarkastelee hiilivapaan geotermisen lämmön talteenottoa Pyhäsalmen kaivoksesta ja matalalämpöisen geoenergian hyödyntämistä. Maanalaisen noin 1,4 km syvän kaivoksen metallien louhinta päättyy lähitulevaisuudessa, jolloin tilat tarjoavat geotermisen energian tuotannolle poikkeuksellisen hyvät mahdollisuudet. Raportissa esitellään geotermisen energian ja sen hyötykäytön yleiset perusperiaatteet, kaivoksen geologiset ja -termiset lähtökohdat sekä konsepti geotermisen lämmön talteenottoa ja hyödyntämistä varten. Lopuksi tarkastellaan konseptin kannattavuutta, geotermisen lämmön hyödyntämistä paikallisessa kaukolämpöverkostossa sekä lämpöenergian paikallisia käyttökohteita.
Tässä hankkeessa suunniteltava ja optimoitava toteutuskonsepti pohjautuu maanalaiseen lämpökaivokenttään sekä kehitettävään kollektoriin, jolla lämpöä saadaan kalliosta tehokkaasti siirrettyä lämmönsiirtopiiriin. Kaivoksen pohjalle sijoitettu lämpökaivokenttä voidaan mitoittaa tuottamaan lähes 20-asteista vettä useiden megawattien teholla, jolloin vuotuinen lämpöenergian tuotanto voi nousta kymmeniin gigawattitunteihin ja lämpöpumpulla tuotettu lämpötilataso 70–90 asteeseen.
Geotermisen energian hyödyntäminen luo kasvualustan kehittää uusia teknologioita ja palveluja sekä yrityksiä kaivosympäristössä. Saadut tulokset tukevat visiota, jossa Pyhäsalmen kaivosalueesta ja ympäröivästä taajamasta kehittyy uusiutuvien energiamuotojen pilotointi- ja esimerkkikohde, joka herättää yritysten ja yhteisöjen kiinnostusta Suomessa ja ulkomailla