37 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of types of ectomycorrhizae in fagus stands in differently polluted forest research plots

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    V obdobju od 1998 do 2001 smo z mikobioindikacijsko metodo analizirali tipe ektomikorize in določili njihovo raznovrstnost v standardnih volumnih tal različno onesnaženih gozdnih raziskovalnih ploskev bukovih sestojev. Gozdne raziskovalne ploskve so bile izbrane v bližini termoenergetskih objektov (onesnaženo območje: Zavodnje - Prednji vrh in Zasavje - Dobovec) in v okoliciKočevske Reke (referenčno, neonesnaženo območje: Preža in Moravške gredice). Identificirali smo 88 različnih tipov ektomikorize iz skupnega števila 95.044 kratkih korenin. Izračunali smo biodiverzitetne indekse (Shannon-Weaverjev indeks, indeks vrstnega bogastva in indeks izenačenosti) inugotovili, da raznovrstnost tipov ektomikorize v talnih vzorcih onesnaženih ploskev ni bistveno zmanjšana, kar povezujemo z vitalnostjo bukovih sestojev.Types of ectomycorrhizae were identified by the mycobioindication method and biodiversity was assessed in soil cores from differently polluted beech forestresearch plots in the period 1998 - 2001. Forest research plots were situated in the vicinity of thermal power plants (polluted plots: Zavodnje - Prednji vrh and Zasavje - Dobovec) and in unpolluted areas (in the vicinity ofKočevska Reka: Preža and Moravške gredice). Eighty-eight different types of ectomycorrhizae were determined from a total of 95,044 root tips. Biodiversityindices (Shannon- Weaver index of diversity, species richness and equitability) were estimated. In soil cores from polluted areas no decrease inbiodiversity was determined. Consequently, it can be concluded that high biodiversity reflects good health status of beech forest in Slovenia

    Belowground ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at fagus stands in differently polluted forest research plots

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    V talnih vzorcih različno onesnaženih ploskev v bukovih sestojih smo analizirali talno združbo ektomikoriznih gliv. V obdobju od 1998 do 2001 smo zmikobioindikacijsko metodo določali tipe ektomikorize v standardnem volumnu tal različno onesnaženih ploskev. Gozdne raziskovalne ploskve so bile izbrane v bližini termoenergetskih objektov (onesnaženo območje: Zavodnje - Prednji vrh in Zasavje - Dobovec) in v okolici Kočevske Reke (referenčno, neonesnaženoobmočje: Preža in Moravške gredice). Identificirali smo 88 različnih tipov ektomikorize iz skupnega števila 95.044 kratkih korenin. 48 tipov smo določili do vrste, 18 do rodu, za preostalih 22 pa nismo našli ustreznega opisa. Domnevamo, da precejšnje število sodi še k neopisanim tipom ektomikorizevečino slednjih (31 opisov) predstavljamo s kratkimi opisi v članku. Med posameznimi območji smo evidentirali razlike v vrstni sestavi tipov ektomikorize. Iz identificiranih tipov smo izločili dominantne in pogoste vrste, med katerimi so morda ključne vrste ektomikoriznih talnih združb bukovih sestojev.Belowground ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at fagus stands were analysed. Eectomycorrhiza types were identified in soil cores from differently polluted beech forest research plots in the 1998 - 2001 period by mycobioindication method. Forest research plots were situated in the vicinity of thermal power plants (polluted plots: Zavodnje - Prednji vrh and Zasavje - Dobovec) and in unpolluted areas (in the vicinity of Kočevska Reka: Preža and Moravške gredice). Eighty-eight different ectomycorrhiza types were determined from a total of 95,044 root tips. Among them, 48 were identified down to the species level and 18 to the genus levelfor 22 of them, no similarity was found with any of the already described types, so the majority of them are probably undescribed types. Short descriptions of 31 ectomycorrhiza types (most of themare undescribed types) are presented in this article. However, there are differences in species diversity of the types. Among the identified types of ectomycorrhizae, the dominant and common species were selected, some of which are probably the key species of belowground ectomycorrhizal communities of beech forests

    Cd, Hg, Pb, and As in European species of wild growing forest landscape fungi : a review

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    Kadmij (Cd), živo srebro (Hg), svinec (Pb) in arzen (As) so kovine, ki se naravno ali kot posledica človekove dejavnosti pojavljajo v okolju, tudi v gozdni krajini, kjer so rastišča številnih evropskih vrst gliv. Namen članka je bil pripraviti pregled vrst in količin izbranih kovin v trosnjakih gliv terprimerjati lastne raziskave, opravljene v različno onesnaženih območjih v Sloveniji (Zgornja Mežiška, Šaleška in Poljanska dolina), s podatki evropskih raziskav. Vsebnosti kovin v trosnjakih gliv iz neonesnaženih območij pravilomanajdemo v naslednjih intervalih: <0,5 mg/kg suhe teže (Cd), < 0,5 mg/kg do 10 mg/kg suhe teže (Hg), < 0,5 mg/kg do 5 mg/kg suhe teže (Pb) in < 0,5 mg/kg do 1 (2) mg/kg suhe teže (As). Na podlagi pregleda vsebnosti izbranih kovin v trosnjakih gliv ugotavljamo, da sta problematični kovini predvsem Cd in Hg. Omenjeni kovini lahko dosegata velike vsebnosti celo v glivah, ki rastejo v neonesnaženih območjih. Za vse analizirane kovin je značilno, da v trosnjakih gliv iz močno onesnaženih območji dosegajo velike, celo ekstemne vsebnosti, ki nekajkrat prekoračujejo vsebnosti iz neonesnaženih območij. Upoštevaje primerjavo z evropskimi raziskavami ugotavljamo, da je Zgornja Mežiška dolina obremenjena s Pb in Cd, Šaleška dolina pa s Cd in As.Metals, which originate from anthropogenic and natural activities, frequently occur in forest landscape with habitats of many European species of wild growing fungi. The presented review focuses on cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and arsenic (As) levels in fruiting bodies of wild growing European species of fungi of forest landscape. Furthermore, a comparison with studies of this kind performed in Slovenia was made with the aim to assess themetals levels in fungi from differently polluted areas in Slovenia (the Upper Meža Valley, the Šalek Valley, the Poljana Valley). The usual reported levels for most species grown in unpolluted areas are in the following ranges:Cd: < 0,5 mg/kg - 5 mg/kg dry weight (dw), Hg: < 0,5 mg/kg - 10 mg/kg dw, Pb: < 0,5 mg/kg - 5 mg/kg dw, As: < 0,5 mg/kg -1 (2) mg/kg dw (As), respectively. The presented data reveal that cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) have probably been the most detrimental trace elements in fruiting bodies, which can reach increased levels even in unpolluted areas. It is evident for all analyzed trace elements that values can considerably increase in fungi picked in severely polluted areas. According to data regarding Slovene studies and comparison with other European studies, it is obvious that the Šalek Valley is enriched with Cd and As, while the Upper Meža Valley is considerably polluted with Pb and Cd

    Fungi as responsive and accumulative bioindicators of forest site pollution in the Šalek valley

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    V Šaleški dolini smo analizirali talne in nadzemne glivne združbe z namenom ugotoviti potencialno onesnaženost gozdnih rastišč. Glive smo uporabili kot odzivne (pojavljanje trosnjakov višjih gliv, raziskave tipov ektomikorize in mikoriznega potenciala tal) in akumulacijske (analize težkih kovin v trosnjakih gliv) kazalce stanja gozdnega ekosistema. Opravljali smo naslednje raziskave: (a) popise trosnjakov višjih gliv, (b) raziskave tipov ektomikorizein njihove biodiverzitete, (c) analize mikoriznega potenciala tal in (d) raziskave vsebnosti težkih kovin v trosnjakih gliv. V vseh primerih so se glive pokazale kot učinkovit bioindikator stanja gozdnega ekosistema.Belowground and aboveground fungal communities in the Šalek Valley were analysed to assess the potential forest site pollution. Fungi were used as responsive (the inventory of macrofungi, determination of types of ectomycorrhizae, analyses of mycorrhizal potential) and accumulative bioindicators (heavy metal level in fruiting bodies of higher fungi). The following issues were emphasized: (a) inventory of macrofungi, (b) identification and biodiversity of types of ectomycorrhizae(c) analysis of mycorrhizal potential of differently polluted forest research plotsand (d) determination of heavy metal levels in fruiting bodies of macrofungi. Considering all issues, fungi were confirmed as effective bioindicators of forest ecosystem condition

    Obremenjenost trosnjakov užitnih vrst gliv iz Šaleške in Zgornje Mežiške doline z izbranimi kovinami (Cd, Hg, Pb, As), s poudarkom na oceni tveganja za prehranjevanje ljudi

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    Vsebnosti Cd, Pb, Hg in As smo izmerili v trosnjakih različnih vrst gliv iz okolice nekdanje topilnice svinca (Zgornja Mežiška dolina) in največjega termoenergetskega objekta v Sloveniji (Šaleška dolina) z namenom, da napravimo primerjavo med obema območjema ter drugimi evropskimi raziskavami in ocenimo tveganje za zdravje ljudi zaradi prehranjevanja s trosnjaki užitnih vrst gliv. V Šaleški dolini odsvetujemo uživanje poljskega in hostnega kukmaka, poletnega gobana ter vijoličaste bledivke, v Zgornji Mežiški dolini pa jesenskega gobana, betičaste prašnice, brezovega turka, sivorumene mraznice in orjaškega dežnika. Za nekatere vrste gliv predlagamo omejitve pri njihovem uživanju. Med analiziranimi kovinami je Cd najbolj problematičen v obeh raziskovalnih območjih, saj ravno vsebnost Cd največkrat zmanjšuje dopustno količino zaužitih trosnjakov gliv. zaradi prepoznanega tveganja za zdravje ljudi predlagamo vzpostavitev biomonitoringa v degradiranih območjih v Sloveniji, kjer podobnih raziskav še ni bilo (Jesenice, Celjska kotlina), in v tradicionalno nabiralniških območjih (Pokljuka, Smrekovec)

    Earthworms as bioindicator organisms of soil pollution

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    Na raziskovalnih območjih v neposredni bližini nekdanje topilnice svinca (Zgornja Mežiška dolina, Žerjav), največjega termoenergetskega objekta v Sloveniji (Šaleška dolina, Veliki Vrh), ob regijski cesti Velenje - Celje (Črnova) in na referenčni lokaciji (Logarska dolina, Polanc) smo v talnih vzorcih in v deževnikih določali vsebnosti kovin z namenom raziskati prehod kovin iz tal v deževnike in oceniti njihov bioindikacijski potencial. Na podlagi predstavljenih rezultatov je razvidno, da: (i) so bile največje vsebnosti kovin v deževnikih iz najbolj onesnaženega območja (Žerjav), najmanjše pa praviloma v deževnikih z referenčne lokacije (Logarska dolina)(ii) so se v deževnikih, vzorčenih na vseh lokacijah, kopičili Cd, Hg in Zn, katerih BCF-faktorji so nihali med 1,18 - 29,2 (Cd), 1,68 - 21,0 (Hg) in med 1,10 - 5,57 (Zn)(iii) so deževniki dobri kazalniki onesnaženosti tal s Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg in Mo, saj smo dokazali, da obstaja statistično značilna soodvisnost med vsebnostjo navedenih kovin v tleh in v deževnikih.The metal levels were determined in soil samples in earthworms collected in the vicinity of the abandoned lead smelter (the Upper Meža Valley, Žerjav) andthe largest thermal power plant in Slovenia (the Šalek Valley, Veliki Vrh),near Velenje - Celje road (Črnova) and at the reference area (the Logar Valley, Polanc) with the aim to investigate the transfer of metals from soil to earthworms and to assess the bioindicative potential of earthworms. Our study revealed the following: (i) the highest levels of metals were determinedin earthworms from the most polluted area (Žerjav) and the lowest inearthworms from the reference location (the Logar Valley)(ii) earthworms bioaccumulated Cd, Hg and Zn at all locations, bioaccumulative factors (BCF) of these three metals ranged between 1.18 - 29.2 (Cd), 1.68 - 21.0 (Hg) and 1.10 - 5.57 (Zn), respectively(iii) earthworms are good bioindicator of polluted soil, since the correlations between Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg and Mo in soil and in earthworms were established

    Risk assessment of lead contamination for small mammal food chains (case studyfor shooting ranges)

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    Na območju izbranih pehotnih strelišč Slovenske vojske (Apače, Bač, Bloška polica, Crngrob, Mačkovec, Poček) smo ugotavljali vsebnosti Pb v mišicah in jetrih malih sesalcev (travniška voluharica (Microtus agrestis), rumenogrla miš (Apodemus flavicollis), gozdna rovka (Sorex araneus), poljska rovka (Crocidura leucodon)) ter njihovih prehranskih virih z namenom potrditi uporabnost malih sesalcev kot bioindikatorjev za ugotavljaje stopnje onesnaženosti pehotnih strelišč s Pb in oceniti tveganje, ki ga za male sesalce povzroča prehranjevanje s prehranskimi viri z območja pehotnih strelišč. V jetrih malih sesalcev smo izmerili povečane vsebnosti Pb. Slednje nakazuje, da so vir Pb v njihovih tkivih lahko pehotna strelišča, vnos tega elementa pa poteka najverjetneje prek prehranskih virov, saj so bile ugotovljene povečane vsebnosti Pb v rastlinskih vzorcih in deževnikih, vzorčenih na pehotnih streliščih. Na podlagi predstavljenih rezultatov zaključujemo, da pehotna strelišča lahko pomenijo ekološko tveganje za receptorske organizme (travniška voluharica), kljub temu da se obremenjenost sPb razmeroma hitro zmanjšuje z oddaljenostjo od zaščitnih nasipov, ki vsebujejo največje vsebnosti Pb.Pb levels were measured in tissues of small mammals (Microtus agrestis, Apodemus flavicollis, Sorex araneus and Crocidura leucodon), inhabiting shooting ranges of the Slovenian Army (Apače, Bač, Bloška polica, Crngrob, Mačkovec, Poček)in addition, Pb content was analysed in their diet as well. The present research was performed with the aim to confirm the use of small mammals as bioindicators of Pb contamination of shooting ranges and to performthe risk assessment of military shooting ranges for small mammals. Increased Pb levels were determined in livers of small mammals, inhabiting theshooting ranges. Food is probably the most significant route of Pb exposurefor small mammals since the elevated concentrations of Pb were measured in grasses, clovers, herbs and earthworms, sampled at the shooting ranges. On the basis of presented results we suggest that shooting ranges could pose an elevated risk for receptor organisms (Microtus agrestis), although Pb concentrations relatively quickly decreased with distance from backstop berms, which are particularly loaded with Pb

    The first list of macrofungi from the wider area of the Šalek vally

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    V letu 2001 in 2002 smo popisovali makromicete v Šaleški dolini in njeni okolici. Evidentirali smo 316 vrst makromicet, med njimi 14 vrst s slovenskegaseznama zavarovanih gliv: knežja mušnica ali karželj (Amanita caesarea), velikoluska mušnica (Amanita strobiliformis), votlobetni gobanček (Boletinus cavipes), kraljevi goban (Boletus regius), luskasti različek navadne lisičke (Cantharellus cibarius var. amethysteus), žolta lisička (Craterellus lutescens), švicarski polžar (Chroogomphus helveticus), čokata žilolistka (Gomphus clavatus), rožnati slinar (Gomphidius roseus), modreči bledotrosnik (Gyroporus cyanescens), bleščava luskarica (Phaeolepiota aurea), hrastov glivec (Sparassis brevipes), črni kuštravec (Strobilomyces strobilaceus) in orjaška kolobarnica ali čebular (Tricholoma colossus). Poleg zavarovanih smo evidentirali številne redke vrste. Pojavljanje zavarovanih in redkih vrst nakazuje njihovo veliko pestrost, zato predlagamo nadaljnjo sistematično inventarizacijo makromicet Šaleške doline. Pojavljanje gliv smo ocenili z bioindikativnega vidika in ga hkrati primerjali s seznami ogroženih gliv Evrope.The inventory of macrofungi in the Šalek Valley was made in 2001 and 2002. In total, 316 species of higher fungi were determined. Among them, the following fourteen species are protected by law in Slovenia: Amanita caesarea, Amanita strobiliformis, Boletinus cavipes, Boletus regius, Cantharellus cibarius var. amethysteus, Craterelus lutescens, Chroogomphus helveticus, Gomphus clavatus, Gomphidius roseus, Gyroporus cyanescens, Phaeolepiota aurea, Sparassis brevipes, Strobilomyces strobilaceus and Tricholoma colossus. In addition, several rare species were found in the Šalek Valley. Due to the high species richness, the inventory of macrofungi in the Šalek Valley should be continued in the future. The list was made from the bioindicative point of view and is, moreover, compared with legal documents regarding the endangered European macrofungi

    Cd, Pb, Hg and As fruiting bodies of higher fungi from the forest landscape of the Šalek valley

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    Levels of Cd, Pb, Hg and As were detremined by ICP-MS in 190 samples of higher fungi belonging to 52 species collected in the Šalek Valley in the 2000. Our findings were as follows: (1) Heavy metal levels (HML)are significantly higher in the caps of mushrooms in comparison with stems. (2) Fungi have tremendous bio-accumulative potential, therefore HML in fruiting bodies are from one order magnitude (Pb) to four orders of magnitude (As) higher in comparison with other forest fruits from the same locations. (3) Thehighest HML were determined in the followinf species: Cd - Agaricus arvensis and A. silvicola, As - A. silvicola, Coprinus atramentarius, Boletinus cavipes and Lepista nuda,Hg - A. campestris and L. nuda, Pb - Macrolepiota mastoidea, Lycoperdon perlatum and Calvatia utriformis. (4) Mushrooms should be eaten with great care due to very high contents of Hg and particulary Cd (e.g., the weekly intake rate for adult in the Šalek Valley should not exceed 50 g of Agaricus species, or 500 g of Armillaria mellea, Lepista nuda, M. procera or Boletus edulis). (5) A monitoring program of the most problematic elements in mushrooms, which is essential for performing reliable risk assessment for higher links of the food chain, must be established all over the country

    Phytoremediation of metal contaminated soil with the use of tree seedlings

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    Na pehotnem strelišču vojaškega poligona Poček smo opravili poskus fitoremediacije na dveh raziskovalnih ploskvah. Prva ploskev leži na območju pehotnega strelišča in je onesnažena s Pb ter Cu, druga raziskovalna ploskev pa v njegovi okolici, kjer so tla manj obremenjena s kovinami. Zasadili smo juz izbranimi drevesnimi vrstami (Alnus glutinosa L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Betula pendula Roth., Pinus sylvestris L., Salix caprea L.) po standardiziranem sistemu, izmerili rastne parametre ter določili vsebnosti kovin v koreninah, deblih in poganjkih sadik. Ugotovili smo, da kljub temu da izbrane drevesne vrste kopičijo v koreninah le Cd (BCF = 1,2), druge kovine pas prejemajo v manjših vsebnostih in vrstno specifično, lahko uporabimo večino preučevanih drevesnih vrst predvsem za fitostabilizacijo onesnaženih tal. Ugodno razmerje med bioakumulacijo in translokacijo kovin smo ugotovili za vse drevesne vrste z izjemo ive, kjer je prenos Cd v liste precejšen (TF = 6,9). Upoštevaje rastne parametre in privzem kovin v sadike je najprimernejša vrsta za remediacijo obravnavanega območja rdeči bor, najmanj pa iva.Phytoremediation was performed on two research plots at Poček military training ground. The first research plot (polluted with Pb and Cu) is situatedat the shooting range and the second in its close vicinity, where soil is less loaded with metals. Seedlings of five species (Alnus glutinosa L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Betula pendula Roth., Pinus sylvestris L., Salix caprea L.) were planted on plots according to the standardised systemin addition, growth parameters and metal contents in roots, stems and shoots weremeasured as well. Although seedlings accumulate only Cd (BCF = 1.2) in their roots, and the rest of metals are taken up in smaller concentration and species specific, the majority of tree species have the potential for remediation and especially for phytostabilisation. Favourable ratio between bioaccumulation and translocation was determined for all species with the exception of Salix caprea, which was effective in taking up Cd in leaves (TF =6.9). The results of our study have shown that Pinus sylvestris is the most suitable species regarding growth parameters and metal uptake, whereas the least suitable is Salix caprea