
Biodiversity of types of ectomycorrhizae in fagus stands in differently polluted forest research plots


V obdobju od 1998 do 2001 smo z mikobioindikacijsko metodo analizirali tipe ektomikorize in določili njihovo raznovrstnost v standardnih volumnih tal različno onesnaženih gozdnih raziskovalnih ploskev bukovih sestojev. Gozdne raziskovalne ploskve so bile izbrane v bližini termoenergetskih objektov (onesnaženo območje: Zavodnje - Prednji vrh in Zasavje - Dobovec) in v okoliciKočevske Reke (referenčno, neonesnaženo območje: Preža in Moravške gredice). Identificirali smo 88 različnih tipov ektomikorize iz skupnega števila 95.044 kratkih korenin. Izračunali smo biodiverzitetne indekse (Shannon-Weaverjev indeks, indeks vrstnega bogastva in indeks izenačenosti) inugotovili, da raznovrstnost tipov ektomikorize v talnih vzorcih onesnaženih ploskev ni bistveno zmanjšana, kar povezujemo z vitalnostjo bukovih sestojev.Types of ectomycorrhizae were identified by the mycobioindication method and biodiversity was assessed in soil cores from differently polluted beech forestresearch plots in the period 1998 - 2001. Forest research plots were situated in the vicinity of thermal power plants (polluted plots: Zavodnje - Prednji vrh and Zasavje - Dobovec) and in unpolluted areas (in the vicinity ofKočevska Reka: Preža and Moravške gredice). Eighty-eight different types of ectomycorrhizae were determined from a total of 95,044 root tips. Biodiversityindices (Shannon- Weaver index of diversity, species richness and equitability) were estimated. In soil cores from polluted areas no decrease inbiodiversity was determined. Consequently, it can be concluded that high biodiversity reflects good health status of beech forest in Slovenia

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