238 research outputs found

    Analyses of the Watershed Transform

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    International audienceIn the framework of mathematical morphology, watershed transform (WT) represents a key step in image segmentation procedure. In this paper, we present a thorough analysis of some existing watershed approaches in the discrete case: WT based on flooding, WT based on path-cost minimization, watershed based on topology preservation, WT based on local condition and WT based on minimum spanning forest. For each approach, we present detailed description of processing procedure followed by mathematical foundations and algorithm of reference. Recent publications based on some approaches are also presented and discussed. Our study concludes with a classification of different watershed transform algorithms according to solution uniqueness, topology preservation, prerequisites minima computing and linearity

    Hardware Parallel Architecture of a 3D Surface Reconstruction: Marching Cubes Algorithm

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a study of the algorithmic and architectural exploration methodology for a parallelism of the 3D reconstructing algorithm (Marching Cubes) and its optimized implementation on FPGA.We aim at defining a parallel multiprocessor architecture implementing this algorithm in an optimal way and Elementary Processor (EP) architecture dedicated to this algorithm. We use the SynDEx tool which adapts the AAA (Algorithm Architecture Adequacy) methodology, to find a good compromise between the computing power, the functionality of each PE, the optimization constraint (time, area), and the parallelization efficiency. Then, we describe a first implementation of PE on FPGA

    Tahap pengetahuan dan persepsi pelajar terhadap Pengajian Hadith di Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti persepsi dan pengetahuan pelajar terhadap pengajian hadith, persepsi mereka terhadap metode pengajian dan mengamati masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelajar dalam pengajian hadith. Kepentingan kajian ini adalah untuk mendedahkan bentuk pelaksanaan pengajian hadith dan metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kajian ini dijalankan di Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA,) Kuala Terengganu dengan penglibatan seramai 123 orang pelajar peringkat diploma di Fakulti Kontemporari Islam (FKI) meliputi jabatan yang berlainan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif yang berbentuk soal selidik. Data dianalisis secara secara deskriptif untuk mengenal pasti sistem pengajian hadith dalam kalangan pelajar UniSZA. Nilai kebolehpercayaan Alpha Cronbach bagi keseluruhan item soal selidik adalah tinggi, iaitu 0.802. Hasil kajian mendapati tahap kefahaman dan pengetahuan pelajar terhadap pengajian hadith ialah sebanyak 4.23 dan min tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap metodologi pensyarah dalam pengajian hadith ialah sebanyak 4.09. Hasil kajian ini turut menunjukkan pensyarah menggunakan kepelbagaian metode pengajaran seperti kuliah, tutorial, perbincangan di dalam kelas dan penggunaan alat bantu mengajar. Bagi memastikan para pelajar dapat menguasai ilmu hadith dengan sebaik mungkin, kajian ini turut mengemukakan beberapa cadangan yang boleh dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu

    Landskap keselesaan termal

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    Landskap dan keselesaan termal adalah berkait rapat dalam mewujudkan persekitaran yang seimbang, indah, dan harmoni. Unsur-unsur landskap adalah terdiri daripada air, tumbuhan, struktur, topografi, manusia, dan haiwan. Ini memainkan peranan dan berfungsi bagi menghasilkan keselesaan termal yang baik. Buku ini membincangkan tentang komponen asas iklim mikro dan kesan iklim mikro ke atas keselesaan termal. Pereka landskap diharap dapat menggunakan buku ini sebagai rujukan dan garis panduan bagi menghasilkan keselesaan termal manusia di kawasan luaran. Mutu kualiti persekitaran yang baik adalah penting dalam memupuk masyarakat yang sihat dan berkeyakinan daripada segi mental dan fizikal

    Parallelization Strategy for Elementary Morphological Operators on Graphs

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    International audienceThis article focuses on the graph-based mathematical morphology operators presented in [J. Cousty et al, Morphological ltering on graphs, CVIU 2013]. These operators depend on a size parameter that species the number of iterations of elementary dilations/erosions. Thus, the associated running times increase with the size parameter. In this article, we present distance maps that allow us to recover (by thresh-olding) all considered dilations and erosions. The algorithms based on distance maps allow the operators to be computed with a single linear-time iteration, without any dependence to the size parameter. Then, we investigate a parallelization strategy to compute these distance maps. The idea is to build iteratively the successive level-sets of the distance maps, each level set being traversed in parallel. Under some reasonable assumptions about the graph and sets to be dilated, our parallel algorithm runs in O(n/p + K log 2 p) where n, p, and K are the size of the graph, the number of available processors, and the number of distinct level-sets of the distance map, respectively

    Self-Adaptive Architecture for Multi-sensor Embedded Vision System

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    International audienceArchitectural optimization for heterogeneous multi-sensor processing is a real technological challenge. Most of the vision systems involve only one single color sensor and they do not address the heterogeneous sensors challenge. However, more and more applications require other types of sensor in addition, such as infrared or low-light sensor, so that the vision system could face various luminosity conditions. These heterogeneous sensors could differ in the spectral band, the resolution or even the frame rate. Such sensor variety needs huge computing performance , but embedded systems have stringent area and power constraints. Reconfigurable architecture makes possible flexible computing while respecting the latter constraints. Many reconfigurable architectures for vision application have been proposed in the past. Yet, few of them propose a real dynamic adaptation capability to manage sensor heterogeneity. In this paper, a self-adaptive architecture is proposed to deal with heterogeneous sensors dynamically. This architecture supports on-the-fly sensor switch. Architecture of the system is self-adapted thanks to a system monitor and an adaptation controller. A stream header concept is used to convey sensor information to the self-adaptive architecture. The proposed architecture was implemented in Altera Cyclone V FPGA. In this implementation, adaptation of the architecture consists in Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration of FPGA. The self-adaptive ability of the architecture has been proved with low resource overhead and an average global adaptation time of 75 ms