13 research outputs found
Clustering Data Nilai Siswa SMA untuk Penentuan Jurusan Menggunakan Algoritma Fuzzy C-Means
Determination of the majors a process that occurs at the time the class- X will go up to class- IX, this is because the addition proses is carried out must be based in the interests and talent of each student's.In addition, this process is done by Bp/Bk, witch this assessment process based on value evaluation of each subject's flagship from each Department, to major in Science related subject (biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics), to social scienece Departement (economics, sociology, geography, history), and for the Departement of IPB (Indonesian Language, English, Germany Language).In this reaseach FCM Clustering can assist and improve value for Determination of the majors process 72%
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Cipta Menurut Pasal 12 Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta Di Indonesia
The portrait is one of the works protected by copyright legislation, namely Act (UU) No. 28 of 2014 about copyright. However in practice often happens to violations of copyright or portrait photography is the property of a person or the copyright holder, which is called model or artist management taken by the perpetrator of the offence without the written consent of the copyright holder. Problems that arise now is how legal protection over the portrait. This research includes types of sociological research, which is research by examining its legal aspects to look at legislation and comparing with the implementation on the ground gained by way of surveys. Analysis of the research material in this thesis using qualitative methods, in order to draw conclusions by using deductive methods.Then from the results showed that the entire creation works of photography or portrait produced by Act (UU) No. 28 of 2014 about copyright, all concern parties can prove that his work is his creation, which can be proven by way of registering creations or in any way in accordance with the laws and regulations that govern it. And in the completion of the portrait is a file a lawsuit as compensation demands to the Court of Commerce and in the implementation of the rules of criminal law can be made by an authorized investigator, but most of the management model of resolving the problem of infringement of his work with the line of non litigation (other than the Court) or in a family
Metode Point To Point Tunneling Protocol untuk Keamanan Jaringan Studi Kasus Kantor Walikota Administrasi Jakarta Barat
-Kemajuan dan perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi saat ini sangatlah pesat, tentunya Sistem Keamanan Jaringan pun semakin berkembang seiring dengan kedua hal tersebut. Perusahaan β Perusahaan sudah melakukan komputerisasi, sehingga setiap bagiannya menggunakan komputer dalam setiap operasionalnya, semakin maju dan berkembang Perusahaan tersebut akan membuka cabang baru dalam operasionalnya baik di luar kota, negeri, ataupun benua untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi Perusahaan. Dalam bidang administrasi pemerintah penting dalam manajemen pembagian jaringan, dan pertukaran data agar cepat, mudah, dan tepat dalam pengerjaannya, dan tidak mudah diakses pihak luar suku dinas kepemerintahan. Sistem keamanan jaringan yang baik, sangat diperlukan dalam pertukaran data dari kantor pusat ke kantor cabang sehingga dapat dilakukan secara aman dan terjamin dari pihak luar. Ada berbagai macam software aplikasi yang bisa digunakan dalam hal keamanan pada suatu jaringan, akan tetapi tidak semua software terjaga keamanan datanya dalam proses pertukaran data. Oleh karena itu dengan metode point to point tunneling protocol pada VPN sangatlah cocok jika digunakan dalam pertukaran data antar Perusahaan karena metode ini menggunakan jalur private dengan ip public dalam pertukaran datanya, sehingga keamanan dalam hal kebocoran data sangat terjamin dari pihak luar yang tidak bertanggung jawab