5 research outputs found

    Effects of Work-Family Conflict on job satisfaction of academicians in private universities in Bangladesh: a Structural Equation Modelling approach

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    The current study attempts to examine the effects of Work-Family Conflict (W-FC) on job satisfaction of academicians. The researchers gathered the data using convenience sampling technique administered on 211 respondents who were academicians of private universities in Bangladesh. Various statistical measures such as descriptive statistics and zero-order correlation were used to explore the relationships between WFC, FWC and job satisfaction. In addition, the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was adopted to test the effects of WFC and FWC on job satisfaction. Consequently, in terms of the effects, WFC has significant negative effect on job satisfaction while FWC does not show any significant effect on job satisfaction. This study recommends that higher authorities of universities in Bangladesh should take necessary initiatives to minimize the W-FC of academicians in order to ensure their job satisfaction

    Customer loyalty toward internet banking in Nigeria

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    The increasing usage of internet banking service among Nigerians has made competition fiercer among internet banking providers. This is as a result of easy accessibility of information about banking activities which enable the customer to easily compare various banks product and thereby easily deflecting from one bank to another, resulting in diminishing customer loyalty. This results in retail banks continually working hard to make new innovations or improve their internet banking services in order to make their bank a better choice for customer as well as to retain them. Customer loyalty has been identified by researcher as an important yardstick for the survival and profitability of e-commerce. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of trust, satisfaction, reputation, commitment and website quality on customer e-loyalty, to identify the most essential factor influencing customer e-loyalty and to investigate the impact of gender, age, education and technophobia as moderators on the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Two hundred questionnaires were distributed to the sample population. One hundred sixty nine questionnaires were used for the data analysis. Multiple regressions analysis was used to analyse the data. The results of the study revealed that reputation, satisfaction, trust and commitment have a positive influence on customer e-loyalty towards internet banking. However, multiple regression results showed that website quality has an insignificant influence on customer e-loyalty towards internet banking. The result further showed that reputation is most essential in building customer e-loyalty followed by satisfaction, trust and commitment

    Perception, compliance and economic valuation of solid waste separation at source among households in Putrajaya and Melaka, Malaysia

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    As drastic policy response to curb the menace associated with increasing generation of municipal waste in Malaysia necessitated the introduction of the mandatory recycling programme termed separation at source. However, challenges still exist as participation is still not encouraging. An understanding of what will ensure the success of the programme from the perspective of the target population is very important. This study undertook a multifactorial approach aimed to assess perception towards the waste separation at source recycling programme, identify and evaluate preferences for attributes of waste separation at source facilities and examine determinants of separation at source compliance behaviours among households among households. A few methods including factor analysis, choice experiment (CE) and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to address the objectives of this study. A total of 431 and 435 respondents were randomly selected from different housing types in Putrajaya and Melaka respectively. The results of the factor analysis identified two dimensions of perception (fairness and effectiveness) which were used to assess the perception of the households towards the recycling programme. The respondents in both location of study exhibited positive perception both in terms of fairness and effectiveness of the programme. Meanwhile, CE was used to estimate the preference of the households for attributes of waste separation facilities. Beside the importance attach to the provision of multiple recycling bins, interestingly the results suggested households derive utility from increased number of waste separation. SEM was used to validate and test the model that was developed to examine important factors that can enhance compliance towards the waste separation at source recycling programme. Previous studies extensively used the TPB and NAM in waste management studied, this study introduces a new dimension by integrating the TPB and NAM with the economic deterrence model. Interestingly the results showed that even with the presence of deterrence other psycho-social factors are still important to motivate compliance to recycling programmes. The model explained approximately 64% of the variance in compliance behaviour towards waste separation at source among the respondents. The most salient factors found to influence compliance behaviour include: Attitude, Perceived severity of sanction, Environmental benefit of waste separation, Moral norms and Perceived behavioural control. The outcome of this study informs policy makers about the much-needed waste separation facilities needed to support households’ waste separation. Thus, policy-makers will be able to match household demand and affordability of supply for the facilities. To encourage participation in waste separation activities, a policy mix is needed, to include the provision of appropriate waste separation facilities and moral suasion that would appeal to the households’ environmental concern. This is important to help inculcate a waste minimisation philosophy, which would help maximise the social net benefit from recycling, minimise the negative environmental impact of mixed waste disposal, and alleviate the government challenge meeting its 22% target recycling rate by 2020

    The role of corruption in natural resource-financial development Nexus: evidence from MENA region

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    This paper contributes to the literature on resource curse by investigating the impact of natural resource abundance on financial development while accounting for the interactive effect of natural resources and corruption in 11 resource-rich MENA countries over the period of 1987 to 2015. Using pooled mean group (PMG) estimation technique, our results show that abundance of natural resource weakens the pace of financial development in countries with high level of corruption. Thus, resource rich countries in the MENA region will boost the level of financial development through minimising the degree of corruption in their financial sectors. Therefore, policymakers should control the corruption, which plays a significant role to mitigate the adverse effect of natural resources on financial development. This is through building strong institutions, which help to check corruption, enhancing rule of law and protecting investors. Our results are consistent and robust to alternative measures of natural resource abundance and financial development