118 research outputs found

    QUASII: QUery-Aware Spatial Incremental Index.

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    With large-scale simulations of increasingly detailed models and improvement of data acquisition technologies, massive amounts of data are easily and quickly created and collected. Traditional systems require indexes to be built before analytic queries can be executed efficiently. Such an indexing step requires substantial computing resources and introduces a considerable and growing data-to-insight gap where scientists need to wait before they can perform any analysis. Moreover, scientists often only use a small fraction of the data - the parts containing interesting phenomena - and indexing it fully does not always pay off. In this paper we develop a novel incremental index for the exploration of spatial data. Our approach, QUASII, builds a data-oriented index as a side-effect of query execution. QUASII distributes the cost of indexing across all queries, while building the index structure only for the subset of data queried. It reduces data-to-insight time and curbs the cost of incremental indexing by gradually and partially sorting the data, while producing a data-oriented hierarchical structure at the same time. As our experiments show, QUASII reduces the data-to-insight time by up to a factor of 11.4x, while its performance converges to that of the state-of-the-art static indexes

    STEPS Towards Cache-Resident Transaction Processing

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    TRANSFORMERS: Robust spatial joins on non-uniform data distributions

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    Spatial joins are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in many applications, particularly in the scientific domain. While several approaches have been proposed for joining spatial datasets, each of them has a strength for a particular type of density ratio among the joined datasets. More generally, no single proposed method can efficiently join two spatial datasets in a robust manner with respect to their data distributions. Some approaches do well for datasets with contrasting densities while others do better with similar densities. None of them does well when the datasets have locally divergent data distributions. In this paper we develop TRANSFORMERS, an efficient and robust spatial join approach that is indifferent to such variations of distribution among the joined data. TRANSFORMERS achieves this feat by departing from the state-of-the-art through adapting the join strategy and data layout to local density variations among the joined data. It employs a join method based on data-oriented partitioning when joining areas of substantially different local densities, whereas it uses big partitions (as in space-oriented partitioning) when the densities are similar, while seamlessly switching among these two strategies at runtime. We experimentally demonstrate that TRANSFORMERS outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by a factor of between 2 and 8

    Data Infrastructure for Medical Research

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    While we are witnessing rapid growth in data across the sciences and in many applications, this growth is particularly remarkable in the medical domain, be it because of higher resolution instruments and diagnostic tools (e.g. MRI), new sources of structured data like activity trackers, the wide-spread use of electronic health records and many others. The sheer volume of the data is not, however, the only challenge to be faced when using medical data for research. Other crucial challenges include data heterogeneity, data quality, data privacy and so on. In this article, we review solutions addressing these challenges by discussing the current state of the art in the areas of data integration, data cleaning, data privacy, scalable data access and processing in the context of medical data. The techniques and tools we present will give practitioners — computer scientists and medical researchers alike — a starting point to understand the challenges and solutions and ultimately to analyse medical data and gain better and quicker insights

    Space odyssey: efficient exploration of scientific data.

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    Advances in data acquisition---through more powerful supercomputers for simulation or sensors with better resolution---help scientists tremendously to understand natural phenomena. At the same time, however, it leaves them with a plethora of data and the challenge of analysing it. Ingesting all the data in a database or indexing it for an efficient analysis is unlikely to pay off because scientists rarely need to analyse all data. Not knowing a priori what parts of the datasets need to be analysed makes the problem challenging. Tools and methods to analyse only subsets of this data are rather rare. In this paper we therefore present Space Odyssey, a novel approach enabling scientists to efficiently explore multiple spatial datasets of massive size. Without any prior information, Space Odyssey incrementally indexes the datasets and optimizes the access to datasets frequently queried together. As our experiments show, through incrementally indexing and changing the data layout on disk, Space Odyssey accelerates exploratory analysis of spatial data by substantially reducing query-to-insight time compared to the state of the art

    H2O: A Hands-free Adaptive Store

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    Modern state-of-the-art database systems are designed around a single data storage layout. This is a fixed decision that drives the whole architectural design of a database system, i.e., row-stores, column-stores. However, none of those choices is a universally good solution; different workloads require different storage layouts and data access methods in order to achieve good performance. In this paper, we present the H2O system which introduces two novel concepts. First, it is flexible to support multiple storage layouts and data access patterns in a single engine. Second, and most importantly, it decides on-the-fly, i.e., during query processing, which design is best for classes of queries and the respective data parts. At any given point in time, parts of the data might be materialized in various patterns purely depending on the query workload; as the workload changes and with every single query, the storage and access patterns continuously adapt. In this way, H2O makes no a priori and fixed decisions on how data should be stored, allowing each single query to enjoy a storage and access pattern which is tailored to its specific properties. We present a detailed analysis of H2O using both synthetic benchmarks and realistic scientific workloads. We demonstrate that while existing systems cannot achieve maximum performance across all workloads, H2O can always match the best case performance without requiring any tuning or workload knowledge

    SimFlex: Statistical Sampling of Computer System Simulation

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    Timing-accurate full-system multiprocessor simulations can take years because of architecture and application complexity. Statistical sampling makes simulation-based studies feasible by providing ten-thousand-fold reductions in simulation runtime and enabling thousand-way simulation parallelis
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