572 research outputs found

    Role of Pakistani Universities in Interfaith Dialogue, Harmony and Relations An Index and Bibliometric of Produced Academic Dissertations

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    Interfaith dialogue has become one of the most significant and interesting activities in contemporary socio-political and socio-religious global scenario due to its crucial role in the peace process and peaceful interfaith relations. Many groups of scholars, institutes, organizations, and even governments are promoting the activities regarding interfaith relations. Meanwhile, it is also assumed that Pakistan is one of the countries where interfaith dialogue activities are arranged officially on the state level. In this study, efforts are made to review statistically and to index the literature produced by Pakistani scholars and universities. A mixed-method research methodology is adopted for this study with a bibliometric approach to find out results. Almost 136 theses & dissertations have been produced by scholars in a wide range of Pakistani Universities on interfaith Dialogue, religious debates, harmony, and relations. The research produced by male scholars was 71 (52.21 %) and most 49 (36%) productive era was from 2011 to 2015. The majority of the research was for Master (38%) and MS/M.Phil (34%) level degrees and about one-fifth of the theses were on the theme of “Interfaith Dialogue in Pakistani context”. Therefore, it is suggested that the course on interfaith dialogue, harmony, and relations should be taught at M. Phil and Ph.D. Level in the discipline of Islamic studies and social sciences

    Economic Contribution of Copyright-based Industries in Pakistan

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    The copyright-based industries contribute substantially to the national economy in the form of value addition, tax revenues, trade and employment. This study highlights both the core and non-core copyright-based industries in Pakistan. With the technical guidance of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and National Institute of Cultural Studies (NICS), we conducted the first ever survey of the copyright-based industries in Pakistan. The estimates of contribution to GDP, tax revenues, trade and employment were also validated through focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Our findings reveal that copyright-based industries contributed Rs 136 billion to GDP (on 1999-2000 base year prices of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics). These industries also contributed Rs 18 billion to the government in indirect taxes. On the trade side, the exports of these industries totalled 943millionandimportsamountedto 943 million and imports amounted to 2130 million in 2007-08. In terms of job creation one of the core sub-sectors i.e. electronic media employed around 47,000 persons by the end of 2011. JEL Classification: 034, F10, E24 Keywords: Copyright, Economic Growth, Trade and Employmen

    Anatomical location of inferior alveolar canal in different age groups in local population

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    Objective: To assess the radiographic location of the inferior alveolar canal and its association with age and gender. Methodology: This observational study was conducted at the dental department of Isra University Hospital Hyderabad, in the time duration of six months (Sep-2015 to Feb-2016). All the adult patients aged ≄18 years with permanent teeth underwent diagnostic quality imaging with suitable contrast and density, presence of first molar, 1st & 2nd premolar and canine in images, superimposition of structures and either of gender were included. Patients underwent panoramic digital imaging. The manufacturer’s guide-based images were produced using panoramic machine (digital) to assess multi-pattern of inferior dental canal using software “OWANDY OPG I-MAX TOUCH OSP and Quick vision to get histogram equalization and gray values. The entire data was entered in self-made proforma and was analyzed by using SPSS 20th version. Results: Overall 70 patients were studied; their mean age was 28.23+12.43 years, females were found in the majority (57.14%). Most of the patients (54.28%) were seen with inferior alveolar variations of Type I, followed by 21.42% Type II, 14.28% type III and 10% with Type IV. According to the site of mandibular canal locations; 21 of 70 had right side, 15 had left side and 34 had bilateral. There was statistically no significant variance in the appearance of inferior alveolar nerve according to age and gender. Conclusion: Localized superior and inferior borders were 54.28% in our population to avoid injury during the maxillofacial surgery or during dental implant procedures. There was an insignificant difference in location according to age and gende


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    This paper attempts to investigate whether young graduates possess the leadership style that is pre-requisite to become entrepreneur. The paper further examines the role of higher education towards the desire of new venture creation among young graduates in developing economies specially. This study analyzed the response of 225 final-semester students at different universities in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. A questionnaire based survey instrument was used. Result of the present study shows that education and new venture creation are positively and significantly correlated. The results further indicate that all variables used in this study are significantly correlated with intention to create a new venture. The limitation of this study is that it includes business and economics discipline students only. Further studies may investigate and examine the possibilities of similar outcomes among students of other disciplines including science, engineering, medicine, agriculture and law etc. The present study will, however, provide insight to future policy makers and planners to consider strategies for optimally utilizing the expertise and potentials of the young graduates. The academicians, educators, and university authorities have rethink what to teach? How to teach? In order to effectively prepare-young generation for the forthcoming challenges.entrepreneurship, leadership style, new venture creation, planned behavior, young graduates.

    Visceral leishmaniasis among children presenting with pancytopenia

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    Background: Pancytopenia can result from either a failure of production of hematopoietic progenitors or peripheral destruction of a cellular element either due to infection, immune-mediated damage or hypersplenism. Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), one of the chronic parasitic diseases in the world that affects millions of people recently, leishmaniasis has been seen with increasing frequency in patients with Pancytopenia.Objective: To determine the frequency of visceral leishmaniasis among children presenting with pancytopenia at Pediatric Department, Azzd Jammu and Kashmir Medical College MuzaffarabadMethodology This cross sectional study was conducted at the Department of paeds SKBZ/ CMH, Muzaffarabad. The study duration was 6 months from June 2018 to December 2018. All children with pancytopenia either of gender were enrolled. After taking informed demographic information, all the cases underwent bone marrow sampling to assess the Visceral Leishmaniasis. All the data was collected by self-made proforma.Results: Total 75 patients were studied; their mean age of patients was 6.74±3.14 years. Males were in majority 67.69% and 32.31% were females. Leishmaniasis was found 15.38% of the cases. Leishmaniasis was statistically insignificant according to age and gender; p-values were quite insignificant.Conclusion: It is concluded that the visceral leishmaniasis in children with pancytopenia was 15.38%

    Success Rate of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV) in Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus in Pediatric Age Group

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    Objective:  To evaluate success rate of the endoscopic third Ventriculostomy (ETV) in non-communicating type of hydrocephalus in pediatric age group. Material and Methods:  This study was carried in the department of neurosurgery at Liaquat university hospital, Jamshoro in which an endoscopic third Ventriculostomy procedure was performed in patients (n = 55) with non-communicating hydrocephalus from October 2016 to April 2017. Post-operative follow-up was done on the 15th day post-operative to assess clinical and radiological improvement. Results:  55 patients were included in this study, 26 (47.27%) males and 29 (52.73%) females. The mean age was 3.96 years. The most common etiology was aqueductal stenosis 28 (50.90%) patients followed by posterior fossa tumors in 18 (32.72%) patients. The operative technique was successful in 41 (74.55%) patients. Out of 41 successful patients, 34 (82.92%) patients had clinical as well as radiological improvement whereas 7 (17.07%) patients had clinical improvement only. Conclusion:  The success rate of ETV was 74.55% in the non-communicating hydrocephalus in the pediatric age group in our study. Endoscopic third Ventriculostomy is an effective treatment for non-Communicating hydrocephalus in pediatric age groups by diversion of CSF intracranially. This procedure provides shunt freedom and can be used alternative to shunts in pediatric age groups with non-communicating hydrocephalus

    Incidence of Epilepsy and Drug Dependence after Post Traumatic Contusions Managed Conservatively

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    contusions managed conservatively. Material and Methods:  A prospective observational study was carried out in, Punjab Institute of Neurosciences, Lahore. A total of 97 patients, from 15-65 years, who were diagnosed with cerebral contusions and being managed conservatively were enrolled from July 2019 to December 2019. They were followed-up for 12 – 18 months. Results:  A total of 23% patients developed early post-traumatic seizures (PTS) and 11% of patients developed late post-traumatic seizures with mild to moderate brain injury.6% of patients with early PTS used antiepileptic drugs (AED) for at least three months during follow up and 7% with late PTS used AED. 8% of patients developed late PTS without any early PTS. The results of our study show that among 23% early PTS and 11% late PTS only 3 % actually required to use AED for at least 6months. To prevent this, 3% of the population 44% were using AED supplementary. Conclusion:  In our study, the incidence of early and late PTS is comparable to the other studies. The non-judicious use of the anti-epileptic drug is common in our country which leads to an increase in the risk of drug resistance and cost-intensive for poor patients in developing countries as prophylactic and excessive use of anti-epileptics does not affect the PTE

    A Tyrosine Residue on the TSH Receptor Stabilizes Multimer Formation

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    The thyrotropin stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) is a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) with a large ectodomain. The ligand, TSH, acting via this receptor regulates thyroid growth and thyroid hormone production and secretion. The TSH receptor (TSHR) undergoes complex post-translational modifications including intramolecular cleavage and receptor multimerization. Since monomeric and multimeric receptors coexist in cells, understanding the functional role of just the TSHR multimers is difficult. Therefore, to help understand the physiological significance of receptor multimerization, it will be necessary to abrogate multimer formation, which requires identifying the ectodomain and endodomain interaction sites on the TSHR. Here, we have examined the contribution of the ectodomain to constitutive multimerization of the TSHR and determined the possible residue(s) that may be involved in this interaction.We studied ectodomain multimer formation by expressing the extracellular domain of the TSHR linked to a glycophosphotidyl (GPI) anchor in both stable and transient expression systems. Using co-immunoprecipitation and FRET of tagged receptors, we established that the TSH receptor ectodomain was capable of multimerization even when totally devoid of the transmembrane domain. Further, we studied the effect of two residues that likely made critical contact points in this interaction. We showed that a conserved tyrosine residue (Y116) on the convex surface of the LRR3 was a critical residue in ectodomain multimer formation since mutation of this residue to serine totally abrogated ectodomain multimers. This abrogation was not seen with the mutation of cysteine 176 on the inner side of the LRR5, demonstrating that inter-receptor disulfide bonding was not involved in ectodomain multimer formation. Additionally, the Y116 mutation in the intact wild type receptor enhanced receptor degradation.These data establish the TSH receptor ectodomain as one site of multimerization, independent of the transmembrane region, and that this interaction was primarily via a conserved tyrosine residue in LRR3
