34 research outputs found

    Expectations of Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Their Families: A Qualitative Study in Iran

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    Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease that is most commonly observed among young people. Drug and non-drug treatments are used to prevent the progression of the disease and to control illness-related disorders. Patients with MS often have multiple and complicated needs that require a broad spectrum of health services. Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the expectations of individuals with MS and their families for healthcare services. Patients and Methods: This article is part of a qualitative case study. The participants were selected by a purposive sampling method. In this study, semi-structured interviews of 20 individuals with MS and 8 family members were conducted to identify the expectations of MS patients and their families. In addition to the interviews, the documents related to the aim of the study, including weblogs, MS magazines, special websites of individuals with MS, and news agencies were gathered. Analysis of data was performed by a conventional content analysis method. Results: The age of the participants ranged from 22–63 years. The data obtained from this study was classified into 5 main categories as follows: being cured, need for comfort, promoting knowledge, economic welfare, and social security. Conclusions: Individuals with MS and their families had different expectations pertaining to all dimensions of life, such that not meeting the needs related to any dimension could have affect the other dimensions. Therefore, it is necessary for healthcare providers to have a holistic assessment as well as try to meet all needs and expectations

    An epidemiological study on burned patients admitted to Imam Mousa Kazem hospital, Isfahan, 2003-2004

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    زمینه و هدف: هر ساله عده فراوانی از افراد جامعه دچار حادثه سوختگی می شوند که این امر باعث تحمیل صدمات جسمی، روحی، اجتماعی شده و همچنین تبعات اقتصادی شدیدی برای بیماران، خانواده ها وکشور دارند. یکی از اولین اقدامات برای برنامه ریزی در جهت برخورد با یک بیماری و عارضه، شناخت جنبه های مختلف اثر گذار بر آن می باشد. این جنبه ها می تواند شامل مسائل مرتبط با فرد، زمان، مکان و فاکتورهای اپیدمیولوژیک دخیل در عارضه باشد. در این مطالعه پرونده 1124 بیمار بستری در سال 1382 در بیمارستان سوانح و سوختگی امام موسی کاظم (ع) با این هدف مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که با شناسایی گروههای در معرض خطر و نیز علل مهم سوختگی بتوان گامی در راستای برنامه ریزی و پیشگیری از این حادثه برداشت. روش مطالعه: روش نمونه گیری بصورت سرشماری بود و کلیه بیماران بستری وارد مطالعه شدند به استثنای کسانی که بطور سرپایی و کمتر از یکروز بستری بودند و یا افرادی که به علل غیر سوختگی (جراحی پلاستیک و ترمیم) بستری شده بودند. نتایج: 3/60 بیماران مذکر و 7/39 مؤنث بودند. میانگین سن بستری شدگان 3/23 سال و میانگین کلی درصد سوختگی بدن آنها 9/33 بود. بیشترین بستری شدگان درگروه سنی 30-16 سال با 2/41 و کمترین آنها در گروه بالای 50 سال با 3/9 بود. شایع ترین علت سوختگی نفت با 6/28 بود ولی اگر نفت و مشتقات آن، گاز و آتش سوزی ها را تحت عنوان کلی شعله (flame) در نظر بگیریم 2/63 را شامل می شوند. از کل بستری شدگان 9/15 بیماران فوت نمودند که شایع ترین علت در فوت شد گان مربوط به شعله بود. 4/63 سوختگی ها در منزل و همچنین 1/29 سوختگی ها در زمستان اتفاق افتاده است. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به نتایج این گونه مطالعات می توان گروههای در معرض خطر را از نظر سنی، جنسی و علل سوختگی در هر جامعه ای با توجه به شرایط خاص آن جامعه مورد شناسایی قرار داد

    Musculoskeletal symptoms and job satisfaction among office-workers: A Cross- sectional study from Iran

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    Objective. Office-work poses a high-risk for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), with consequences for workers, employers and society. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms in a sample of Iranian office workers, to investigate the association between pain severity and job satisfaction and to investigate the association between MSDs and job satisfaction. Materials and methods. Iranian office workers from a university setting (n=91) were randomly selected and included in this cross-sectional study. The Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire plus visual analogue scale of pain, and the Brayfield-Rothe Job Satisfaction Index were used to study the prevalence of MSDs, pain intensity and job satisfaction, respectively. Descriptive analysis, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis were performed for statistical assessment. Results. Eighty-nine percent of participants reported musculoskeletal symptoms during the past 12 months, most commonly in the neck (69.2 %), low back (58.2%), knees (41.8%), shoulders (35.2%), and upper back (34.1%). There was a significant negative correlation between pain intensity and job satisfaction. Pain intensity, low-back pain in the last week, wrist pain in the past 12 months and shoulder pain were significantly associated with job satisfaction (p<0.05). Conclusion. This study provides evidence that musculoskeletal symptoms are common in Iranian office workers, associated with low job satisfaction. These findings indicate the need for more attention to MSDs among office workers and designing effective preventive interventions

    Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) rate of women employees of education organization about breast self-examination, Shahrekord, 1998

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    سرطان پستان شایع ترین سرطان عضوی زنان است و بهترین راه حل مبارزه با آن شناخت به موقع و سریع می باشد که منجر به درمان 90 آنان و کاهش مرگ و میر ناشی از سرطان پستان به میزان 30 می گردد. مناسب ترین و موثرترین روش غربالگری سرطان پستان، خودآزمایی پستان می باشد. هدف این مطالعه، تعیین وضعیت آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد زنان شاغل در آموزش و پرورش شهر شهرکرد در زمینه خودآزمایی پستان بود. در یک بررسی توصیفی تحلیلی 340 نفر از زنان شاغل در آموزش و پرورش شهر شهرکرد به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی خوشه ای انتخاب گردیده و مورد مصاحبه قرار گرفتند. پرسشنامه بکار رفته شامل سوالاتی در زمینه ویژگی های دموگرافیک و نیز آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد آنان در زمینه خودآزمایی پستان بود. اعتبار این پرسشنامه قبل از انجام مطالعه تعیین گردید (بیش از 85). برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آزمون های آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه و دوطرفه استفاده گردید. از نظر سابقه فامیلی سرطان 14 و از نظر سابقه شخصی سرطان 89 سابقه مثبت داشتند. از نظر آگاهی 8.24 ضعیف و 17 آگاهی خوب داشتند که با وضع تاهل، تحصیلات، سابقه فامیلی و سابقه شخصی سرطان اختلاف معنی داری مشاهده گردید. در مورد نگرش، 10.95 ضعیف و 13.53 خوب بود که بجز وضع تاهل با تحصیلات، سابقه شخصی و سابقه فامیلی سرطان اختلاف معنی دار آماری داشت. از نظر عملکرد، 61.17 ضعیف و فقط 4.41 خوب بود که بجز وضع تاهل با تحصیلات، سابقه شخصی و سابقه فامیلی سرطان تفاوت معنی داری داشت. آزمون آنالیز واریانس چند طرفه نشان داد که مهمترین عوامل موثر بر آگاهی، نگرش و عملکرد زنان عبارتند از: سابقه شخصی سرطان و سابقه فامیلی سرطان. آگاهی و نگرش اکثر زنان تحت مطالعه در سطح متوسط و خوب بود ولی از نظر عملکرد در سطح پایینی قرار داشتند که عوامل اجتماعی متعددی چون، عدم اعتقاد به اهمیت موضوع، خجالت کشیدن، آشنا نبودن به روش انجام معاینه و غیره را می توان مدنظر قرار داد


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    This paper presents and demonstrates a simple and reliable electronic circuitry for photovoltaic energy harvesting which best suited for powering marine instrumentations. The main functions of the designed circuitry are: i) tracking the maximum power point of the photovoltaic cells which are subject to continuous movements due to sea waves, ii) power conversion and management of energy storages with a high efficiency; and iii) achieving a high level of reliability for operation of circuit in a harsh marine environment. The proposed circuitry is designed based on an analog controller which implements a sensorless algorithm for maximum power point tracking. The power converter unit includes a simple buck converter with minimum electronic components. Compared with DSP-based digital controllers, the simplicity of the proposed analog controller highly improves reliability of the power conversion unit. The total power consumption of the electronic circuit is in the range of a few milliwatts. This enhances the overall efficiency of power conversion especially in low power (a few watt) applications such as powering of marine and metrological sensors. The circuitry also includes a control unit for battery charging to protect batteries against overcharging. The performance of the designed circuitry is experimentally demonstrated using a test setup for power management unit of an ocean-graphical buoy

    The challenges of healthcare delivery to people with multiple sclerosis in Iran.

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    BACKGROUND Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease prevalent in young and middle-aged people. Patients with MS often have numerous complicated needs and, consequently, require a broad range of health services. Results of a number of studies indicate that patients' needs are only partially met. AIMS This study was conducted to explore the challenges of healthcare delivery to patients with MS in Iran. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this qualitative case study, 43 participants selected through purposeful sampling were interviewed using semi-structured method in the cities of Isfahan and Tehran in 2012-2013. Besides the interview, documentations relevant to healthcare delivery were collected from different sources, including websites of all Iranian universities of medical sciences, insurance organizations, patients' weblogs, news agencies, the MS Center forum for MS patients, and MS Payam bimonthly. The data were analyzed through the constant comparative analysis. RESULTS The data were categorized into four main categories, including functional challenges (diagnosis problems, failure to pay attention to patient needs, failure to follow-up, and miscommunication), administrative challenges (resource allocation and supervision), policy-making challenges (lack of comprehensive services, bureaucracy, and problems in provision of medications), and structural challenges (difficult access to services, lack of comprehensive centers, space limit, and long wait). CONCLUSION Despite all attempts of governmental and nongovernmental organizations for healthcare delivery to MS patients, these services cannot satisfy all needs of the patients. In this regard, service providers and administrators should pay more attention to the needs and expectations of patients and their families

    Social aspects of multiple sclerosis for Iranian individuals‏

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    Abstract PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine the social aspects of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the Iranian individuals. METHODS: A qualitative case study approach was used for this study, which is a part of a larger qualitative study about health care delivery system of MS. Participants were selected on the basis of purposive sampling method. Semi-structured interviews regarding the social aspects of MS were conducted with 18 MS patients, 6 family members and 7 health care providers. Besides interviews with the participants, documents related to the aim of the study, including weblogs, MS magazines, special websites of individuals with MS and news agencies. Data analysis was performed using the qualitative content analysis technique. RESULTS: Data obtained has been categorised into five main categories, including confronting stigma symbols, the outcome of stigma, walling-in due to stigma, disturbance in normal life and concern about job. CONCLUSION: There are multiple social effects of MS on the afflicted individuals, which affect various dimensions of their life. Policy makers and health care providers must also consider these effects of MS on other dimensions of the individuals' life. Implications for Rehabilitation Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease which restricts social life for patients, in addition to physical impacts. Individuals with MS experienced stigma as well as problems with employment and marital life, due to improper information about MS in society. We recommend that health care workers offer proper information about MS to patients and their family members to minimise the social problems faced by them. We recommend that mass media offers proper information about MS to people in society to disseminate the correct picture of MS. We recommend that the rehabilitation team offers psychological support to patients and their families for their empowerment, to facilitate dealing with the impacts of the disease. We recommend that health care providers teach the family members about patient support and communication skills

    Power Electronics for Photovoltaic Energy System of an Oceanographic Buoy

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    This paper reports on design of power electronics for photovoltaic (PV) energy system of an offshore remote sensing apparatus. Challenges in design of a PV energy system for a marine application are investigated and the design limitations compared to inland PV system are discussed. The designed system includes PV cells as the main source of energy, electric storage (battery), maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and protection circuitries. An MPPT algorithm based on measuring the slope of the PV power-voltage curves is presented which can be implemented with simple analog electronic circuits. The MPPT circuit uses Sepic converter as a core and it also includes a protection unit for maintaining the battery voltage in a safe range. The performance of the proposed MPPT algorithm in presence of measurement noises is verified using a circuit simulation software tool (PSCAD). Simulation results verify that the algorithm appropriately regulates the voltage of PV cells at MPP and it is robust against measurement noises for a signal-to-noise ratio above -2db

    Investigating the relationship between watching satellite channels and intimacy and marital satisfaction of couples in Isfahan, Iran, in 2014

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    Background: In the age of communication and media that families are rapidly driven towards using satellite channels and other media, considering family health in this regard is essential. A determinant of health is marital satisfaction. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between watching satellite channels and intimacy and marital satisfaction in Isfahan, Iran. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted on one group of 480 couples (n = 960) participating from 8 health-treatment centers in Isfahan. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used in this study. Inclusion criteria included at least 2 years of marriage. After completion of Bagarozzi's Marital Intimacy Questionnaire and ENRICH Marital Inventory, the couples were divided into two groups based on watching satellite networks. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18. Results: There was a significant relationship between intimacy and marital satisfaction in both viewers and non-viewers of satellite channels (P < 0.050). Average duration of couple's interaction in the satellite viewing group was 22.4 minutes and in non-viewers group was 47.95 min. In addition, the duration of interaction had a significant relationship with marital satisfaction and intimacy (P < 0.050). Conclusions: This study showed that watching satellite channels reduced the intimacy and marital satisfaction of the couples, and duration of interaction among the couples

    The study protocol of women′s education to create smoke-free home on the basis of family ties in Isfahan, Iran

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    Background: Tobacco smoke is the leading cause of preventable death world-wide. Unfortunately, the risk is not limited to smokers. It is dangerous for non-smokers particularly women, kids and elderly. Despite the remarkable reduction of tobacco exposure in public places, it is still continuing at homes as the most common places. Interventions to create a smoke-free home are needed, but little is known about them. The aim of this study is to explain the field randomized controlled trial that is designed to examine the role of non-smoker women to create a smoke-free home through establishing complete agreement on ban smoking at home. Methods: In this field randomized controlled trial, the effectiveness of women′s education will be evaluated in primary health-care centers. A total of 136 non-smoker women who exposed to second-hand smoke by their husbands at home will be included (68 intervention/non-intervention group). The intervention arm will receive an educational package including a consultation visit individually, a peer group session, a booklet, a "no smoking" sign. The primary outcome is the frequency of smoke-free home (no exposure to second-hand smoke at home). Mediator outcomes include a complete agreement to ban smoking at home, second-hand smoke exposure rate and self-assertiveness rate. All measurements will be conducted on baseline, 1 and 3 months after intervention. Conclusions: Outcomes will present the effects of implementing multi-component women′s education intervention program to ban smoking at home. If the effectiveness of the trial is confirmed, it will be suggested to merge this package to routine care in primary health-care centers