15,712 research outputs found

    Deformations of Toric Singularities and Fractional Branes

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    Fractional branes added to a large stack of D3-branes at the singularity of a Calabi-Yau cone modify the quiver gauge theory breaking conformal invariance and leading to different kinds of IR behaviors. For toric singularities admitting complex deformations we propose a simple method that allows to compute the anomaly free rank distributions in the gauge theory corresponding to the fractional deformation branes. This algorithm fits Altmann's rule of decomposition of the toric diagram into a Minkowski sum of polytopes. More generally we suggest how different IR behaviors triggered by fractional branes can be classified by looking at suitable weights associated with the external legs of the (p,q) web. We check the proposal on many examples and match in some interesting cases the moduli space of the gauge theory with the deformed geometry.Comment: 40 pages, 23 figures; typos correcte

    QED Corrections to Hadronic Observables

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    When aiming at the percent precision in hadronic quantities calculated by means of lattice simulations, isospin breaking effects become relevant. These are of two kinds: up/down mass splitting and electromagnetic corrections. In order to account properly for the latter, a consistent formulation of electrically-charged states in finite volume is needed. In fact on a periodic torus Gauss law and large gauge transformations forbid the propagation of electrically-charged states. In this talk I will review methods that have been used or proposed so far in order to circumvent this problem, while highlighting practical as well as conceptual pros and cons. I will also review and discuss various methods to calculate electromagnetic corrections to hadron masses and decay rates in numerical simulations.Comment: 31 pages, Proceedings of Lattice 2017, extended version (the official PoS has only 20 pages

    Exotic PDE's

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    In the framework of the PDE's algebraic topology, previously introduced by A. Pr\'astaro, are considered {\em exotic differential equations}, i.e., differential equations admitting Cauchy manifolds NN identifiable with exotic spheres, or such that their boundaries ∂N\partial N are exotic spheres. For such equations are obtained local and global existence theorems and stability theorems. In particular the smooth (44-dimensional) Poincar\'e conjecture is proved. This allows to complete the previous Theorem 4.59 in \cite{PRA17} also for the case n=4n=4.Comment: 51 pages, 1 figur

    Complete analytic solution to Brownian unicycle dynamics

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    This paper derives a complete analytical solution for the probability distribution of the configuration of a non-holonomic vehicle that moves in two spatial dimensions by satisfying the unicycle kinematic constraints and in presence of Brownian noises. In contrast to previous solutions, the one here derived holds even in the case of arbitrary linear and angular speed. This solution is obtained by deriving the analytical expression of any-order moment of the probability distribution. To the best of our knowledge, an analytical expression for any-order moment that holds even in the case of arbitrary linear and angular speed, has never been derived before. To compute these moments, a direct integration of the Langevin equation is carried out and each moment is expressed as a multiple integral of the deterministic motion (i.e., the known motion that would result in absence of noise). For the special case when the ratio between the linear and angular speed is constant, the multiple integrals can be easily solved and expressed as the real or the imaginary part of suitable analytic functions. As an application of the derived analytical results, the paper investigates the diffusivity of the considered Brownian motion for constant and for arbitrary time-dependent linear and angular speed.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    On the posterior distribution of the number of components in a finite mixture

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    The posterior distribution of the number of components k in a finite mixture satisfies a set of inequality constraints. The result holds irrespective of the parametric form of the mixture components and under assumptions on the prior distribution weaker than those routinely made in the literature on Bayesian analysis of finite mixtures. The inequality constraints can be used to perform an ``internal'' consistency check of MCMC estimates of the posterior distribution of k and to provide improved estimates which are required to satisfy the constraints. Bounds on the posterior probability of k components are derived using the constraints. Implications on prior distribution specification and on the adequacy of the posterior distribution of k as a tool for selecting an adequate number of components in the mixture are also explored.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000788 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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