317 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Tungau Fitofag Dan Predator Jeruk Mandarin Pada Berbagai Fase Tumbuh

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    . Affandi. 2007. Identification of Phytophagous and Predatory Mites on Mandarin Citrus at Different Growth Stages. The study specifically pursued the following objectives (1) to conduct a survey of phytophagous and predatory, (2) to determine the distribution and abundance of these mites in different growth stages at arboreal plant parts. A purposive sampling survey method was conducted at 6 growth stages of Mandarin citrus orchard at Aripan Research Station of the Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute, Solok, West Sumatera on September 2003 to July 2004. The results showed that there were 6 species of phytophagous mites collected from the canopy of citrus during the survey, namely Brevipalpus californicus (Banks), B. obovatus Donnadieu, B. phoenicis (Geijskes), Tenuipalpus sp., Eotetranychus sp., and Panonychus citri McGregor. On the other hand, 15 species of predatory mites were also found and mostly dominated by family Ascidae, Phytoseiidae, Cunaxidae, and Cheyletidae. However, predatory mites Lasioseius pitimini and Asca longiseta were the most frequent and abundance. Observation on the population development of phytophagous mites at various growth stages of citrus indicated that fruit development phase II (Fdp II) was the most preferred, followed by Fdp I, dormant, flush, flowering, and Fdp III was the least preferred. Positive correlation was also shown between the population development of the phytophagous and predatory mites at each growth stage. Results of this research was useful to determine exact time for controlling phytophagous mites. Furthermore, the availability information of potential predatory mites on citrus orchard can be used as biological control

    Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Perspektif Kemandirian Fakultas Kedokteran Swasta: Studi Kasus pada Medical Educational Unit (MEU)

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    The management of human resource in relation to private medical school independency: case study of medical educational unitsBackground: Most of the weaknesses of private medical schools in Indonesia are due to inappropriateness in the management of human resources. Medical Educational Unit (MEU) can be used to evaluate its role in the management of human resource. There is no information about what aspects of management in human resources have been implemented by MEU.Objection: To analyze the implementation of aspects contributed to the management of human resources by MEU.Method: This is a qualitative study to assess the implementation of the management of human resources in MEU. Data collected by in depth interview, observations, and document analysis in 4 (four) private medical schools in West Java. Data analysis was done by using koding, categorization and description.Results: The compensations for human resources in private Medical Schools in West Java is still inappropriate. Based on observations in the perspective of self-directing, self-motivating, self-regulating, self-supporting, self-assessing, and self-decision, this study showed the weaknesses in self-motivating, which can be seen in low level of achievement drive, commitment, inisiative, and optimism. Besides, there was no optimalization in the usefulness of information system technology.Conclusions and Suggestions: The perspective of to be autonomous in private medical schools in the aspects of MEU is still inappropriate. Therefore, the management of human resources in MEU is still to be increased

    Koleksi dan Identifikasi Tungau Predator (Ascidae: Asca) Serta Kelimpahannya pada Ekosistem Jeruk Mandarin

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    . Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tungau predator genus Asca dan kelimpahannya pada ekosistem jeruk mandarin. Survei dilakukan pada kebun jeruk mandarin di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Solok, Sumatera Barat menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2003 sampai Juli 2004. Hasil penelitian telah berhasil mengoleksi dan mengidentifikasi 18 spesies tungau predator genus Asca dengan jumlah total 3.919 ekor. Di antara tungau predator tersebut, spesies Asca longiseta, A. labrusca, A. vulgaris, A. butuanensis, dan A. breviseta merupakan spesies yang paling berlimpah jumlahnya secara berurutan dari yang tertinggi sampai yang terendah. Habitat gulma di bawah kanopi tanaman jeruk merupakan habitat yang paling disukai oleh tungau predator genus Asca (rerata 2,33/sampel) daripada habitat kanopi tanaman jeruk (rerata 0,75/sampel) dan serasah di bawah kanopi tanaman jeruk (rerata 0,51/sampel). Di antara tanaman gulma, tungau predator genus Asca paling banyak ditemukan pada jenis gulma Chromolaena odorata dengan populasi rerata 5 tungau predator per sampel (75 g). Tungau predator cenderung migrasi ke habitat gulma saat populasi mangsa pada kanopi tanaman jeruk rendah. Hasil penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tungau predator khususnya genus Asca yang berpotensi sebagai agens pengendali hayati terhadap tungau fitofag

    Effect of Mulching, Sanitation and Yellow Fluorescent Sticky Trap Application on Population Fluctuation and Critical Attack Period of Thrip on Mangosteen

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    This research aims to know the effect of mulching, sanitation and yellow fluorescent sticky trap application on population fluctuation and critical attack period of thrip on mangosteen which was carried out in a farmer mangosteen orchard in Lima Puluh Kota district, West Sumatra, Indonesia from October 2007 to February 2008. Twenty of plants were used as sampling units. Four plants were used to elucidate the critical period of mangosteen thrip attack that was assessed based on parameter of scar intensity, and sixteen plants were used to study the effects of mulching, sanitation and yellow fluorescent sticky trap on population fluctuation of mangosteen thrips. Each treatment was replicated four times. A completely randomized design was applied and continued with Lowest Significant Different to identity the differences among the treatments. The result showed that critical period of mangosteen thrip was at the 3rd - 10th weeks after fell of calyx. Sanitation combined with application of yellow fluorescent sticky trap reduced percentage and intensity of scars valueby 32.83 % and 5.99 %, respectively. The present study implies that knowledge of mangosteen thrip critical attack period and suitable controlling technique are important for the success of thrip control


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    Some of the most destructive pests in citrus orchards are spider mites. Monitoring prior applied pest control is a standard procedure for integrated pest management (IPM). The study aimed to survey and determine the distribution, abundance, and diversity of phytophagous, predatory, and detritivorous mites at different stages of development of arboreal plant parts, weeds and litter in the citrus orchard. A periodical sampling survey method was conducted on six growth stages of mandarin citrus, weeds and litter of the Indonesian Fruits Research Institute experimental field in Solok, West Sumatra in December 2003 to June 2004. All mites attached on each growth stage of citrus, weeds and litter were trapped and mounted on slide for identification purposes. Identification of the mites was conducted in the Acarology Laboratory, Department of Entomology, University of the Philippines at Los Banos in July-October 2004. The results showed that a very rich mite fauna of 130 species was found in the arboreal parts of citrus crops, weeds and litter below the canopy of the citrus orchard. Among the trophic groups, detritivorous mites were the most abundant, followed by the predators, phytophages, and those unknown feeding habit. Among the habitats, weeds harbored the most mite species followed by litter and arboreal parts of the citrus trees. The flush growth stage had the least diverse mite fauna with index diversity (H’) of 1.27, while the most diverse (H’ = 2.01) was found at fruit development phase II. Result of this research was useful in determining proper time for controlling phytophagous mites. Besides, the result also provides important information on potential predatory mites that can be used as biological control agents. Furthermore, the study implies the importance of maintaining cover crops of weeds and litter beneath the citrus trees as refuge and source of alternate prey for predators which suppressed populations of phytophagous mites

    The Potency Of Botanical Pesticides To Control Acarine Tetranychus Kanzawai Kishida (Acari: Tetranychidae)

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    The research is aimed to confirm the potency of several botanical pesticides to be used as natural biological control and to know the most infective stadium of T. kanzawai was done at Pest and Disease Laboratory of Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute from May to August 2009. A factorial completely randomized design was used in this research. Two factors were observed; first, four kinds of botanical pesticides consist of four treatment levels i.e. extracts of neem, soursop, Siam weed leaves and sterilized water as control.The second was the stadia of T. kanzawai that consist of three levels i.e. larva, nymph and adult. The result showed that Siam weed and soursop leaves extracts caused anti-feedent behavior and decreased mobility at five days after treatment. In addition, exoskeleton of treated T. kanzawai darkened from white, yellowish and bright brown. Extracts of Sourshop and Siam weed leaves caused very high mortality (96.67%) of T. kanzawae compared to neem (79.17%). However, there was no significant difference in mortality rates among the four active stadia of T. kanzawai with average mortality range from 65.63% to 79.38%

    Life-history Traits of Stethorus Gilvifrons (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Phytophagous Mites Eutetranychus Orientalis Klein (Acari : Tetranychidae)

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    The research aims to know the life cycle, feeding and mating behavior of predatory beetle S. gilvifrons, and was conducted at entomology laboratory of Assessment Institute for agri-cultural technology Malang - East Java. The treatments involved feeding behavior and capacity of the various instars and imago of S. gilvifrons. The number of mites consumed within 24 hours by each stage of beetle was also recorded. The average voracity of five individual predators for each instar was determined. The result showed that average life cycle of S. gilvifrons feed on E. orientalis was 4.11 + 0.78; 8 + 1.10; 3.83 + 0.41, respectively for egg, larva and pupa. The predator caught the preys from the front side, then chewed and sucked the body contents of adult preys or consumed the whole egg. The feeding capacity was greater in egg-laying than that in non egg-laying females and males. The smallest size of the cage (1.5 cm diameter x 5 cm long) and clear weather were the most preferred situation for S. gilvifrons mating, which usually occurs on the upper leaf surface. The male positioned itself over the female body and extended its aedeagus to reach the female

    Age Structure and Sex Ratio of Thrips Scirtothrips Dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) Associate with Mango Agroecosystem in East Java, Indonesia

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    A research aimed to investigate the age structure and sex ratio of S. dorsalis Hood in mango agroecosystem was conducted at PT. Trigatra Rajasa farm, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia. The research was started from April to May 2013. A Completely Randomized Design, Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference were used to design, knew the variance and significantly different among the treatment, respectively. Thirteen mango trees set in cross section were sampled and observed for the presence of S. dorsalis including weeds under the mango canopy and four cardinal directions of border. A weekly sample was done for four weeks. The result showed that instar one and adult were preferred to associate with weeds under the mango canopy and borders compare to mango leaves except second instar. Further, observation was presented that all the age structures were given equal male female sex ratio. Based on total population numbers, there wasn't significantly difference of age structure and sex ratio of S. dorsalis associate with weeds inside the orchard including mango leaves and borders. Twenty seven species of weeds were discovered associate with mango agroecosystem and comprehensively discused based on the most dominance and preferred by S. dorsalis
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