5 research outputs found

    Using Abdominal Massage to Reduce Gastric Residual Volume Among Critically Ill Patients by Nurses in a Tertiary Health Institution in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State

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    One of the major problems of hospitalized critically ill patients is nutrition. Meeting the daily nutritional requirements to prevent malnutrition and problem related to it. Early enteral feeding is recommended as first line of nutrition therapy for critically ill patients, although enteral feeding is often complicated with intolerance and aspiration as a result of high gastric residual volume. Abdominal massage is a technique used in improving digestive function. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and practice of abdominal massage as a means of reducing gastric residual volume (GRV) in critically ill patients among nurses and doctors. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and non-experimental study. This study sample comprised 73 nurses in the units where critically ill patients are kept such as Intensive Care Unit (ICU), High Dependency Unit (HDU), Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU), and Neuro-Surgery department of Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos. Questionnaire was the instrument used to elicit responses from the respondents. The study was carried out within the ambit of the range of ethics considerations. Convenience sampling technique was adopted in gaining access to the participants. Findings from this study reveal the importance of the use of abdominal massage, and the non-practice of the method in addressing abdominal problems, even though, awareness of it was high. Reasons attributable to use of other means such as aspiration of excess GRV with NG tube were provided. There was poor knowledge of the signs of high GRV that would necessitate abdominal massage. Keywords: Abdominal massage, critically ill patients, nurses, gastric residual volume, DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-14-03 Publication date:July 31st 2020

    Perceptions and Experiences of Healthcare Professionals Regarding Type 2 Diabetes Patient Education in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is on the increase globally, characterised by severe complications which pose a burden on individuals, healthcare professionals and society. The study aimed at exploring the perceptions and experiences of healthcare professionals towards type 2 diabetes patient education. Method: The approach utilised was an explorative descriptive qualitative research approach. A multi-disciplinary group of healthcare professionals comprising of nurses, dieticians and social workers, in two health institutions participated in the focus group discussions. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and analysed manually using Tesch (1990) descriptive approach. Results: The identified themes included the composition of patient education on type 2 diabetes, challenges encountered during the practice of patient education and recommendations by the healthcare professionals. Conclusion: The healthcare professionals’ perceived that all healthcare professionals should be involved in patient education. Keywords: Experiences, Healthcare Professionals, Patients, Patient Education, Perception, Type 2 diabetes

    An evaluation of a multidisciplinary patient centred type 2 diabetes self-management education programme in Edo State, Nigeria

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    Diabetes is on the increase globally, especially in African countries. Nigeria in particular has a high prevalence of diabetes type 2. There is evidence that improved type 2 diabetes outcomes are related to self-management and improved health education. The purpose of the research was to pretest whether a structured multidisciplinary patient centred self-management education programme for type 2 diabetes would improve selected primary and secondary diabetes outcome measures. The setting is diabetes outpatient clinics in one tertiary and one secondary health facility in Edo State, Nigeria. The study design is quasi-experimental, a two group before and after study. Two groups of participants (n=28) were selected using quota sampling from alternate day clinic attendances, 15 for the intervention group and 13 for the control group. A multidisciplinary patient centred diabetes self-management education programme was developed and implemented over 5 weeks in October 2014.DHE

    Transmission Based Precaution Practices among Nurses in Edo State, Nigeria during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The novel covid-19 pandemic is a highly infectious disease without known specific treatment and vaccine. Transmission based precautions are important in the fight against the virus. This study investigated the level of transmission-based precautions practiced, the predictors of correct practices, and the challenges experienced by nurses in public health facilities in Edo State during the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional survey to elicit responses from 367 front line nurses using a Google online questionnaire. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis. The majority 314(85.6%) of the respondents maintained a good level of transmission-based precautions practice. Hand hygiene was performed by 327(89.1%) of the respondents. Academic qualification was a significant predictor of good practice in favour of respondents with a degree in nursing. Challenges identified were lack of financial motivation, fear of infecting familymembers and fear of contracting the virus (93.5%). It was concluded that nurses in Edo State Nigeria have good transmissionbased practices in relation to covid-19 however efforts should be made to ensure 100% compliance and sustain practices. Keywords: Covid-19, Health facilities, Nurses, Practice, Transmission based precautions, Edo State, Nigeria La nouvelle pandémie de covid-19 est une maladie hautement infectieuse sans traitement ni vaccin spécifiques connus. Les précautions liées à la transmission sont importantes dans la lutte contre le virus. Cette étude a examiné le niveau de précautions fondées sur la transmission pratiquées, les prédicteurs de bonnes pratiques et les défis rencontrés par les infirmières dans les établissements de santé publique de l'État d'Edo pendant l'éclosion de la pandémie de Covid-19. L'étude a utilisé une enquête transversale descriptive pour obtenir des réponses de 367 infirmières de première ligne à l'aide d'un questionnaire en ligne de Google. L'analyse des données impliquait des statistiques descriptives et une analyse de régression logistique. La majorité 314 (85,6%) des répondants ont maintenu un bon niveau de pratique des précautions fondées sur la transmission. L'hygiène des mains a été pratiquée par 327 (89,1%) des répondants. La qualification académique était un prédicteur significatif des bonnes  pratiques en faveur des répondants titulaires d'un diplôme en sciences infirmières. Les défis identifiés étaient le manque de motivation financière  la peur d'infecter les membres de la famille et la peur de contracter le virus (93,5%). Il a été conclu que les i nfirmières de l'État d'Edo au Nigéria ont de bonnes pratiques fondées sur la transmission par rapport à la covid-19, mais des efforts devraient être faits pour assurer une conformité à 100% et maintenir les pratiques. Mots-clés: Covid-19, Health facilities, Nurses, Practice, Transmission based precautions, Edo State, Nigeria &nbsp

    Adolescents' perception of career choice of nursing among selected secondary schools in Jos, Nigeria

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    The main purpose of this study was to examine the adolescents' perception and choice of nursing as a career in senior secondary schools, and to determine factors that may influence their choice and perception. The study was conducted in four selected schools in Jos metropolis. Each of these schools is unique in features. They include: two government secondary schools (urban and rural) and two private secondary schools (urban and rural). A total of 240 respondents were used for the study. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed and presented in frequency tables, percentages, bar chart and chi-square. Findings indicate that 7.5% (n=18) of respondents chose nursing as a career, out of which 83.33% (n=15) were females, while 16.67% (n=3) were males. Interestingly, out of 46.25% of total respondents who would consider nursing as a career, 56.76% were females while 43.26% were males. There is no significant relationship between gender in considering nursing as a career choice; the ownership type of schools, and consideration of nursing as a career choice shows no significance (t=-2.098, critical value=1.658, df=118, p value=0.05.). There is equally no significant relationship between location, and consideration of nursing as a career choice