122 research outputs found

    Bioaugmentation of UASB reactors with immobilized Sulfurospirillum barnesii for simultaneous selenate and nitrate removal

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    Whole-cell immobilization of selenate-respiring Sulfurospirillum barnesii in polyacrylamide gels was investigated to allow the treatment of selenate contaminated (790¿µg Se¿×¿L-1) synthetic wastewater with a high molar excess of nitrate (1,500 times) and sulfate (200 times). Gel-immobilized S. barnesii cells were used to inoculate a mesophilic (30°C) bioreactor fed with lactate as electron donor at an organic loading rate of 5 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)¿×¿L-1 day-1. Selenate was reduced efficiently (>97%) in the nitrate and sulfate fed bioreactor, and a minimal effluent concentration of 39¿µg Se¿×¿L-1 was obtained. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM–EDX) analysis revealed spherical bioprecipitates of =2¿µm diameter mostly on the gel surface, consisting of selenium with a minor contribution of sulfur. To validate the bioaugmentation success under microbial competition, gel cubes with immobilized S. barnesii cells were added to an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactor, resulting in earlier selenate (24 hydraulic retention times (HRTs)) and sulfate (44 HRTs) removal and higher nitrate/nitrite removal efficiencies compared to a non-bioaugmented control reactor. S. barnesii was efficiently immobilized inside the UASB bioreactors as the selenate-reducing activity was maintained during long-term operation (58 days), and molecular analysis showed that S. barnesii was present in both the sludge bed and the effluent. This demonstrates that gel immobilization of specialized bacterial strains can supersede wash-out and out-competition of newly introduced strains in continuous bioaugmented systems. Eventually, proliferation of a selenium-respiring specialist occurred in the non-bioaugmented control reactor, resulting in simultaneous nitrate and selenate removal during a later phase of operatio

    Is oxidative stress involved in the loss of neem (Azadirachta indica) seed viability?

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    Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a valuable multipurpose tree of tropical arid and semi-arid regions. The use of its seeds is hindered by their short storage longevity. The possible causes of rapid loss of viability were investigated on different seed lots during exposure to 32% and 75% RH at 20°C. Within 6 months the seeds almost lost germinability at 75% RH, whereas at 32% RH viability decreased only slightly. On rehydration, the axis cells from nongerminable seeds had lost turgor, whereas those from viable seeds were turgescent as visualized by low temperature scanning electron microscopy images of fractured axes. Glutathione oxidation status was used to estimate oxidative stress during storage. Oxidative stress was much higher at 75% RH storage than at 32% RH, mainly caused by the rapid loss of reduced glutathione at 75% RH. Oligosaccharides and phospholipids decreased, and free fatty acids increased during storage at the high RH but remained at a constant level at the low RH. However, the degree of fatty acid unsaturation between viable and nonviable seed lots was similar. During the (slow) dehydration of fresh seeds, total glutathione, oligosaccharides and phospholipids accumulated, particularly in the initially more hydrated seeds. We interpret this accumulation as a post-maturation process associated with acquisition of the capability for long-term survival in the dry state. The mass ratio of oligosaccharides to sucrose was 0.19 on average in dehydrated neem seeds. The data suggest that the storage behaviour of neem seeds has features that characterize it as orthodox

    Toepassing lage temperatuur veldemissie scanning electronen microscopie in botanisch structuuronderzoek.

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    Experimental pollen germination and pollen tube growth in vitro

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    Ultrastructure of spinach sperm cells in mature pollen

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