6 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix), Jeruk Limau (Citrus Amblycarpa), Dan Jeruk Bali (Citrus Maxima) Terhadap Larva Aedes Aegypti

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    The used of chemicals as larvicidal may causing resistance, health problem, and environment problem. Leaf extracts of Citrus as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae can be used as an alternative larvicidal. The aims of this study is to find out the species of Citrus in the study sample, which is the most effective as biolarvicidal. This study was conducted using nested experiment design, with six treatments and five replicates. Larvae mortality was observed after 24 and 48 hours. Then, data were analyzed by probit. The results of this study show that (1) the LC95 value after 24 hours of exposure of leaf extracts of Citrus hystrix, Citrus amblycarpa, and Citrus maxima, were each 3,176 ppm; 4,174 ppm; and 6,369 ppm. (2) the LC95 value after 48 hours of exposure of leaf extracts of Citrus hystrix, Citrus amblycarpa, and Citrus maxima, were each 2,499 ppm; 3,256 ppm; and 4,886 ppm. (3) leaf extract of Citrus hystrix is the most effective among others as biolarvicidal against Aedes aegypti larvae. Leaf extract of Citrus hystrix can be used as alternative biolarvicidal

    Toxicity of Citrus Mitis, Citrus Aurantifolia, and Citrus Maxima Leaf Extract Toward Mortality of Aedes Aegypti Larvae (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Dengue Fever is a significant health issue in Indonesia for it is always been found and unresolved since 1968. Dengue Fever is transmitted through mosquito (Aedes aegypti) bite. Resistance of mosquito larvae towards temephos as consequence of chemical larvicide consumption has been reported in several countries. One of safe and environmentally friendly efforts to control mosquito is by using herbal larvicide which produced from plants. This study examines methanol extract of Citrus mitis, Citrus aurantifolia, and Citrus maxima leaf toward mosquito larvae Ae. aegypti instar III for 24 hours. Data of larvae mortality is analyzed using probit analysis by SPSS software. The result shows that Citrus mitis has the highest toxicity with the lowest lethal concentrations (LC) that are LC50 = 1.547 ppm and LC90 = 3.328 ppm. It followed by Citrus aurantifolia and Citrus maxima respectively

    Mini Sharing Pemanfaatan Media Quiz Online Bagi MGMP Guru Biologi Sidoarjo Berbasis Edmodo

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    This mini-sharing activity was organized by the Faculty of Information Technology, Ciputra University Surabaya in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Ciputra University and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, State University of Surabaya. This training was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic. This training is given to Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) group, especially Biology subjects because Biology Teachers need support for the use of online media in teaching, especially during this pandemi. Through MGMP group this activity was intended to reach not only one school but more schools so that it is will be expected to have a wider impact. Based on the results of the discussion, there are teachers who are not used to using online media, especially in terms of assessments through online quiz media for their students. After participating in this mini sharing, the teachers can immediately put the knowledge they have learned because this training was done using the hands-on method. Through mini sharing, teachers can get alternatives to use technology, Edmodo


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    Buku Modul Pelatihan PKMS MGMP Guru Biologi Virus (HIV dan COVID-19) disusun sebagai Dokumentasi Tertulis Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Stimulus, yang didanai oleh DRPM Kemenristek/ BRIN pada tahun 2020, pada mitra MGMP Guru Biologi di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Penyusun modul ini adalah para dosen dan asisten dosen di Universitas Ciputra (UC) Surabaya dan Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). Buku modul ini mengupas tentang pengantar virus, kemudian spesifik mempelajari virus HIV dan COVID-19, mulai dari struktur dan komponen virus, reproduksi/replikasi virus, transmisi/penyebaran, gejala dan tanda infeksi, diagnosis, pengobatan, pencegahan. Hal baru dalam modul ini adalah bahasan stigma dan diskriminasi Orang dengan HIV/AIDS


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    Bioteknologi merupakan cabang ilmu biologi yang mempelajari pemanfaatan makhluk hidup (bakteri, fungi, virus, dan lain-lain) maupun produk dari makhluk hidup (enzim, alkohol, antibiotik, asam organik) dalam proses produksi untuk menghasilkan barang dan jasa yang dapat digunakan oleh manusia. Dewasa ini, perkembangan bioteknologi tidak hanya didasari pada biologi semata, tetapi juga pada ilmu-ilmu terapan dan murni lainnya, seperti biokimia, komputer, biologi molekular, mikrobiologi, genetika, kimia, matematika, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan kata lain, bioteknologi adalah ilmu terapan yang menggabungkan berbagai cabang ilmu dalam proses produksi barang dan jasa