1 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Program KINERJA Dalam Hubungan Kerjasama Antara Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur Dengan United States Agency for International Development Tentang Perbaikan Iklim Usaha Melalui Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Satu Pintu

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    :Implementation Program of KINERJA In Cooperation Relations Between Government of East Java Province with the United States Agency for International Development About Business Climate Improvement Through Licensing One Stop Services (Study on Investment and Licensing Office Probolingg). Provinsi Jawa Timur mention a few priorities and direction of development policy whose aim is to improve the business climate/investment by the empowerment of cooperatives, micro, small and medium enterprises. In order to improve the business climate, East Java Provincial Government to build a relations of cooperation with International institutions United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with the involvement local government of Probolinggo. In this cooperation relations, USAID created a program, called program "KINERJA". Kabupaten Probolinggo has a licensing service providers with the OSS system named Office of Investment and Licensing (KPMP). There were some achievements of the program should be improved the side of implementation licensing services for the create of improving the business climate through One Stop Services (OSS) in the KINERJA program, among others on the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and the handling of complaints licensing , Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD), the implementation of a series of socialization licensing services through the local media.In this study can be concluded that the implementation of the Program KINERJA in KPMP Probolinggo work as expected. which is evident by the applicant community\u27s response has been a lot of sense changes in, among others, has no clear procedure of licensing services, the estimated completion time of licensing, and the transparency of costs