25 research outputs found

    Assertive preference values dalam perilaku komunikasi antarbudaya pasutri kawin campur

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    There search which was carried out in Malang city East Java Province attempted to depicta detailed illustration of the mix decouples world view based communication behavior ideals. These behaviours were assumed to be able to both prevent as well as resolve their internal problems at their early stages. The research found the importance of renovating an intercultural communication behavior among mixed couples. This was so for the purpose of harmonizing as well as strengthening their marital relationship by means of accomplishing their respective tranquility felt both internally and externally. This transquility was achieved by their feeling of happy internally and externally as well. This was so since each partner has merged their feelings ,attitudes due to his or her mutual understanding of respective differences. By so doing, it helps minimize the occurance of the potential conflict that may have been existed for quite long time so that it can resolve them at early stages. Employing subjective approach through an in-depthinterview andobservationtechniques,the research providean ample opportunityfor both researcher and informants to explore deeply the problem being investigated. This has brought about the emergence the ideal concepts along with the problem resolution stages in practical manners. In short, assertive values were the foundation for an effective intercultural communication among mixed couples whose cultural as well as religious background differ sharply

    Intensitas komunikasi tokoh publik melalui pendekatan hubungan kekerabatan untuk mencegah penyimpangan sosial

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    This article is intended to provide a description of research results on the intensity of public figure communication through the approach of familial relationships to prevent social deviation. This study is a literature review study or literature study based on some previous research results by combining factual analysis. The results of this study can reveal the intensity of communication public figures are able to prevent and cope with social impediment in a social group. Where the heaviest of deviations is labeling which is the cause and effect of the explanation itself. Social deviation is examined from two aspects namely lifestyle and culture in social groups. The intensity of communication of public figures always reflects the closeness of the relationship between the elements of the system within the society, and is able to contribute through efforts to improve the existing conditions in the normative state. The higher the intensity of communicating, the higher the togetherness is created through new forms of agreement. The main determinant is the intensity of communication by public figures and communication approaches based on kinship relationships

    Intercultural reception pada pelaku bisnis antar etnik pedagang di lingkungan pasar tradisional

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    Intensitas komunikasi dalam konteks antarpribadi dan kelompok semakin penting untuk ditingkatkan dalam rangka mencapai stabilitas dan keberlangsungan hidup dalam masyarakat yang multietnik. Di sinilah peran terbesar dipikul oleh komunitas etnik mayoritas. Interaksi sosial yang arahnya membangun kesadaran untuk membuka diri terhadap realitas sosial yang ada, akan dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan dalam dialog sosial yang murni, dan secara konstan menyediakan waktu untuk menanggapi tuntutan-tuntutan baru yang berasal dari situasi yang berkembang. Lebih lanjut kebiasaan baru tersebut, akan menjadi transformasi sosial di dalam aspek struktural, sikap dan perilaku nyata dari anggota masyarakat. Sebagai anggota masyarakat, keberadaan pedagang di pasar tradisional membawa kemanfaatan dalam upaya mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat.Intercultural reception menjadi acuan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang ada di lingkungan pasar tradisional, khususnya dalam memoles proses interaksi dengan pihak-pihak yang memiliki keterlibatan tinggi dengan pasar tradisional. Proses komunikasi yang melibatkan berbagai peran di pasar tradisional akan membawa pada bentuk komunikasi yang efektif, sebagai cermin bagi perilaku komunikasi yang diwujudkan dalam interaksi di lingkungan pasar tradisional

    Komunikasi askriptif tokoh publik untuk mencegah kegiatan seks komersial terselubung

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    The article tries to describe ascription communication among the prominent figure intended for covert sexual behavior prevention measures. Making use of descriptive method with subjective approach, it attempts to portray the object of study in natural settings. As such, the data are collected by means of participatory observation, in-depth interview and document study. The data being gathered are then examined using descriptive analysis within ethnographic model. The research found that ascription communication by public prominent leaders has led to prevent sexual behavior among sex workers and their pimps by taking into account their internal as well as external factors. The prominent leader’s interpersonal communication behavior has proven effective because they did so by taking into consideration their counterpart’s social as well as cultural background. Simply saying, their emphatic communication with sexual workers has made the latter felt closer emotionally which eventually work effective for sexual behavior prevention action. This finding illustrates the importance of the prominent leaders’ competence in ascription communication whose main tenets and principles are derived from social phycology


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    Newspaper and advertising is an integral and inseparable. Most of the audience considers the obituary is an ad in the newspaper. This is because, to buy the obituary columns in newspapers can inform proclaim the death of the family. And the use of these columns is Chinese citizens. As well known community, which in modern society and the election of the trend of using the mass media reflects the status of their lives. Mostly, in their real live, the Chinese community use obituary to deliver message using newspaper. This study discusses the representation of the Chinese Ethnic identity herald in Kompas. Obituaries not only contains a message that informing about obituary and feelings over the death of a family bereavement. However, the ad represents the identity of Chinesse community, so as to eliminate the descrimination over Chinesse community, such as the use of Chinesse letter also Chinesse name in public area. Chinese cultural identity represent various kinds of ornaments used in reporting the death in the newspaper. Roland Barthes semiotic method is used to analyze the obituary in the section on Media Kompas Klasika. Representation of Chinese culture through two levels of analysis, the first order of denotation and the second level is at the level of meaning, which means a second connotation and myth. Through this analysis knife, can find the deep process of obituary found in Kompas. The order of denotatif shows the history of the circle that indicates the ethnic Chinese through Chinese writing and the name written. In order of connotation, myth represented the culture and rituals of death. Conclution is mediated behaviors related to cultural identity which is looks from many aspects such us: photo, written, religion, culture and economic. The media type selected is the tendency of newspapers collaborative , fast and global. Keywords : Mediated Behaviors, Identity of Chinese Culture, Obituary, Print Medi

    Quadruple helix model in inspiring the development of Telematics Creative Industries Community-Based (The study of phenomenology on industryal startup in Malang)

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    The results of research on the model of the quadruple helix in creative industry development inspire the telematics on 2016-2017 in Malang, development is the study sponsored by the Department of Industry and Trade of the East Java province, focused over the planning evaluation of Supporting Facilities Planning Unit of Information Technology Technical Services (2016). This research is based on the phenomenon of the movement on creative industries telematics in Malang. The initial debate carried by the Ministry of Commerce of Republic Indonesia on 2008, by applying the synergi of triple helix involving Government-Academia-Business. After their processes towards in decade, change the paradigm become quadruple helix, by positioning the creative industries community telematics as the main agent. The community has a strong social capital, since it has a free position of structural dependence of any party. Problems of social change becomes their urgency, by revealing the existence of the creative community telematics, based on their ability to contribute to prevent social insecurity due to the increasingly competitive job opportunities as well as trying. This research using interpretive phenomenology based on subjective approach. Main activities conducting in-depth interviews and observations at 13 main informant. All of them are in 5 (five) a network of community-based industries, and serves as the foundation of the Agency the Creative Information Technology, East Java (JITC) Malang. As for the focus of the research on the view of the world, the efforts of the Association, the pattern of relationship and communication. Qualitative analysis of interactive used achieve efficiency through discussion in focused, while applying the validity through triangulation. The result of this research described as follows: (1) telematics creative community has strong commitment to control the sustainability of industrial telematics; (2) community was proved to be able to improve the innovation performance; and (3) established a new community through relationships and the intensity of the communication is done by involving financial institutions, distributors, employers' association, marketing and recruiting the new entrepreneur through internship programs

    Konstruksi tanggungjawab sosial untuk peningkatan komersialisasi perusahaan

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    Corporate social responsibillity is unique strategy to build the corporate image. This business methode has unlimated varian and foccused as the relationship builds that give the best non material impact for corporate profitability. The concept developed are manifest and latent strategic. They are geered in the internal campaign program oriented to internal public empowerment. It is implemented to maintain the better management as moral target through capacity building, the facilities available and building the corporateculture through the public internal sinergy especially by using the effective business communication

    Jurnalisme publik dan jurnalisme warga serta perannya dalam meningkatkan partisipasi warga dalam proses demokrasi

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    National press ideally should become a fourth pillar of democracy by means of controlling state actors and private sector effectively. This ideal practically never materializes since press it is an economic entity operating to serve its economic and political interests. As such, it never works in vacuum. It conducts its journalistic work to meet its vested-interest in order to survive. This was done unfortunately at the expenses of sacrificing its duties to serve public interest as its top priority. It is not surprising to see that issues covered are detached from the interest of the public. What being reported and disseminated in the press are consistent with the people’s advantage. This calls for public or civic journalism to reconnect the society with both government and news media. By doing so, press would able to accelerate people’ participation and involve them at decision proses making which affect their life. Citizen journalism which come into being as the result of information and communication technology advancement have people’s involvement at public life even stronger. This article tries to explicate the essence of public or civic journalism along with its brief historical account. Combined with citizen journalism, public journalism could pave the way for people’s political participation within public life

    Efektivitas pelayanan informasi internal kampus melalui pemanfaatan media interaktif berbasis ARTOM (Studi Fenomenologi pada mahasiswa FISIP Universitas Merdeka Malang)

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    The research of Artom-based interactive media, is within the scope of a cybernetic public relations study. This is the development of study results that have been implemented in 2016-2017, obtained sponsorship from Communication Studies Department and JITC Malang. Artom innovation is an integrative engineering information technology product, transformed in a pleasant internal information service (top of mine). The construction of animated graphic frames beautified the campus logo, being the final target that can be accessed via android smartphone. Relying on subjective interpretive paradigms and phenomenological approaches, it can dig intensive information to 27 informants by focusing on world view, expectations, efforts to realize something, to anticipate the obstacles encountered. Interactive qualitative analysis is used as a step to conduct focused discussions, so that statements can be directly agreed (confirmability) or ignored. The results of the study as follows: (1) The effectiveness of information services for students can increase if supported by innovative media; (2) It needs an innovative media capable of representing students familiar with technology; (3) ease of access to information as the need to actualize the benefits of campus; (4) Positioned artom engineering as a gateway of information by using android smartphone; (5) interactive media are used by students to acquire and disseminate information in a fun; and (6) The result of artom engineering is called a Gamer that represents the university of Merdeka Malang gate

    Representasi perilaku bermedia melalui identitas budaya etnis Tionghoa pasca reformasi dalam berita dukacita

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    Newspaper and advertising is an integral and inseparable. Most of the audience considers the obituary is an ad in the newspaper. This is because, to buy the obituary columns in newspapers can inform proclaim the death of the family. And the use of these columns is Chinese citizens. As well known community, which in modern society and the election of the trend of using the mass media reflects the status of their lives. Mostly, in their real live, the Chinese community use obituary to deliver message using newspaper. This study discusses the representation of the Chinese Ethnic identity herald in Kompas. Obituaries not only contains a message that informing about obituary and feelings over the death of a family bereavement. However, the ad represents the identity of Chinesse community, so as to eliminate the descrimination over Chinesse community, such as the use of Chinesse letter also Chinesse name in public area. Chinese cultural identity represent various kinds of ornaments used in reporting the death in the newspaper. Roland Barthes semiotic method is used to analyze the obituary in the section on Media Kompas Klasika. Representation of Chinese culture through two levels of analysis, the first order of denotation and the second level is at the level of meaning, which means a second connotation and myth. Through this analysis knife, can find the deep process of obituary found in Kompas. The order of denotatif shows the history of the circle that indicates the ethnic Chinese through Chinese writing and the name written. In order of connotation, myth represented the culture and rituals of death. Conclution is mediated behaviors related to cultural identity which is looks from many aspects such us: photo, written, religion, culture and economic. The media type selected is the tendency of newspapers collaborative , fast and global