5,051 research outputs found

    Study to Assess the Prevalence of Soft Drinking and its Determinants among the School going Children of Gwalior city

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    Background: Over the time there has been spectrum of changes in the universe. It may be at physical, chemical and cultural level. People have adopted newer life styles like their working style, clothing’s, food habits and so on. One of the pertinent example of this newer food habits is rising consumption of soft drinks rather than traditional home made drinks. This study was aimed to find out various determinants responsible for this rising trend of soft drinking so that effective intervention can be undertaken to overcome this creeping problem. Objectives: To find out the prevalence of soft drinking consumption among the students and to assess the determinants of soft drink consumption among the students. Materials and methods: It was a cross sectional study. A sample of 200 students was selected from the both govt. and private schools by stratified random sampling. Then they all were interviewed by using pre tested, semi structured proforma. Later on data was analyzed manually and by using suitable statistical software. Results: Frequent drinking of soft drinks was found more among the students of private schools than govt. (p < 0.05). A significant association was found between pocket money, TV watching and frequency of soft drinking (p< 0.05).Other reasons which were found to be responsible by far for frequent soft drinking like lack of awareness regarding hazards, frequent TV watching, desire of new taste, lack of health education from the parents side etc. Conclusion: Soft drinking consumption is creeping day by day amongst the children with out knowing their hazards. And they are the future of any country so there should be effective intervention from both sides govt. as well as parents to get rid of it at earliest

    Broadcasting of continuous variable entanglement

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    We present a scheme for broadcasting of continuous variable entanglement. We show how an initial two-mode squeezed state of the electromagnetic field shared by two distant parties can be broadcasted into two nonlocal bipartite entangled states. Our protocol uses a local linear amplifier and a beam splitter at each end. We compute the fidelity of the output entangled states and show that the broadcasting can be implemented for a variety of input squeezed states and amplifier phases.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, RevTe

    Quantum Cloning, Bell's Inequality and Teleportation

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    We analyze a possibility of using the two qubit output state from Buzek-Hillery quantum copying machine (not necessarily universal quantum cloning machine) as a teleportation channel. We show that there is a range of values of the machine parameter Îľ\xi for which the two qubit output state is entangled and violates Bell-CHSH inequality and for a different range it remains entangled but does not violate Bell-CHSH inequality. Further we observe that for certain values of the machine parameter the two-qubit mixed state can be used as a teleportation channel. The use of the output state from the Buzek-Hillery cloning machine as a teleportation channel provides an additional appeal to the cloning machine and motivation of our present work.Comment: 7 pages and no figures, Accepted in Journal of Physics

    Pressure Shifts in High-Precision Hydrogen Spectroscopy: II. Impact Approximation and Monte-Carlo Simulations

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    We investigate collisional shifts of spectral lines involving excited hydrogenic states, where van der Waals coefficients have recently been shown to have large numerical values when expressed in atomic units. Particular emphasis is laid on the recent hydrogen 2S-4P experiment (and an ongoing 2S-6P experiment) in Garching, but numerical input data are provided for other transitions (e.g., involving S states), as well. We show that the frequency shifts can be described, to sufficient accuracy, in the impact approximation. The pressure related effects were separated into two parts, (i) related to collisions of atoms inside of the beam, and (ii) related to collisions of the atoms in the atomic beam with the residual background gas. The latter contains both atomic as well as molecular hydrogen. The dominant effect of intra-beam collisions is evaluated by a Monte-Carlo simulation, taking the geometry of the experimental apparatus into account. While, in the Garching experiment, the collisional shift is on the order of 10 Hz, and thus negligible, it can decisively depend on the experimental conditions. We present input data which can be used in order to describe the effect for other transitions of current and planned experimental interest.Comment: 26 pages; 2 figures; this is part 2 of a series of two papers; part 1 carries article number 075005, while part 2 carries article number 075006 in the journal (online journal version has been rectified

    Free expansion of fermionic dark solitons in a boson-fermion mixture

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    We use a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model to study the formation of fermionic dark solitons in a trapped degenerate fermi gas mixed with a Bose-Einstein condensate in a harmonic as well as a periodic optical-lattice potential. The dark soliton with a "notch" in the probability density with a zero at the minimum is simulated numerically as a nonlinear continuation of the first vibrational excitation of the linear mean-field-hydrodynamic equations, as suggested recently for pure bosons. We study the free expansion of these dark solitons as well as the consequent increase in the size of their central notch and discuss the possibility of experimental observation of the notch after free expansion.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Specialty Preference Among Medical Students and Factors Affecting It

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    Introduction: Medical education is one of the core part of educational system of any country. Medical education requires undergraduate students to study a wide range of medical specialties. It is often assumed that students do not make their career preferences until after they have graduated from medical school. So the reasons and factors responsible for preferences need to be found out among medical students. Material and Methods: It was a Cross sectional study on 180 medical students to assess preference for specialty and factors responsible. Results: Out of total 190 medical students more or less everyone (97.89%) wanted to pursue specialization and majority of them (96.84%) wanted to pursue the same in Medical Field(p>0.05). majority of male students were interested to pursue their specialization in the field of medicine (37.63%), surgery (23.65%) and pediatrics (13.97%). On the other hand female students were more interested in medicine (24.17%), pediatrics (32.96%) and obstetrics & gynecology (24.17%)(p<0.05). Interest, by far was found to be most common factor (76.63%) responsible for the preference of particular medical specialty among all four groups of students (1st professional-25.27%, 2nd professional-75.92%, final professional-89.47%, interns-68.42%).Conclusion: It is thus concluded there are many factors playing role in the specialty selection and preference among the medical students and should be equally justified and addressed

    Pressure Shifts in High-Precision Hydrogen Spectroscopy: I. Long-Range Atom-Atom and Atom-Molecule Interactions

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    We study the theoretical foundations for the pressure shifts in high-precision atomic beam spectrosopy of hydrogen, with a particular emphasis on transitions involving higher excited P states. In particular, the long-range interaction of an excited hydrogen atom in a 4P state with a ground-state and metastable hydrogen atom is studied, with a full resolution of the hyperfine structure. It is found that the full inclusion of the 4P_1/2 and 4P_3/2 manifolds becomes necessary in order to obtain reliable theoretical predictions, because the 1S ground state hyperfine frequency is commensurate with the 4P fine-structure splitting. An even more complex problem is encountered in the case of the 4P-2S interaction, where the inclusion of quasi-degenerate 4S-2P_1/2 state becomes necessary in view of the dipole couplings induced by the van der Waals Hamiltonian. Matrices of dimension up to 40 have to be treated despite all efforts to reduce the problem to irreducible submanifolds within the quasi-degenerate basis. We focus on the phenomenologically important second-order van der Waals shifts, proportional to 1/R^6 where R is the interatomic distance, and obtain results with full resolution of the hyperfine structure. The magnitude of van der Waals coefficients for hydrogen atom-atom collisions involving excited P states is drastically enhanced due to energetic quasi-degeneracy; we find no such enhancement for atom-molecule collisions involving atomic nP states, even if the complex molecular spectrum involving ro-vibrational levels requires a deeper analysis.Comment: 32 pages; 2 figures; this is part 1 of a series of two papers; part 1 carries article number 075005, while part 2 carries article number 075006 in the journal (online journal version has been rectified). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.1003

    Teleportation of two-mode squeezed states

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    We consider two-mode squeezed states which are parametrized by the squeezing parameter and the phase. We present a scheme for teleporting such entangled states of continuous variables from Alice to Bob. Our protocol is operationalized through the creation of a four-mode entangled state shared by Alice and Bob using linear amplifiers and beam splitters. Teleportation of the entangled state proceeds with local operations and the classical communication of four bits. We compute the fidelity of teleportation and find that it exhibits a trade-off with the magnitude of entanglement of the resultant teleported state.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages, 3 eps figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    An Assessment of Knowledge and Practices Regarding Tuberculosis in the Context of RNTCP Among Non Allopathic Practitioners in Gwalior District

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    Introduction: India has the highest TB burden accounting for one-fifth of the global incidence with an estimated 1.98 million cases. Non- allopathic practitioners are the major service providers especially in rural and peri-urban areas, treating not just patients of diarrhea, respiratory infections and abdominal Pain but also of tuberculosis. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of sign and symptoms of TB and its management as per the RNTCP guidelines and to assess the practicing pattern regarding tuberculosis. Material & Methods: The present was carried out among the registered non allopathic practitioners providing their services in Gwalior District during the study period. A total of 150 non allopathic practitioners of various methods from both government and private sectors were interviewed using a pre-designed, pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. The information was collected on the General profile of the participant, knowledge about signs and symptoms of TB and its management, practices commonly adopted in the management and their views on involvement of non allopathic practitioners in RNTCP programme. Result: The average score of government practitioners was 7.3 compared to 4.6 by private practitioners. There was a statistically significant difference between the two group on issue related to the management of TB patients as per the RNTCP guidelines. Government practitioners relied mostly on sputum examination for diagnosis and follow up compared to private practitioners who chose other modalities like X-ray, blood examination for this work. Conclusion: There is a gap in knowledge and practices of practitioners of both the sectors. Some serious efforts were required to upgrade the knowledge of non allopathic practitioners if the government is serious about controlling tuberculosis in India
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