8 research outputs found

    Determination and modelling of water quality parameter in Abuja metropolis

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    This research work involves the determination and modelling of water parameter such as pH, temperature, turbidity, chloride, hardness. The result of the analysis was used as important operating variables to generate a model equation of pH, hardness, temperature, turbidity and chloride. The values obtained from the model equation were compared with those from experiment. On an average bases the values were close. These parameters can be used to monitor the extent of pollution of pond water and to monitor stress and diseases of fish. The experimental data of pH was in the range of 6.7 to 6.9 while the modelled result was also between 6.7 to 7.0. The turbidity experimental value was close to the modelled value also. The chloride value for the experimental data was in the range of 25.32 to 35.0. The total hardness value ranges between 4.5 to 65.1 mg/l while the modelled result ranges between 11.025 to 68.402 mg/l. The result was within the acceptable limit of world health organization standard on water quality parameter

    Hydrogeological deep percolation modelling of groundwater recharge in Voinjama Region, Liberia

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    Indirect physical methods of assess groundwater recharge rely on the measurement or estimation of soil physical parameters, which along with soil physical principles; can be used to estimate the potential or actual recharge. However, the deep percolation method uses a daily water- budget approach to simulate deep percolation. In this method, the model computes daily fluxes of water into and out of a volume extending from the top of foliage to the bottom of the root zone and accounts for changes in water content. In most environments, deep percolation is destined to recharge the saturated systems that are tapped by wells. Deep percolation technique was deployed to determine the rate of ground water recharge in the Voinjama region of Liberia, and also establish points of lineaments where wells can be dug for water supply. The perimeter of the hypothesized basin is about 28.9km while the length of the thalweg of the mainstream is about 11km. the average width of the basin area is 5.9km while the circumference of the equivalent circular area is 25.33km and compactness coefficient (R) of the basin is computed at 1.14. The elongation ratio (Er) is computed at 0.73km. The diurnal recharge computed from Deep Percolation was 6712.21 cm3 /km2 per annum. In conclusion, this study aids the restoration of water supply system destroyed during the war periods emphasizing the abundant water in the hydrological system and viable ground water recharge adequate for exploitation in a near uniform geology. Several faults and crevices scattered abroad the area were recorded indicating good lineament distribution and abundant aquifer recharge.Keywords: Hydrogeology, Deep Percolation Method, Groundwater, Recharg

    Municipal Solid Waste Conversion to Energy and Derived Chemicals using Pyrolysis

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    This research work evolved through the variables such as time and temperature to determine the highest bio-oil yields. Conventional pyrolysis was adopted in a drop type CVD pyrolyzer given the highest oil yields 32.50 %wt, at 500 0C for 30 min. The bio-oil properties (CHNS-O) at various temperatures were evaluated. Carbon, hydrogen, Nitrogen, sulphur and calorivic values were observed to increase as the temperatures increases, having highest values at 500 0C with a sudden decline at 550 0C. While oxygen, water contents, densities and pH values decreases as the temperature increases, with lowest values recorded at 500 0C and sharp increase at 550 0C. Hence, the degrees of de-oxygenation also increases as the temperature increases with 18.87 %wt. at 500 0C and decreased at 550 0C. The results of FTIR analysis of the bio-oils at 500 0C indicate functional groups such as alkyl/Aromatic substitute ether (C-O), Aromatic 10 amine (C-N), Phenol/30 Alkanol (O-H), alkenes (C=C), Nitriles (C-N) and amines (N-H) with their areas. Keywords: Pyrolysis, Bio-oil, Derived chemical, Energ

    Biodiesel production from waste frying oil via heterogeneous transesterification: Optimization study

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    This study deals with development of a new composite heterogeneous catalyst, anthill-eggshellpromoted Ni-Co mixed oxides (NiCoAE). Thecatalyst was synthesized via co-precipitationand also characterizedto evaluate its properties.The as-synthesized NiCoAEcatalyst was thereafter tested for transesterification reaction.The effects of variables affecting the transesterification process,reaction temperature (50-70 oC), reaction time (2-4 h), catalyst loading (3-7 wt%) and methanol to oil ratio (6:1-12:1) were investigated using central composite design (CCD). The biodiesel yield of 89.23% was obtained at the following optimum reaction conditions; 70 oC of reaction temperature, 2 h of reaction time, 3 wt% of catalyst loading and methanol to waste frying oil ratio of 12:1.This indicates thatNiCoAEas heterogeneous catalyst has potential to converthigh FFA feedstockinto biodiesel via singlestep transterification proces

    Solenostemon monostachyus, Ipomoea involucrata and Carica papaya seed oil versus Glutathione, or Vernonia amygdalina: Methanolic extracts of novel plants for the management of sickle cell anemia disease

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    Background Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disease caused by an individual inheriting an allele for sickle cell hemoglobin from both parents and is associated with unusually large numbers of immature blood cells, containing many long, thin, crescent-shaped erythrocytes. It is a disease prevalent throughout many populations. The use of medicinal plants and nutrition in managing SCD is gaining increasing attention. Methods The antisickling effects of Solenostemon monostachyus (SolMon), Carica papaya seed oil (Cari-oil) and Ipomoea involucrata (Ipocrata) in male (HbSSM) and female (HbSSF) human sickle cell blood was examined in vitro and compared with controls, or cells treated with glutathione or an antisickling plant (Vernonia amygdalina; VerMyg). Results Levels of sickle blood cells were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in all the plant-extract treated SCD patients’ blood compared with that of untreated SCD patients. RBCs in SolMon, Ipocrata, and Cari-oil treated samples were significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared with VerMyg-treated samples. The Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in all plant extract-treated HbSSM samples compared with controls. Hemoglobin concentration was significantly increased (P < 0.05) by SolMon treatment in HbSSF compared with VerMyg. Sickle cell polymerization inhibition exhibited by SolMon was significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared with that of VerMyg in HbSSF blood. Sickle cell polymerization inhibition in SolMon and Ipocrata were significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared with VerMyg in HbSSM blood. All plant extracts significantly reduced (P < 0.05) lactate dehydrogenase activity in both HbSSM and HbSSF-treated blood. Catalase activity was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in HbSSF blood treated with Ipocrata compared with glutathione. Cari-oil treated HbSSM and HbSSF blood had significantly increased (P < 0.05) peroxidase activity compared with controls. Conclusions Methanolic extracts from S. monostachyus, C. papaya seed oil and I. involucrata exhibited particular antisickling properties coupled with the potential to reduce stress in sickle cell patients. Each plant individually or in combination may be useful for the management of sickle cell diseas

    Mycological Assessment of Suya Sold in Some Parts of Minna, Niger State

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    Mycological assessments of Suya sold in some part of Minna were conducted. A  total of 20 samples were collected from 10 randomly selected suya spots from ten (10) locations in Minna namely- Tunga, Ungwan Daji , Dutsen Kuran Hausa,  Chanchaga, Bosso, Maikunkele, Maitumbi, Kwangila, Barikin Sale and Sayeko. The percentage moisture content of the suya, isolation and identification of fungi species were determined using standard procedures. Suya from Tunga, Maikunkele and  Sayeko had the highest percentage moisture content (44%) each while suya from Dutsen Kuran Hausa had the least % moisture content (28%). There were  significant difference (α=0.05) between % moisture content of suya from different locations A total of fifty seven (57) fungi isolates were obtained from suya in all sampled locations. Fungi species such as Candida tropicalis, Penicillium  chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger Mucor spp, Aspergillus flavus ,Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium digitatum, Fusarium solanii, Rhizopus stolonifer and Aspergillus fumingatus were observed from the suya sample locations. Barikin Sale (BKS) suya sample had the highest occurrence of fungal isolates (7) while suya from Unguwan Daji (UDJ), Maikunkele (MKL) and Kwangila (KGL) had the least fungal isolates of 4. Aspergillus niger, Candida tropicalis and Mucor spp were the prominent isolates from all the sampled locations while Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium digitatum had the least number of occurrence from all locations. The presence of these fungi species in the suya samples collected from selected locations within Minna metropolis is a strong indication of poor hygiene by the vendors in preparation of the suya products. The awareness of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCPs) system in suya preparation by vendors could reduce or eliminate contaminations of the suya products when put into proper use.Keywords: Mycological assessment, fungal isolates, suya, moisture, fung

    Barrier property enhancement of starch citrate bioplastic film by an ammonium-thiourea complex modification

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    Although citric acid modification of starch biopolymers gives a more thermodynamically stable starch citrate, the barrier properties of the product is relatively poor. This paper reports a novel modification process which significantly improved the barrier properties of starch citrate by treating it with a complex formed from ammonium acetate and thiourea in the presence of a polysorbate catalyst. The barrier characteristics which were investigated include percentage moisture absorption, percentage reflectance, and water vapour release study. FTIR, SEM and TGA were employed to characterize the starch citrate biofilms before and after ammonium-thiourea complex modifications. Keywords: Bioplastics, Starch citrate, Barrier properties, Thiourea, Biopolymer