19 research outputs found

    Executive Information Systems' Multidimensional Models

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    Executive Information Systems are design to improve the quality of strategic level of management in organization through a new type of technology and several techniques for extracting, transforming, processing, integrating and presenting data in such a way that the organizational knowledge filters can easily associate with this data and turn it into information for the organization. These technologies are known as Business Intelligence Tools. But in order to build analytic reports for Executive Information Systems (EIS) in an organization we need to design a multidimensional model based on the business model from the organization. This paper presents some multidimensional models that can be used in EIS development and propose a new model that is suitable for strategic business requests.Executive Information Systems (EIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), multidimensional models, Business Intelligence tools, On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

    Online stock trading platform

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    The Internet is the perfect tool that can assure the market’s transparency for any user who wants to trade on the stock market. The investor can have access to the market news, financial calendar or the press releases of the issuers. A good online trading platform also provides real-time intraday quotes, trading history and technical analysis giving the investor a clearer view of the supply and demand in the market. All this information provides the investor a good image of the market and encourages him to trade. This paper wishes to draft the pieces of an online trading platform and to analyze the impact of developing and implementing one in a brokerage firm.online trading platform, impact analyze, Bucharest Stock Exchange, Sibiu Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange

    A model for Business Intelligence Systems’ Development

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    Often, Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) require historical data or data collected from var-ious sources. The solution is found in data warehouses, which are the main technology used to extract, transform, load and store data in the organizational Business Intelligence projects. The development cycle of a data warehouse involves lots of resources, time, high costs and above all, it is built only for some specific tasks. In this paper, we’ll present some of the aspects of the BI systems’ development such as: architecture, lifecycle, modeling techniques and finally, some evaluation criteria for the system’s performance.BIS (Business Intelligence Systems), Data Warehouses, OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing), Object-Oriented Modeling

    Decision Support System in National Power Companies. A Practical Example (Part I)

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    The paper presents the developing stages of the decision support prototype in which the data warehouse and the presentation level are built and validated. The paper also extends the results published in the 12th international conference on Informatics in Economy (IE 2013) proceedings and will presents the major steps for developing the data warehouse that integrates the sources from the Wind Power Plants (WPP) from the national parks and also the interface modules that allow managers to analyze data at a central level

    Antitumor Organometallics. IV. The Mutagenic Potential of Some Diphenylantimony(III) Dithiophosphorus Derivatives

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    Two diphenylantimony(III) derivatives of dithiophosphorus ligands, i.e. Ph2SbS2PPh2 and Ph2SbS2P(OPr-i)2, which were previously found to exhibit antitumor properties, have been now investigated for potential mutagenic effects in healthy and Ehrlich ascites tumor-bearing mice. Two short-term tests, i.e. the micronucleus test and the cytogenetic analysis, were used as end-points for mutagenicity. The results are consistent with a mutagenic potential for both organoantimony(III) compounds tested, the effect being higher for the phosphorodithioato derivative

    Web Scraping and Review Analytics. Extracting Insights from Commercial Data

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    Web scraping has numerous applications. It can be used complementary with APIs to extract useful data from web pages. For instance, commercial data is abundant, but not always relevant as it is presented on websites. In this paper, we propose the usage of web scraping techniques (namely, two popular libraries – BeautifulSoup and Selenium) to extract data from web and other Python libraries and techniques (vaderSentiment, SentimentIntensityAnalyzer, nltk, n consecutive words) to analyze the reviews and obtain useful insights from this data. A web scraper is built in which prices are extracted and variations are tracked. Furthermore, the reviews are extracted and analyzed in order to identify the relevant opinions, including complaints of the customers

    Penerapan Manajemen Strategik Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Guru Di SD It Permata Hati Kota Tebing Tinggi

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen strategic dan pengarihnya terhadap kinerja guru di SD IT Permata Hati Kota Tebing Tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) untuk mengetahui manajemen strategic di SD IT IT Permata Hati Kota Tebing Tinggi. (2) untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen strategic di SD IT Permata Hati Kota Tebing Tinggi. (3) untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh penerapan manajemen stategik terhadapat kinerja guru di SD IT Permata Hati Kota Tebing Tinggi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kegiatan pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui kegiatan survei lapangan secara langsung. Hasil penelitian pada SD IT PERMATA HATI KOTA TEBING TINGGI dalam melakukan penerapan manajemen strategik dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja guru ialah tenaga pendidik memiliki persiapan untuk pembelajaran, guru juga harus memiliki bermacam-macam metode dalam mengajar dan guru harus pandai dalam memilih metode yang tepat dalam pembelajaran, guru juga harus mampu menciptakan metode baru yang dapat membuat suasana pembelajaran menjadi nyaman dan menyenangkan Dalam upaya mencapai keberhasilan tenaga pendidik dalam kegaiatan belajar mengajar seyogiyanya membuat suatu rencana pembelajaran, program kerja ataupun program pembelajaran semester ataupun tahunan, karena rencana pembelajaran yang di buata adalah bahan acuan untuk melaksamakan tugas sebagai tenaga pendidik

    Data Model for SIPAMER Prototype

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    The article presents the data model of the decision support systems in energy field and the future work plan for design development of cloud service information system for integration and knowledge management based in renewable energy. The research is part of SIPAMER project, financed by NASR agency

    Informatics Solutions for Data Processing of Electricity Consumption Optimization in Smart Grids

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    Considering the scarcity of primary resources of electricity environmental issues of global warming and the need to optimize electricity consumption at household level, in this paper we will present solutions for developing the data model of an informatics prototype for optimizing the electricity consumption in smart grids

    Business Intelligence Solutions for Wind Power Plants Operation

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    The European Union energy strategies imply significant changes in the power systems. These should contribute to sustainable development and protection of the environment by enabling the EU to achieve its targets set in the third package of legislative proposals for electricity and gas markets. Renewable energy sources (RES) in Romania have been encouraged since 2007 and this lead to a large volume of projects. It took several years to have the first MW installed in wind power plants (WPP). Nowadays, the installed wind power in Romania is about 2642 MW, most of them (about 85%) being concentrated in the south-eastern part of the country. Based on recorded data during four years in Romania, a couple of analyses have been performed. They contribute to a better integration of wind energy into power systems. This paper will describe how business intelligence solutions are applied on data regarding wind power plants operation and main conclusions that could be drawn