12 research outputs found

    Economic Evaluation of Wild Forest Spices in Ikot Ekpene, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the rate of return on investment (ROI) and profit margin of wild forest spices in seven purposively selected communities of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area. Total sum of 193 randomly selected respondents were interviewed comprising; 71 producers/collectors and 122 marketers. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, net income, profitability, ROI and multiple regressions. Sensitivity analysis was carried out on ROI to establish the point at which the viability of the enterprise was threatened for each of the spices in various communities. Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. & Thonn.) Taub. had N460.00k and N293.33k unit contribution/kg in Ikot Obong Edong and Amayam, respectively; Zingiber officinale Roscoe had N180.00k, N245.00k and N350.00k unit contribution /kg in Abiakpo Ikot Essien, Ikot Ediet and Ikot Ekpene, respectively; Ocimum bassilicum L. had N226.25k/kg unit contribution in Mbiaso while Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A.Rich. had N417.50k in Ikot Inyang. Multiple regression result showed that educational level of the marketers was significant (0.03, p ā‰¤ 0.05) on forest spices profit. Forest spices production/collection and trading has the capacity to alleviate poverty through additional household income, help food security and yield improved quality of life in Nigerian rural and peri ā€“ urban communities. Value addition through processing is suggested for improved profit and enhanced livelihood

    Comparative Evaluation of the Engineering Properties of Asphaltic Concrete from Selected Asphalt Plants in Southwestern Nigeria for Road Construction

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    In this study, the engineering properties of asphaltic concrete from selected asphalt plants in Southwestern Nigeria for road construction were sampled for three months, analysed and compared with regulatory body specifications. The penetration test, Ductility test, Marshall Stability and flow tests results indicated good conformity to the regulatory specification by all the plants with JBN exhibiting highest range value while LSPWC has the least. Also, asphalt samples from all the plants passed the Ring ball and softening point test with Julius Berger Nigeria having highest value between 53.5-53.7 while SEQUOIA has the least with 50-50.2 when compared to standard value 47-56. For bitumen content tests with 5-8% Specification, ESPRO failed with 3.9-4.8, LSPWC show inconsistence result of 3.9-5.6, SEQUOIA had the highest between 6.4-7.0, while CCECC and JBN conform to specification. The density-void ratio and particle size specification were met by only JBN with major deviation recorded from LSPWC. The result indicated JBN is the only company that satisfy all the engineering properties specification while others exhibit inconsistency in aggregates proportion thereby making the asphalt concrete a possible cause for pavement failure in Southwest Nigeria

    On the Effects of Saturation Terms on A SEIR Epidemic Model with Infected and Susceptible Compartments

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    The importance of the saturation term in an SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, and Recovered) epidemic model was examined in this article. To estimate the basic reproduction number (R0), examine the stabilities and run numerical simulations on the model, the next generation matrix, the Lyapunov function and Runge-Kutta techniques were used. The numerical simulation results reveal that, the saturation term has a significant influence in the modelā€™s susceptible and infected compartments. However, as demonstrated by the simulation results, saturation term has a greater influence on vulnerable people than on infected people. As a result, greater sensitization programs through seminars, media, and awareness will be more beneficial to the vulnerable class than the afflicted class during disease eradication

    Obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.): poor products development wood but good environmental tree in Nigeria

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    Obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum.) is a large tropical tree, the wood products of which are either in solid or reconstituted forms. These items are extremely vulnerable to concomitant insect attack. Although established as a successful plantation species for veneering and plywood production, Obeche is also considered as a good environmental tree in Nigeria. However, there is very little specific information that substantiates this potential. We report on the organisms inducing biodeterioration of Obeche wood products and describe the characteristics of Obeche trees in terms of environmental suitability between 2012 and 2016. All the 47 Obeche wood-based products (OWBPs) studied, comprising 12 beehives, 10 food canteen stalls, 10 office tables, 10 laboratory cabinets and 5 office walls were economically and dominantly co-infested by beetles and termites. Interestingly, during the four-year observation period, all the eight Obeche trees encountered were found to exhibit high stability with excellent resistance to hollowness and to degradative pests, even at around 2 m Diameter at Breast Height (DBH). This reflects its robust biophysical protective barrier mechanisms. Additionally, there were observations of enhanced coexistence with other tree species, including shrubs and grasses. This indicates a tolerance potential role at improving the relative contributions of several species (plants community) to ameliorate tropical environmental degradation

    Učinak deksametazona na invazijsku sposobnost protozoona Trypanosoma vivax Y486 i hematoloÅ”ke nalaze u nigerijskih pilića (Gallus gallus domesticus).

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    The study was carried out to investigate how the infectivity of Trypanosoma vivax Y486 could be affected by steroid administration to Nigerian domestic chickens and to observe the haematological and serum biochemistry changes in these chickens infected with Trypanosoma vivax Y486. Results showed that T. vivax Y486 does affect the haematological parameters of Nigerian domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) as there may be development of anaemia as in large animals. However, there was no patent parasitaemia. In addition, steroid administration when applied at high doses did affect the haematological parameters of the local chickens. It thus showed that serial passaging of T. vivax Y486 can result in infectivity of the Nigerian domestic chickens with trypanosomosis.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem određivanja učinka primjene steroida na invazijsku sposobnost protozoona Trypanosoma vivax Y486, te hematoloÅ”ke i kliničko-biokemijske vrijednosti u nigerijskih pilića. T. vivax utječe na hematoloÅ”ke vrijednosti u nigerijskih domaćih pilića s obzirom da je ustanovljena anemija slična kao kod velikih domaćih životinja. Parazitemija ipak nije dokazana. Primjena visokih doza steroida također je utjecala na krvnu sliku. Autori zaključuju da serijske pasaže protozoona T. vivax dovode do povećanja njegove invazijske sposobnosti

    Conceptual analysis of the combined effects of vaccination, therapeutic actions, and human subjection to physical constraint in reducing the prevalence of COVID-19 using the homotopy perturbation method

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    Abstract Background The COVID-19 pandemic has put the world's survival in jeopardy. Although the virus has been contained in certain parts of the world after causing so much grief, the risk of it emerging in the future should not be overlooked because its existence cannot be shown to be completely eradicated. Results This study investigates the impact of vaccination, therapeutic actions, and compliance rate of individuals to physical limitations in a newly developed SEIQR mathematical model of COVID-19. A qualitative investigation was conducted on the mathematical model, which included validating its positivity, existence, uniqueness, and boundedness. The disease-free and endemic equilibria were found, and the basic reproduction number was derived and utilized to examine the mathematical model's local and global stability. The mathematical model's sensitivity index was calculated equally, and the homotopy perturbation method was utilized to derive the estimated result of each compartment of the model. Numerical simulation carried out using Maple 18 software reveals that the COVID-19 virus's prevalence might be lowered if the actions proposed in this study are applied. Conclusion It is the collective responsibility of all individuals to fight for the survival of the human race against COVID-19. We urged that all persons, including the government, researchers, and health-care personnel, use the findings of this research to remove the presence of the dangerous COVID-19 virus