23 research outputs found

    European VLBI Network observations of the peculiar radio source 4C 35.06 overlapping with a compact group of nine galaxies

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    Context. According to the hierarchical structure formation model, brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) evolve into the most luminous and massive galaxies in the Universe through multiple merger events. The peculiar radio source 4C 35.06 is located at the core of the galaxy cluster Abell 407, overlapping with a compact group of nine galaxies. Low-frequency radio observations have revealed a helical, steep-spectrum, kiloparsec-scale jet structure and inner lobes with less steep spectra, compatible with a recurring active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity scenario. However, the host galaxy of the AGN responsible for the detected radio emission remained unclear. Aims. We aim to identify the host of 4C 35.06 by studying the object at high angular resolution and thereby confirm the recurrent AGN activity scenario. Methods. To reveal the host of the radio source, we carried out very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations with the European VLBI Network of the nine galaxies in the group at 1.7 and 4.9 GHz. Results. We detected compact radio emission from an AGN located between the two inner lobes at both observing frequencies. In addition, we detected another galaxy at 1.7 GHz, whose position appears more consistent with the principal jet axis and is located closer to the low-frequency radio peak of 4C 35.06. The presence of another radio-loud AGN in the nonet sheds new light on the BCG formation and provides an alternative scenario in which not just one but two AGNs are responsible for the complex large-scale radio structureComment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Regulation der Genexpression von MYCN in humanen Neuoblastomzellen durch Transkriptionsfaktoren der E2F-Familie

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    Seit fast 30 Jahren ist bekannt, dass die Amplifikation und Expression des Onkogens MYCN in Neuroblastomen mit einer sehr ungünstigen Prognose für die Patienten einhergeht. Dennoch liegen die Mechanismen der Genregulation von MYCN weiterhin größtenteils im Dunkeln. Die Präsenz potentieller Bindungsstellen für E2F-Proteine im Promotor des MYCN-Gens sowie Zellkulturexperimente lieferten Hinweise auf eine Rolle der Transkriptionsfaktoren der E2F-Familie in der Regulation der N-myc-Expression. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beantwortung der Frage, ob E2F-Proteine notwendig sind, um eine primär hohe Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomzellen mit Amplifikation des Onkogens aufrechtzuerhalten, und ob sie hinreichend sind, um die Transkription von MYCN in Zellen ohne endogene Expression von N-myc einzuleiten. Durch Überexpression des Tumorsuppressorproteins p16, welches zu einer Inaktivierung endogener E2F-Proteine führt, konnte die MYCN-mRNA-Menge in Neuroblastomzellen deutlich gesenkt werden. Vergleichbare Resultate wurden durch Expression von dominant negativem E2F-1 erzielt. Da in einigen Studien gezeigt werden konnte, dass Myc-Proteine ihrerseits E2F-Gene aktivieren können, nehmen wir an, in aggressiven Neuroblastomen könnte eine positive Rückkopplungsschleife zwischen E2F-Transkriptionsfaktoren auf der einen und N-myc auf der anderen Seite existieren, die die gesteigerte Aktivität des MYCN-Onkogens aufrechterhält. Stabil transfizierte E2F-ER-Fusionsproteine waren jedoch nicht in der Lage, das endogene MYCN-Gen in Neuroblastomzellen ohne Expression von N-myc anzuschalten. E2F-Proteine werden folglich für das volle Ausmaß der starken Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomen benötigt, sind aber nicht ausreichend, um das Onkogen MYCN in Zellen ohne endogenes N-myc zu aktivieren. In der Zukunft könnte durch Verhinderung der Bindung von E2F-Proteinen an den MYCN-Promotor oder durch gentherapeutische Ansätze, die z.B. mittels viraler Infektion den Signalweg zwischen p16 und E2F rekonstruieren, die Expression von N-myc in Neuroblastomen gesenkt werden, so dass die Aggressivität der Tumore reduziert und die individuelle Prognose der Patienten verbessert werden könnte

    Chromatic periodic activity down to 120 MHz in a Fast Radio Burst

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are extragalactic astrophysical transients whose brightness requires emitters that are highly energetic, yet compact enough to produce the short, millisecond-duration bursts. FRBs have thus far been detected between 300 MHz and 8 GHz, but lower-frequency emission has remained elusive. A subset of FRBs is known to repeat, and one of those sources, FRB 20180916B, does so with a 16.3 day activity period. Using simultaneous Apertif and LOFAR data, we show that FRB 20180916B emits down to 120 MHz, and that its activity window is both narrower and earlier at higher frequencies. Binary wind interaction models predict a narrower periodic activity window at lower frequencies, which is the opposite of our observations. Our detections establish that low-frequency FRB emission can escape the local medium. For bursts of the same fluence, FRB 20180916B is more active below 200 MHz than at 1.4 GHz. Combining our results with previous upper-limits on the all-sky FRB rate at 150 MHz, we find that there are 3-450 FRBs/sky/day above 50 Jy ms at 90% confidence. We are able to rule out the scenario in which companion winds cause FRB periodicity. We also demonstrate that some FRBs live in clean environments that do not absorb or scatter low-frequency radiation.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, submitte

    Cosmic ray propagation and magnetic fields in nearby star-forming galaxies, with emphasis on the prototypical case of M82

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    Magnetfelder in Galaxien sind weitgehend unerforscht. Die genaue Morphologie von Magnetfeldern kann starke Auswirkungen auf die Galaxienevolution und die Ausbreitung von kosmischer Strahlung haben. Anhand der sehr nahen und stark sternbildenden Galaxie M82 wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, dass Radiobeobachtungen bei langen Wellenlängen zusätzliche Informationen liefern, die Rückschlüsse auf diese Morphologie zulassen. Weiterhin konnten dadurch die Parameter für die Ausbreitung von kosmischer Strahlung bei dieser Art von Galaxien eingeschränkt werden. Zusätzlich werden sowohl fortschrittliche und neue Datenreduktionstechniken behandelt als auch die Probleme und ersten Erfolge für das neu entwickelte Radiointerferometer LOFAR hervorgehoben

    Multi-epoch variability of AT 2000ch (SN 2000ch) in NGC 3432

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    Context. AT 2000ch is a highly variable massive star and supernova imposter in NGC 3432 first detected in 2000. It is similar and often compared to SN 2009ip, and it is therefore expected to undergo a core-collapse supernova (SN) – a SN imposter of similar brightness – in the near future. Aims. We characterize the long-term variability of AT 2000ch in the radio and optical regimes with archival data reaching back to the year 1984. We use these newly reduced observations in addition to observations in the literature to restrict the mass-loss rates of AT 2000ch at multiple epochs based on different approaches, and to infer the general properties of its circumstellar nebula with respect to the detected radio brightness. Methods. We extend the known optical light curve of AT 2000ch up to the beginning of 2022 by performing point spread function (PSF) photometry on archival data from the Palomar Transient Factory and the Zwicky Transient Facility. We reduced archival radio continuum observations obtained with the Very Large Array using standard calibration and imaging methods and complemented these with pre-reduced CHANG-E

    LOFAR discovery and wide-band characterisation of an ultra-steep spectrum AGN radio remnant associated with Abell 1318

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    We present the discovery of a very extended (550 kpc) and low-surface-brightness (3.3 µJy arcsec−2 at 144 MHz) radio emission region in Abell 1318. These properties are consistent with its characterisation as an active galactic nucleus (AGN) remnant radio plasma, based on its morphology and radio spectral properties. We performed a broad-band (54–1400 MHz) radio spectral index and curvature analysis using LOFAR, uGMRT, and WSRT-APERTIF data. We also derived the radiative age of the detected emission, estimating a maximum age of 250 Myr. The morphology of the source is remarkably intriguing, with two larger, oval-shaped components and a thinner, elongated, and filamentary structure in between, plausibly reminiscent of two aged lobes and a jet. Based on archival Swift as well as SDSS data we performed an X-ray and optical characterisation of the system, whose virial mass was estimated to be ∼7.4 × 1013 M. This places A1318 in the galaxy group regime. Interestingly, the radio source does not have a clear optical counterpart embedded in it, thus, we propose that it is most likely an unusual AGN remnant of previous episode(s) of activity of the AGN hosted by the brightest group galaxy (∼2.6 × 1012 M), which is located at a projected distance of ∼170 kpc in the current epoch. This relatively high offset may be a result of IGrM sloshing sourced by a minor merger. The filamentary morphology of the source may suggest that the remnant plasma has been perturbed by the system dynamics, however, only future deeper X-ray observations will be able to address this question.</p

    First imaging results from Apertif, a phased-array feed for WSRT

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    Apertif is a phased-array feed for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), increasing the field of view of the telescope by a factor of twenty-five. In 2017, three legacy surveys will commence: a shallow imaging survey, a medium-deep imaging survey, and a pulsars and fast transients survey. The medium-deep imaging survey will include coverage of the northern Herschel Atlas field, the CVn region, HetDex, and the Perseus-Pisces supercluster. The shallow imaging survey increases overlap with HetDex, has expanded coverage of the Perseus-Pisces supercluster, and includes part of the Zone of Avoidance. Both imaging surveys are coordinating with MaNGA and will have WEAVE follow-up. The imaging surveys will be done in full polarization over the frequency range 1130-1430 MHz, which corresponds to redshifts of z=0-0.256 for neutral hydrogen (HI). The spectral resolution is 12.2 kHz, or an HI velocity resolution of 2.6 km/s at z=0 and 3.2 km/s at z=0.256. The full resolution images will have a beam size of 15"x15"/sin(declination), and tapered data products (i.e., 30" resolution images) will also be available. The shallow survey will cover ~3500 square degrees with a four-sigma HI imaging sensitivity of 2.5x10^20 atoms cm^-2 (20 km/s linewidth) at the highest resolution and a continuum sensitivity of 15 uJy/beam (11 uJy/beam for polarization data). The current plan calls for the medium deep survey to cover 450 square degrees and provide an HI imaging sensitivity of 1.0x10^20 atoms cm^-2 at the highest resolution and a continuum sensitivity of 6 uJy/beam, close to the confusion limit (4 uJy/beam for polarization data, not confusion limited). Up-to-date information on Apertif and the planned surveys can be found at: http://www.apertif.nl.Commissioning of the Apertif instrument is currently underway. Here we present first results from the image commissioning, including the detection of HI absorption plus continuum and HI imaging. These results highlight the data quality that will be achieved for the surveys