92 research outputs found

    Phenomics in sport : Can emerging methodology drive advanced insights?

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    Methodologies in applied sport science have predominantly driven a reductionist grounding to component-specific mechanisms to drive athlete training and care. While linear mechanistic approaches provide useful insights, they have impeded progress in the development of more complex network physiology models that consider the temporal and spatial interactions of multiple factors within and across systems and subsystems. For this, a more sophisticated approach is needed and the development of such a methodological framework can be considered a Sport Grand Challenge. Specifically, a transdisciplinary phenomics-based scientific and modeling framework has merit. Phenomics is a relatively new area in human precision medicine, but it is also a developed area of research in the plant and evolutionary biology sciences. The convergence of innovative precision medicine, portable non-destructive measurement technologies, and advancements in modeling complex human behavior are central for the integration of phenomics into sport science. The approach enables application of concepts such as phenotypic fitness, plasticity, dose-response dynamics, critical windows, and multi-dimensional network models of behavior. In addition, profiles are grounded in indices of change, and models consider the athlete’s performance or recovery trajectory as a function of their dynamic environment. This new framework is introduced across several example sport science domains for potential integration. Specific factors of emphasis are provided as potential candidate fitness variables and example profiles provide a generalizable modeling approach for precision training and care. Finally, considerations for the future are discussed, including scaling from individual athletes to teams and additional factors necessary for the successful implementation of phenomics

    The Stance Leads the Dance: The Emergence of Role in a Joint Supra-Postural Task

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    Successfully meeting a shared goal usually requires co-actors to adopt complementary roles. However, in many cases, who adopts what role is not explicitly predetermined, but instead emerges as a consequence of the differences in the individual abilities and constraints imposed upon each actor. Perhaps the most basic of roles are leader and follower. Here, we investigated the emergence of “leader-follower” dynamics in inter-personal coordination using a joint supra-postural task paradigm (Ramenzoni et al., 2011; Athreya et al., 2014). Pairs of actors were tasked with holding two objects in alignment (each actor manually controlled one of the objects) as they faced different demands for stance (stable vs. difficult) and control (which actor controlled the larger or smaller object). Our results indicate that when actors were in identical stances, neither led the inter-personal (between actors) coordination by any systematic fashion. Alternatively, when asymmetries in postural demands were introduced, the actor with the more difficult stance led the coordination (as determined using cross-recurrence quantification analysis). Moreover, changes in individual stance difficulty resulted in similar changes in the structure of both intra-personal (individual) and inter-personal (dyadic) coordination, suggesting a scale invariance of the task dynamics. Implications for the study of interpersonal coordination are discussed

    A SWOT Analysis of Portable and Low-Cost Markerless Motion Capture Systems to Assess Lower-Limb Musculoskeletal Kinematics in Sport

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    Markerless motion capture systems are promising for the assessment of movement in more real world research and clinical settings. While the technology has come a long way in the last 20 years, it is important for researchers and clinicians to understand the capacities and considerations for implementing these types of systems. The current review provides a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis related to the successful adoption of markerless motion capture technology for the assessment of lower-limb musculoskeletal kinematics in sport medicine and performance settings. 31 articles met the a priori inclusion criteria of this analysis. Findings from the analysis indicate that the improving accuracy of these systems via the refinement of machine learning algorithms, combined with their cost efficacy and the enhanced ecological validity outweighs the current weaknesses and threats. Further, the analysis makes clear that there is a need for multidisciplinary collaboration between sport scientists and computer vision scientists to develop accurate clinical and research applications that are specific to sport. While work remains to be done for broad application, markerless motion capture technology is currently on a positive trajectory and the data from this analysis provide an efficient roadmap toward widespread adoption

    Antifragility in Climbing:Determining Optimal Stress Loads for Athletic Performance Training

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    In the past decades, much research has examined the negative effects of stressors on the performance of athletes. However, according to evolutionary biology, organisms may exhibit growth under stress, a phenomenon called antifragility. For both coaches and their athletes, a key question is how to design training conditions to help athletes develop the kinds of physical, physiological, and behavioral adaptations underlying antifragility. An answer to this important question requires a better understanding of how individual athletes respond to stress or loads in the context of relevant sports tasks. In order to contribute to such understanding, the present study leverages a theoretical and methodological approach to generate individualized load–response profiles in the context of a climbing task. Climbers (n = 37) were asked to complete different bouldering (climbing) routes with increasing loading (i.e. difficulty). We quantified the behavioral responses of each individual athlete by mathematically combining two measures obtained for each route: (a) maximal performance (i.e. the percentage of the route that was completed) and (b) number of attempts required to achieve maximal performance. We mapped this composite response variable as a function of route difficulty. This procedure resulted in load–response curves that captured each athlete’s adaptability to stress, termed phenotypic plasticity (PP), specifically operationalized as the area under the generated curves. The results indicate individual load–response profiles (and by extension PP) for athletes who perform at similar maximum levels. We discuss how these profiles might be used by coaches to systematically select stress loads that may be ideally featured in performance training

    Reliability of 3-Dimensional Measures of Single-Leg Cross Drop Landing Across 3 Different Institutions: Implications for Multicenter Biomechanical and Epidemiological Research on ACL Injury Prevention

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    Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are physically and financially devastating but affect a relatively small percentage of the population. Prospective identification of risk factors for ACL injury necessitates a large sample size; therefore, study of this injury would benefit from a multicenter approach. Purpose: To determine the reliability of kinematic and kinetic measures of a single-leg cross drop task across 3 institutions. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Twenty-five female high school volleyball players participated in this study. Three-dimensional motion data of each participant performing the single-leg cross drop were collected at 3 institutions over a period of 4 weeks. Coefficients of multiple correlation were calculated to assess the reliability of kinematic and kinetic measures during the landing phase of the movement. Results: Between-centers reliability for kinematic waveforms in the frontal and sagittal planes was good, but moderate in the transverse plane. Between-centers reliability for kinetic waveforms was good in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes. Conclusion: Based on these findings, the single-leg cross drop task has moderate to good reliability of kinematic and kinetic measures across institutions after implementation of a standardized testing protocol. Clinical Relevance: Multicenter collaborations can increase study numbers and generalize results, which is beneficial for studies of relatively rare phenomena, such as ACL injury. An important step is to determine the reliability of risk assessments across institutions before a multicenter collaboration can be initiated

    Real‐time biofeedback integrated into neuromuscular training reduces high‐risk knee biomechanics and increases functional brain connectivity: A preliminary longitudinal investigation

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    Prospective evidence indicates that functional biomechanics and brain connectivity may predispose an athlete to an anterior cruciate ligament injury, revealing novel neural linkages for targeted neuromuscular training interventions. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a real‐time biofeedback system for altering knee biomechanics and brain functional connectivity. Seventeen healthy, young, physically active female athletes completed 6 weeks of augmented neuromuscular training (aNMT) utilizing real‐time, interactive visual biofeedback and 13 served as untrained controls. A drop vertical jump and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging were separately completed at pre‐ and posttest time points to assess sensorimotor adaptation. The aNMT group had a significant reduction in peak knee abduction moment (pKAM) compared to controls (p = .03, d = 0.71). The aNMT group also exhibited a significant increase in functional connectivity between the right supplementary motor area and the left thalamus (p = .0473 after false discovery rate correction). Greater percent change in pKAM was also related to increased connectivity between the right cerebellum and right thalamus for the aNMT group (p = .0292 after false discovery rate correction, r2 = .62). No significant changes were observed for the controls (ps > .05). Our data provide preliminary evidence of potential neural mechanisms for aNMT‐induced motor adaptations that reduce injury risk. Future research is warranted to understand the role of neuromuscular training alone and how each component of aNMT influences biomechanics and functional connectivity.Emergent evidence indicates that the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is, in part, due to central nervous system alterations that could be targeted using neural mechanistic sensorimotor‐based treatments. Young female athletes completed 6 weeks of neuromuscular training while interacting with a real‐time, visual biofeedback stimulus. Our training was designed to reduce the risk of by (a) promoting injury‐resistant movement and (b) strengthening brain functional connectivity. Our data not only indicated that athletes’ biomechanics and brain connectivity were improved following training, but the observed biomechanical improvements were related to distinct, strengthened connectivity within regions important for sensorimotor control. This study supports the use of real‐time biofeedback systems to reduce the risk of ACL injury by leveraging neuroplasticity.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154933/1/psyp13545_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154933/2/psyp13545.pd

    Effect of sensor number and location on accelerometry-based vertical ground reaction force estimation during walking

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    Knee osteoarthritis is a major cause of global disability and is a major cost for the healthcare system. Lower extremity loading is a determinant of knee osteoarthritis onset and progression; however, technology that assists rehabilitative clinicians in optimizing key metrics of lower extremity loading is significantly limited. The peak vertical component of the ground reaction force (vGRF) in the first 50% of stance is highly associated with biological and patient-reported outcomes linked to knee osteoarthritis symptoms. Monitoring and maintaining typical vGRF profiles may support healthy gait biomechanics and joint tissue loading to prevent the onset and progression of knee osteoarthritis. Yet, the optimal number of sensors and sensor placements for predicting accurate vGRF from accelerometry remains unknown. Our goals were to: 1) determine how many sensors and what sensor locations yielded the most accurate vGRF loading peak estimates during walking; and 2) characterize how prescribing different loading conditions affected vGRF loading peak estimates. We asked 20 young adult participants to wear 5 accelerometers on their waist, shanks, and feet and walk on a force-instrumented treadmill during control and targeted biofeedback conditions prompting 5% underloading and overloading vGRFs. We trained and tested machine learning models to estimate vGRF from the various sensor accelerometer inputs and identified which combinations were most accurate. We found that a neural network using one accelerometer at the waist yielded the most accurate loading peak vGRF estimates during walking, with average errors of 4.4% body weight. The waist-only configuration was able to distinguish between control and overloading conditions prescribed using biofeedback, matching measured vGRF outcomes. Including foot or shank acceleration signals in the model reduced accuracy, particularly for the overloading condition. Our results suggest that a system designed to monitor changes in walking vGRF or to deploy targeted biofeedback may only need a single accelerometer located at the waist for healthy participants

    The Effects of External Jugular Compression Applied during Head Impact Exposure on Longitudinal Changes in Brain Neuroanatomical and Neurophysiological Biomarkers: A Preliminary Investigation

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    Objectives: Utilize a prospective in vivo clinical trial to evaluate the potential for mild neck compression applied during head impact exposure to reduce anatomical and physiological biomarkers of brain injury. Methods: This project utilized a prospective randomized controlled trial to evaluate effects of mild jugular vein (neck) compression (collar) relative to controls (no collar) during a competitive hockey season (males; 16.3 ± 1.2 years). The collar was designed to mildly compress the jugular vein bilaterally with the goal to increase intracranial blood volume to reduce risk of brain slosh injury during head impact exposure. Helmet sensors were used to collect daily impact data in excess of 20 g (games and practices) and the primary outcome measures, which included changes in white matter (WM) microstructure, were assessed by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Specifically, four DTI measures: fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity (RD) were used in the study. These metrics were analyzed using the tract-based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) approach – a voxel-based analysis. In addition, electroencephalography-derived event-related potentials were used to assess changes in brain network activation (BNA) between study groups. Results: For athletes not wearing the collar, DTI measures corresponding to a disruption of WM microstructure, including MD and RD, increased significantly from pre-season to mid-season (p 0.05). In addition to these anatomical findings, electrophysiological network analysis of the degree of congruence in the network electrophysiological activation pattern demonstrated concomitant changes in brain network dynamics in the non-collar group only (p < 0.05). Similar to the DTI findings, the increased change in BNA score in the non-collar relative to the collar group was statistically significant (p < 0.01). Changes in DTI outcomes were also directly correlated with altered brain network dynamics (r = 0.76; p < 0.05) as measured by BNA. Conclusion: Group differences in the longitudinal changes in both neuroanatomical and electrophysiological measures, as well as the correlation between the measures, provide initial evidence indicating that mild jugular vein compression may have reduced alterations in the WM response to head impacts during a competitive hockey season. The data indicate sport-related alterations in WM microstructure were ameliorated by application of jugular compression during head impact exposure. These results may lead to a novel line of research inquiry to evaluate the effects of protecting the brain from sports-related head impacts via optimized intracranial fluid dynamics

    A Predictive Model of Intein Insertion Site for Use in the Engineering of Molecular Switches

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    Inteins are intervening protein domains with self-splicing ability that can be used as molecular switches to control activity of their host protein. Successfully engineering an intein into a host protein requires identifying an insertion site that permits intein insertion and splicing while allowing for proper folding of the mature protein post-splicing. By analyzing sequence and structure based properties of native intein insertion sites we have identified four features that showed significant correlation with the location of the intein insertion sites, and therefore may be useful in predicting insertion sites in other proteins that provide native-like intein function. Three of these properties, the distance to the active site and dimer interface site, the SVM score of the splice site cassette, and the sequence conservation of the site showed statistically significant correlation and strong predictive power, with area under the curve (AUC) values of 0.79, 0.76, and 0.73 respectively, while the distance to secondary structure/loop junction showed significance but with less predictive power (AUC of 0.54). In a case study of 20 insertion sites in the XynB xylanase, two features of native insertion sites showed correlation with the splice sites and demonstrated predictive value in selecting non-native splice sites. Structural modeling of intein insertions at two sites highlighted the role that the insertion site location could play on the ability of the intein to modulate activity of the host protein. These findings can be used to enrich the selection of insertion sites capable of supporting intein splicing and hosting an intein switch

    Bioinorganic Chemistry of Alzheimer’s Disease

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