5 research outputs found
Additional file 4: of Intragenic sequences in the trophectoderm harbour the greatest proportion of methylation errors in day 17 bovine conceptuses generated using assisted reproductive technologies
Quality control plots for all samples generated after EDMA microarray hybridization and data analysis. (PDF 2803 kb
Additional file 3: of Intragenic sequences in the trophectoderm harbour the greatest proportion of methylation errors in day 17 bovine conceptuses generated using assisted reproductive technologies
IPA output. (XLS 72 kb
Additional file 1: of Intragenic sequences in the trophectoderm harbour the greatest proportion of methylation errors in day 17 bovine conceptuses generated using assisted reproductive technologies
Full list of differentially methylated probes and their genomic coordinates. (XLS 820 kb
Additional file 5: of Intragenic sequences in the trophectoderm harbour the greatest proportion of methylation errors in day 17 bovine conceptuses generated using assisted reproductive technologies
Table S1. Pyrosequencing primers used for array validation. Table S2. Primers used for gene expression analysis. (DOCX 17 kb
Additional file 2: of Intragenic sequences in the trophectoderm harbour the greatest proportion of methylation errors in day 17 bovine conceptuses generated using assisted reproductive technologies
Comparison of differentially methylated genes with previously published imprinted genes. (XLS 28 kb