69 research outputs found

    ChemMol4: learning concept of mole via needham’s five phases to overcome students’ alternative concepts

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    ChemMol4 courseware has been developed based on constructivism Needham’s 5 Phases to overcome students’ alternative frameworks in defining the concept of mole. This courseware was developed using the ADDIE model. Learning process take place in this courseware was via adventuring, questioning and challenging. Further, a study has been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the ChemMol4 courseware on students’ achievement. A total of 22 form four students from a school have been chosen as respondent for achieving this objective. Overall, the study found that there was a significant achievement after students learned using the developed courseware

    Laman web berasaskan aras taksonomi bloom bagi matapelajaran sains tingkatan dua

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    Pembangunan Laman Web Sains Tingkatan 2 berasaskan Joomla bertujuan untuk membantu guru dalam pengajaran serta pelajar dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran Sains khususnya. Laman web ini dibangunkan berpandukan kepada Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Sains Tingkatan Dua. Susunan kandungan dalam laman web ini adalah berasaskan aras kognitif pelajar yang berbeza sama ada aras rendah, aras sederhana atau aras tinggi mengikut Taksonomi Bloom. ADDIE merupakan model rekabentuk intruksi dalam membangunkan laman web Sains ini. Perisian-perisian tambahan seperti Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Powerpoint, Sony Soundforge dan sebagainya digunakan untuk menghasilkan elemen-elemen multimedia dalam laman web ini. Untuk menilai keberkesanan laman web ini seramai 5 orang guru dan 5 orang pelajar telah diminta menjawab soalan terbuka dimana kesemua data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara kualitatif iaitu dengan pembentukan tema. Hasil kajian mendapati laman web yang dibangunkan dapat membantu guru dan pelajar dalam meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran mengikut tahap penguasaan pelajar yang berbeza-beza mengikut aras Taksonomi Bloom

    A review on use of social media in teaching and learning

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    Online learning are rapidly evolving in educational uses through social media. Previous research has identified the problem occured where the guidance for appropriate use of social media is needed so that can embark more effective and efficient learning environment. Social media has been shown to have a positive impact towards learner hence making the process of teaching and learning more meaningful. This is because social networking tools can provide opportunities for students to find information, collect their own material, communicate and interact towards each other. Therefore, this concept paper reviews the use of online learning through social media conducted by previous researchers. Besides, the advantages and disadvantages of implementing social media in teaching and learning also beeing reviewed. This review paper describe the use of online learning through social media and also its pros and cons compared to traditional media. As the conclusion, results from the previous research shows that, online learning through social media have a good feedback and advantages that can inline in education purposes

    The impact of online reciprocal peer tutoring on students' academic performance

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    Students learn and teach each other is believed able to optimize their learning outcome. Today, with the rapidly emergent online technology has provided the students' opportunity to gain knowledge without relying solely on teachers. By implementing a peer learning like reciprocal peer tutoring strategy, incorporating with the popular and trendy online platform such as Facebook can be used to improve educational outcomes. In this study, the reciprocal peer tutoring strategies have been implemented using Facebook as a platform for students to learn and discuss the subject matter. This study investigates the effectiveness of online reciprocal peer tutoring in improving their academic performance. A pre-experimental (Pre-and post-test) was conducted across 4 weeks, involving 29 undergraduate students. The result suggests the online reciprocal peer tutoring environment was found to significantly influence the students’ performance test. Thus, the online reciprocal peer tutoring can be promising in higher education

    Building Cham Vietnamese electronic dictionary

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    The Cham people in Vietnam are closely related to other Austronesian people speak Cham, a Malayo-Polynesian language of the Austronesian language family's Chamic subgroup. Cham Script was founded on stone stele in 4th century and the Cham are still using this script system. To ensure preservation of Cham language, this study intends to develop Cham electronic dictionary application production order to lookup Chom and Vietnamese. 77rc framework of dictionary development includes three components; data, database and evaluation, learning environment design and application products. ADDIE model was employed in the whole development process. Questionnaire with a scale from Ito 5 is used to measure the evaluation of Cham electronic dictionary, six proposed features of the dictionary were fully agreed on by 70 respondents of Cham people, and seven experts (academic) to evaluate with result has achieved 94.29o/o. This product is suitable and useful for schools, institutions, training organization in assisting teaching and learning Cham language. This is a Web based dictionary open to worldwide access

    View: a 3D virtual learning environment for introduction to multimedia subjects using cooperative learning approach

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    Rapid advancement of technology can simplify and speed up communication processes. The development of information and communication technology (ICT) for instance, has allowed various learning activities to be conducted virtually. Some of the activities that have extensively exploited such a technology are cooperative and collaborative learning, in which ICT can strongly support the vital elements of the learning activities. The elements of these activities are interaction and communication between students, which are often carried out in a two-dimensional virtual learning environment (2-D VLE) by utilizing Web 2.0 applications such as chat rooms, online discussion forums, social networking sites, and blogs. Despite being extraordinarily capable of supporting online learning activities, ICT has several drawbacks. The technology is limited to text-based communication; it provides less support in the use of nonverbal communication to convey messages; and it provides users with limited tools to collaborate. These limitations make the applications inferior in supporting communication and interaction hence the learning activities performed in a VLE are considered very limited and not realistic since they are executed merely through text conversations or discussions without any other forms of interactions. Several problems have emerged from these limitations, particularly on students’ interaction, participation, motivation, satisfaction dan sense of presence. Therefore recently, a threedimensional virtual learning environment (3-D VLE) or a virtual world has been utilized as a platform of online learning as it possesses potentials in supporting online and virtual learning. However, 3-D VLE is still new in Malaysia, especially at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), although it is very beneficial for online learning and especially for distance Statistical analysis showed that there are significant performance improvements between students' scores in pre and post test. While interaction and communication of the students were evaluated by analyzing the recorded video of the learning activities using the content analysis technique based on a coding scheme which is related to cooperative learning. The results of this analysis indicate that the frequencies of seeking input and contributing about the tasks and also technical matters among the students were high. Therefore it shows that majority of the students were active during the learning process and none of them was a sleeping partner. In terms of satisfaction and sense of presence, it was assessed through questionnaires that were distributed to the students upon completion of all learning activities. Based on statistical analysis that has been carried out, the findings showed that scores of social presence, place presence and co-presence were high, thus showing that the students can feel that they were really in the virtual world along with their friends. From the interview conducted with several selected students, they were satisfied with the cooperative learning in ViEW. They feel that learning in 3-D VLE was enjoyable and has great potential to be further implemented in all subjects

    Constructivist Digital Game-Based Learning Courseware for Slow Learners with Numeracy Difficulties

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    DGBL is a suitable tool for teaching slow learners, as it allows them to engage actively and practice DGBL Courseware as a learning tool. This paper aims to identify slow learners' difficulties in Mathematics. The develop a DGBL Courseware incorporating Constructivism principles and Engagement Game-Based Elements by Prensky. The research method focuses on following stages: requirement analysis, design and development, including alpha testing by validation from experts, and beta testing, which is user acceptance test to support the efficiency and effectiveness of the Courseware for further improvement. Keywords: Constructivism, Digital Game-Based Learning, Slow Learners, Mathematics eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI4.290

    Chemical problem-solving competency of open-ended problems aiming to improve higher order thinking skills (HOTS): authentic practice

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    Problem-solving is a thinking task of constructing an understanding and applying of new knowledge during a learning process but real world required a competent global citizen, one who is knowledgeable, able to think critically and creatively with problem solving skills that may enable him to communicate with the rest of the world. Therefore, the role of formal education is not merely to transfer knowledge but also to apply it to generate future leaders with higher order thinking skills in solving problems in real life. Unfortunately, most of the school students are facing difficulties in solving open-ended problems in Chemistry. This paper discusses the possibilities of successful problem-solver in Chemistry are determined by a student’s Chemical problem-solving competency. At present, school teachers are lack of specific instructions in using authentic practice as contexts for learning to promote the higher order thinking skills in solving non-routine problem. Learning becomes more meaningful when students can incorporate their existing knowledge and experience to solve non-routine problems in the real world. Therefore, Model of Authentic Chemical Problem-solving Competency is proposed to be developed in order to create an instructional strategy incorporating an authentic practice to enhance student’s problem-solving competency in Chemistry. The authors are currently researching to develop Model of Authentic Chemical Problem-solving Competency for school students

    Kreativiti dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains

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    Masyarakat moden kini memerlukan individu yang aktif, bertanggungjawab, dapat menyelesaikan masalah dan membuat keputusan yang betul dan dapat menghadapi cabaran dalam dunia pekerjaan dan terlibat secara berkesan dalam masyarakat dan di tempat kerja. Mereka bukan sahaja perlu belajar tentang ilmu pengetahuan tetapi pada masa yang sama perlu diterap dengan kemahiran khusus untuk menghadapi cabaran masa hadapan termasuk kreativiti. Atas dasar itu, pelbagai strategi telah digunakan oleh penyelidik terdahulu bagi melahirkan pelajar yang mempunyai kemahiran tersebut. Oleh itu kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan tentang kreativiti, dimensi kreativiti, serta pemupukan kreativiti dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran sains

    Characteristic of mobile device and factors of develop mobile application in education

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    Widespread ownership of mobile phone and tablet had created a new trend in education named Mobile Learning (M-Learning). Due to the functionality of mobile phone and tablet, mobile device can link several societies together and the learning environment is no longer restricted in the classroom with the help of technology. Thus, this study discusses the issue of implementation mobile device and mobile learning in education. The issues that discussed in this study are elicited from several article reviews based on the thematic analysis. There are two factor that discussed which are usability and technical for mobile. These issues are important to consider as the factor to develop a mobile application in education for teaching and learning purpose. A well-developed mobile application can influence the teaching and learning environment among the teachers and students