17 research outputs found

    Influence of Electroconvection on Nano- and on Microstructural Relief of the Electrodes Surface

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    Experimental results on degradation of nano-structural plane electrode surface at electroconvection in working liquid ПМБ-50 with iodine are presented. It is shown there are various surface iodine structure courses by electrochemical processes on electrode surface. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3365

    Interrelation of Shape and Structure of Domain Walls with Magnetic Inhomogeneities

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    By using atomic force microscopy (resolution of 40 nm) the effect of surface roughness and internal inhomogeneities on the fine structure of domain walls of different types in thin transparent orthoferrite samples cut perpendicular to the optic axis for YFeO3 and axis [001] for DyFeO3 has been studied. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3366

    Piezoelectric Properties of Barium Titanate Langmuir Films

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    Langmuir films from stabilized barium titanate nanoparticles have been produced. The processes of polarization and polarization reversal of ferroelectric coatings obtained were studied. The inverse piezoelectric effect has been recorded and its quantitative characteristics have been determined

    An Analysis of the Deposition Process and the Structure of Ferroelectric Langmuir Films of Barium Titanate

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    The paper analyzes the process of formation and subsequent deposition of monolayers stabilized in sodium oleate nanoparticles of barium titanate. X-ray diffractometer studies conducted particle size distribution of the ferroelectric particles deposited. Probe technique was used to study the effect of matter and the wettability of the underlayer on the structure and quality of deposited coatings. The possibility of recording ferroelectric domains produced thin Langmuir films of barium titanate

    An Analysis of the Deposition Process and the Structure of Ferroelectric Langmuir Films of Barium Titanate

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    The paper analyzes the process of formation and subsequent deposition of monolayers stabilized in sodium oleate nanoparticles of barium titanate. X-ray diffractometer studies conducted particle size distribution of the ferroelectric particles deposited. Probe technique was used to study the effect of matter and the wettability of the underlayer on the structure and quality of deposited coatings. The possibility of recording ferroelectric domains produced thin Langmuir films of barium titanate

    Structural Phase Transition in CdSb + 3 % MnSb Composite at a High Hydrostatic Pressure

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    In CdSb + 3 % MnSb composite, structural properties have been studied, specific resistance ρ and Hall coefficient RH are measured at a high hydrostatic pressure of up to P ≀ 9 GPa. An irreversible structural phase transition is found at barometric dependencies p(P) and RH(P). From our experimental data, barometric dependencies of carrier concentration and their mobility are calculated. On the basis of the heterophase structure – effective medium model, characteristic points and parameters of the phase transition, and also dynamics of variation of the initial phase volume C1 as a function of pressure are computed. The latter dependence is in agreement with the investigation results of Raman scattering before and after application of pressure

    Structural Phase Transition in CdSb + 3 % MnSb Composite at a High Hydrostatic Pressure

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    In CdSb + 3 % MnSb composite, structural properties have been studied, specific resistance ρ and Hall coefficient RH are measured at a high hydrostatic pressure of up to P ≀ 9 GPa. An irreversible structural phase transition is found at barometric dependencies p(P) and RH(P). From our experimental data, barometric dependencies of carrier concentration and their mobility are calculated. On the basis of the heterophase structure – effective medium model, characteristic points and parameters of the phase transition, and also dynamics of variation of the initial phase volume C1 as a function of pressure are computed. The latter dependence is in agreement with the investigation results of Raman scattering before and after application of pressure

    Justification of Visualization Technique of Domain Structure with Raman Scattering

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    Qualitative mechanism in line with experimental data on visualization of the domain structure and fine structure of the domain wall in weak ferromagnets has been proposed. The mechanism is based on the phenomenological consideration of Faraday rotation, optical absorption, and atom polarization in response to the radiation exciting Raman scattering. Qualitative agreement of estimates on the scattered radiation intensity in oppositely- magnetized domains with experimental results is good, which made it possible to attack problems of visualization of magnetic entities with nanoscale resolution. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3197

    Temperature Influence on the Properties of Thin Si3N4 Films

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    Applying Raman spectroscopy, small-angle x-ray scattering, and atomic force microscopy it were studied phase composition and surface morphology of nanoscale films Si3N4 (obtained by RF magnetron sputtering)

    Stress Topology within Silicon Single-Crystal Cantilever Beam

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    Qualitative mechanism in line with experimental data on visualization of the domain structure and fine structure of the domain wall in weak ferromagnets has been proposed. The mechanism is based on the phenomenological consideration of Faraday rotation, optical absorption, and atom polarization in response to the radiation exciting Raman scattering. Qualitative agreement of estimates on the scattered radiation intensity in oppositely- magnetized domains with experimental results is good, which made it possible to attack problems of visualization of magnetic entities with nanoscale resolution. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3197