1 research outputs found

    Black Pepper Being A Potent Anti-Carcinogen- A Short Review

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    Black pepper (Piper nigrum), sometimes referred to as the "King of Spices"in India, is a natural product that is well-known for its capacity to target cancercells and serve as a source of bioactive chemicals. For several cancer celllines, animal models, human leukaemia cell lines, K-562 cells, and othercancer cell lines, the two main active ingredients, piperine and piperidine,have anti-cancer potential. According to reports, piperine has the ability totreat cancers of the breast, ovary, stomach, lung, prostrate, rectal, cervical,and leukemic types. Black pepper's main component, piperidine, a possibletherapeutic drug, has also been linked to ovarian, breast, colon, lung, andprostate cancer prevention. These two plant chemicals, piperine andpiperidine, prevent cell migration, which aids in cell cycle arrest and preventsthe proliferation of cancer cells. According to reports, piperine's interactionwith DNA causes a decrease in mutagens. The anti-cancer effects of blackpepper and the likely processes by which it functions as an anti-carcinogen,as well mentioned in the literature, are the subjects of the current revie